UC San Diego
Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Chad Kahl (CSU Los Angles), Stephanie Davis-Kahl (UC Irvine), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Dorothy Potter (Pasadena City College), Debbi Renfrow (National University), Amy Wallace (UC San Diego)
I. Welcome and Introductions
Debbi Renfrow has agreed to be the sCIL Publicist.
II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment
Agenda approved with no adjustments.
III. Minutes
May 17, 2002 and September 13, 2002 minutes approved.
Gale passed out a summary report from the June Program. The summary included statistics and comments from the June Program evaluations. Gale will hold the program evaluations until the board decides how and where the evaluations will be archived. Two interesting bits of information from the program evaluations were most people found out about the program from the CARL list or a colleague, and most participants were from 4 year institutions.
ACRL asked us to rank the sites included in our 2004 IIL Regional Immersion Program Proposal. A small group reviewed the information provided by each site, and ranked the sites Claremont (first), UCLA (second), and UCI (third). Deb and Amy made site visits to UCLA and Claremont. No site visit was made to UC Irvine since the accommodations they originally proposed will be under construction during summer 2004. Deb and Amy handed out summary reports from the site visits. The board discussed the small group rankings and site visit reports. The board decided it would put Claremont forward to ACRL as the first choice to host the 2004 IIL Regional Immersion Program. Gale will notify Margot at ACRL that the board has ranked the sites. Deb will send an email to ACRL with our first choice. The email will also stress the need for ACRL to make a swift decision since July/August 2004 is a high demand time for both Claremont and UCLA.
Gale is checking to see if Claremont McKenna College had any July dates open in 2004, and looking into availability of Scripps College.
Gale contacted the previous and future LOEX/West hosts about how future sites are being selected, but has not heard back.
The theme will focus on marketing library instruction and special populations. Stephanie will look into the availability of UC Irvine to host the Winter Open House. The Open House requires a large space to seat up to 120 people, plus 4-5 breakout rooms to seat 30 people. Gale will send out a call for proposals with a deadline of November 20. Amy, Dorothy, and Rosemary will review the proposals and bring their recommendations to the December board meeting. Debi will send out the program announcement on November 13th with a registration deadline of December 13.
Chad suggested a theme of using the ACRL Best Practices Guidelines. One idea was a speaker who has used the guidelines to make a transition from the old style to the new or a panel of speakers who have used them. A panel from different types of institutions would be interesting. It could also be workshop based. How to get started on the switch. There will be a pre-conference on the best practices at ALA. Some one noted that, from the website, it was hard to tell why the sites selected as best practice sites were selected.
Gale will set up an email list of frequent attendees to sCIL meetings to facilitate communication.
Stephanie David Kahl
Stephanie is conducting an Information Literacy Institute for Compton Unified School District. She and a colleague will make one presentation a month for the next nine months on Information Literacy. The 30 attendees are all high school teachers. The teachers come from many different subject areas. Some self selected the Institute and others were assigned. Good discussions have developed on issues such as how can we do information literacy if we are wired or not wired.
Amy Wallace
Amy and Sarah McDaniel are co-chairing a LAUC (Librarians Association of the University of California) committee on Information Literacy.
Judith Downie
CSU Librarians South had a program at the Fullerton Arboretum on Special Collections in the CSU. A booklet was produced detailing the Special Collections. Judith said that she is finally reaching the Introductory English students at CSU San Marcos.
Rosemary McGill
CSU Fullerton just completed its 3rd Information Literacy Retreat. The library brings the whole campus (except a few departments) together to talk about how they can infuse information literacy into their curriculum. Information is up on the CSU Fullerton library website. This retreat is a grant funded project through the CSU Office of the Chancellor. It has definitely given a higher profile to the library.
VII. Adjournment
Next meeting will be December 6 at USC.