sCIL Meeting Minutes

May 17, 2002

Cerritos College


Celia Brockenbrough (RCC-Norco), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Nancy Getty (UC Riverside), Chad Kahl (CSU Los Angeles), Jule Ketcham (Cerritos College), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Rosemary McGill (CSU Fullerton), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Debbi Renfrow (National University)

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Agenda Accepted
  3. Minutes accepted with minor typos corrected
  4. Status of the Treasury
  5. Chad will email CARL to confirm that they received the check sCIL sent them.

  6. Old Business
    1. Election of Officers
      1. Nancy Getty reported on the status of the elections:
      2. 2 people running for Secretary (possibly three)

        1 person running for Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect

        1 person running for Program Registrar

      3. Voting will be electronic. Duffy Tweedy will be contacted andasked to put the balloting form on the web site. Hopefully the voting process will begin next week, May 20, 2002.
      4. Gale suggested in the future sCIL might want to have "at-large"elected positions to encourage others to become more involved. The by-laws would have to be re-written to include these new positions. The next election after this one will take place in Spring 2003, with elected persons taking office in January 2004.
      5. Deadline to Vote on current election – June 14, 2002

    2. Spring Program
      1. Speaker Debra Gilchrist
      2. Date & Time Friday, June 21, 2002 from approx. 9-3:30
      3. Topic "Assessing our impact: Making thetransformation to assessment"
      4. Description of program – People can come by themselves or in teams from their institutions. They will be asked to bring something to work on, such as a lesson plan, handout, etc.
      5. Location – The original location was Chapman. After the meeting it was discovered that Chapman was unavailable on the date needed. Claremont was chosen as the final location.
      6. Cost
        1. Cost for Debra Gilchrist
        2. $1000 Honorarium

          Approx. $150 for _ airfare

          Approx. $300 2-day hotel

          Approx. $50 per Diem

          Approx. $20-$40 airport parking

          Approx. $25-$30 per person for food

          * Claremont is paying for half of the airfare and 1-day hotel stay because she is doing a workshop for their library staff the day before the Spring Program.

        3. Registration Cost

        CARL Members $60
        Non-CARL $70
        Library Students $45

        There will be a drawing for free attendance for those that register by May 31, 2002, elected sCIL members excluded.

      7. Registration information
        1. Postmarked by Friday, June 7, 2002
        2. Free drawing registration by Friday, May 31, 2002

    3. 2003 Regional Immersion Program Proposal to CARL
      1. CARL will provide a letter of endorsement
      2. CCLI-North will support the proposal with $500
      3. Needs to be post-marked before June 1, 2002
      4. Earliest sCIL could hear if the proposal is accepted by CARL is July 15, 2002
      5. Judy Lee provided a copy of the revised application
      6. Deborah Moore provided site proposal information
      7. Minor word and formatting changes were made to the application.

  7. New Business
    1. CARL Conference
    2. Rosemary McGill commented on Delaine Easton’s speech at the CARL conference about the need for collaboration between librarians and the K-12 community.

    3. September Meeting Date and Venue

    Friday, September 13, 2002 @ Claremont Colleges

  8. Round Robin

Rosemary McGill talked about the CSU systems task force on Chat reference. The Council of Library Directors for the CSU System will fund this project. Chat reference will be provided using Convey Systems.