Friday, December 12, 2003
10:30 a.m.
UC San Diego Libraries
San Diego, CA
Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Michelle Blackman (Grossmont College), Connie Costantino, April Cunningham (National Univ), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Rosemary McGill (CSU Fullerton), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Marlo Young (UC San Diego).
New Member: Michelle Blackman from Grossmont College
Agenda approved without adjustment.
Amy Wallace emailed the November 21st minutes to those who attended this meeting. Please respond to Amy with minute revisions by 12/17. Duffy Tweedy will post as official meeting minutes once received from Amy Wallace.
The SCIL Winter Open House will be held on Friday, January 30, at CSU Fullerton from 9:00 am 1:15 pm.
Attendance is limited to 80 people.
Call for Registration: Deb Moore will develop the official Call for Registration. This registration announcement will be emailed on December 19th and linked to the SCIL website. In addition to posting the registration announcement, presentation abstracts will also be posted online by Duffy Tweedy. Open House registration fees are as follows: $5.00 for students, $10.00 for CARL members, and $15.00 for non-CARL members. Registration deadline is January 21st.
Proposal Review Committee: Meeting today to select and determine presenters. Deb Moore will develop the official program and evaluation form sometime in January.
Catering: Rosemary is coordinating. She'll eventually need reimbursement from CARL.
Open House Miscellaneous:
-Determine supplies that the Registrar (Lynn Lampert) will need the day of the Open House
-Bring Immersion Program flyer (Debbi Renfrow developing)
-Bring CARL Pre-Conference flyer (if we've got the content by then)
SCIL's CARL Pre-conference workshop, The Angle of Repose: Balancing Physical Space, Technology, and Learning, will be held on Thursday, April 22nd, from 9:00am-5:30pm. The pre-conference workshop is limited to 80 people.
Logistics: Morning refreshments will be served at 8:30, lunch is from Noon-2:00pm (on your own), and there will be mid-morning and mid-afternoon "liquid breaks" for participants. (FYI, the CARL Cocktail Party Reception is that same day and there will be a lot of dinner food available at this event.) Rooms will be arranged with banquet style seating (6-8 people seated around 10-14 tables). We will need designated rovers during the activities, still TBD. The schedule looks like we will have speakers presenting from 9:00-Noon and then hands-on activity from 2:00-5:00ish.
Presenters: Both Joan Kapolwitz and Beth Dupuis are unavailable. Katy Farrell and Marlo Young submitted an Open House presentation proposal (Connecting with the Net Generation: Research & Practice), which we've asked them to present at the Pre-conference instead of the Open House. They agreed and we'll feature them as one of the main presentations. We still need to identify another main speaker. Gale Burrow suggested Paul Adalian and Amy Wallace, which Melanie will follow-up on, may also turn to SCIL members for shorter presentations.
AV equipment needed: transparency and LCD projectors, flip-charts, and possibly an Internet connection. Judy will report more on equipment details (specifically the Internet connection and who provides the flip-charts) at the next SCIL meeting after she meets with the CARL Executive Board.
The Pre-conference Planning Committee: Meeting on January 16th, 10:00-Noon, at Claremont to hammer out the event's content and structure. Planning Committee members include: Melanie Remy, Deb Moore, Gale Burrows, Katy Farrell, Marlo Young, and Tracey Mayfield.
CARL Deposit: Gale Burrows stated that CARL Executive Board does not want to release the 45K until it's determined whether or not this deposit/license agreement is refundable should a natural disaster, national emergency, etc. occur. Gale will query Margot and also determine what date the deposit is needed by.
Additional Monetary Issues: For those immersion applicants that are accepted, what is their payment date? We need to determine this asap to cover arrangement costs. Also, we still need a bank account to deposit attendees checks into ..or, we need to identify a CARL Executive Board member to give the money to who is able to deposit into CARL's bank account. Judy will discuss the later possibility with Ron Rodriguiz, her Executive Board contact.
Faculty Needs: Deb Moore has been in communication with Susan Barnes Whyte, the Faculty Leader for the Regional Immersion. They plan to meet in-person at ALA Midwinter (San Diego) to discuss and plan for faculty needs. Deb has a list of all Regional Immersion faculty. If you can think of questions Deb should ask Susan about regarding faculty needs/issues, please email those directly to her.
Application Evaluation Rubric: Deb Moore is planning to draft an application evaluation rubric before the end of January that she will run by SCIL for feedback. Gale Burrows is sending Deb the rubric that the national Immersion Institute uses. February 2, 2004 is the deadline that the rubric must be finalized by.
Promotional Materials: Duffy Tweedy has loaded promotional materials onto a server, although they are not linked to the SCIL website. These materials can be accessed at . Duffy is also creating a webpage that contains general and local information for Institute attendees. He'll have a mock-up of the page for review near the end of January. This webpage needs to be live by the end of February.
Sponsors Committee: Need to come up with a solicitation plan and have it approved by Margot. Meeting attendees discussed how sponsors might be acknowledged, but nothing has been confirmed by SCIL yet except that we will develop a webpage on the Immersion site listing sponsors. This webpage can be used as a tool to entice potential sponsors. Sponsors could submit URLs, images, promotional blurbs, etc. Gale Burrows will determine the cost of each break and give these figures to the Sponsors Committee who can present these to potential sponsors.
Activity Committee: Need to still determine a famous face for the artist to work with. Batgirl possibly?? Think about this and send your suggestions to Amy Wallace. The artist will need a picture of someone/something in advance, but by what date? Amy Wallace might have this artwork deadline date in her notes.
Logistics & Catering: Not pressing issues at this time. Gale Burrows is handling and is on-top. She will continue to gather more information and report to SCIL.
Meeting Schedule for Spring 2004
SCIL Meetings:
Additional meeting dates TBD on 4/30/04
CARL Pre-conference Planning Committee Meeting: January 16th, Claremont, 10:00am
Immersion Application Review Committee: TBD
There was no round robin discussion. Chisa posed a question to the group about how instructional activities are coordinated within various libraries and at various campuses.
The next meeting will be on Friday, February 20th at CSU, Los Angeles
Recorded by Marlo Young