CARL-North Announces

"Collaborations and Partnerships"-A Mini-Conference Featuring
Programs Presented by the Northern CARL Interest Groups

Friday, December 4, 1998

Location: Preservation Park (a lovely collection of beautifully-renovated Victorian homes) in Downtown Oakland, CA


8:30 - 9:15 Registration

9:15 - 9:30 Welcome, Introductions, Logistics

9:30 - 12:00 (Sessions 1 and 2, held concurrently):

Session 1: CALM-North: "Partnering - Shall We Dance? : the Harmony and Missteps of Consortial Arrangements among Academic Institutions." Learn about the Southern California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) and strategies they have developed to support resource sharing, including consortial purchasing and vendor negotiations

Speaker: Rick Burke, Chair of the SCELC Executive Board and
Library Director at the University of Judaism.

(Business meeting last half hour)

Session 2: CCIG-North : "Information Competency at the Community College-Review and Implementation"

Moderator: Micca Gray, Librarian, Santa Rosa Junior College

Panelists :
Rich Rose, Interim Dean of Admissions & Records, Santa Rosa Junior College : "State Academic Senate Process for Adopting the Information Competency Requirement"

Jim Matthews, Library Coordinator, Chabot College : "The Chancellor's Office and Information Competency"

JoAnne Black, Librarian, Santa Rosa Junior College : "Librarian Roles in Implementing Information Competency"

Brian Lym, Librarian, Canada College : "Implementation Models for Information Competency

Business meeting follows the program. Note: Call for Nominations of CCIG/North officers: President, Vice President (President Elect), and Secretary. Any CCIG/North member may nominate and vote in this election, which will be held at the Business Meeting. Send nominations to Joseph Friedman at

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 (Sessions 3 and 4, held concurrently):

Session 3: SEAL-North/ CARLDIG-N : "Service to Remote Users: Librarian/Science Faculty Collaborations for

Schelle Simcox, Reference and Instructional Services Librarian, CSU-Monterey Bay
Jenn Stringer, Curriculum Applications Manager at SUMMIT (Stanford University Medical Media and Information

Session 4: CDIG-North : "Electronic Journals : Now and for Ever?"

Presenter and Moderator: Linda Seekamp, Collection Development Coordinator and Archivist, St. Mary's College

Panel: Representatives from OCLC, UMI and Elsevier

Registration (includes lunch): $30 CARL/ACRL members $35 non-members

Please register by printing out the form below and mailing it with your check (made out to "CARL") by

******November 20, 1998*******


Judy Clarence
California State University Hayward
Hayward CA 94542

Yes, I would like to attend the CARL Mini-Conference December 4 at Preservation Park in Oakland.

Name: ______________________________________________
Institution: ___________________________________________
Phone number: _______________________________________
E-mail address : ______________________________________

Please indicate which sessions you think you'll probably attend (so we can plan room assignments):

A.M.: Session 1 ______ or Session 2 _________

P.M.: Session 3 ______ or Session 4 ________

If you have dietary requirements/preferences, please describe them here:____________________________________

Directions to Preservation Park:
Coming from SF, Berkeley or points north, take 980 to the 11th/12th street exit. Turn left on 11th. Go two blocks on 11th to Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, and turn left. Go two blocks to 13th andMLK Way.

Coming from San Jose or other points south, take 880 to theBroadway exit. Turn right on Broadway, then left on 12th st. Go threeblocks to Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. Turn right; travel one block to13th st.

Park at the City Center West Garage at 12th and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way--$7.50 all day.

Or better yet, take BART to the 12th street station and walk three blocks west to 12th, then turn right.

Questions? Contact Judy Clarence, CARL-North Interest Group Coordinator

Judy Clarence
Media/Music Library
California State University Hayward
Hayward CA 94542
(510) 885-3780