Friday, October 31, 2003
10:30 a.m.
University of California, Riverside
Celia Brockenbrough (RCC Norco Campus), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Connie Costantino, April Cunningham (National University), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Ken Furuta (UC Riverside), Diana Lane (UC Riverside), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), David Rios (UC Riverside), Ying Shen (UC Riverside), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Emily Woolery (Mt. San Antonio College), Geetha Yapa (UC Riverside) Michael Yonezawa (UC Riverside) Marlo Young (UC San Diego)
I. Welcome and Introductions
SCIL members were welcomed
to UC Riverside by David Rios, the Interim Associate University Librarian
for Services and Special Projects. Mr. Rios is a member of the CARL
Executive Board as the UC Director-at-Large and Southern Campus Liaison
Michael Yonezawa, the chair of CARL's new Information Technology Interest
Group, spoke briefly about the status and goals of this group and invited
future SCIL co-sponsorship of programs.
II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment
Approved without adjustment.
III. Minutes
Minutes were approved with corrections and will be posted to the SCIL website.
IV. Continuing Business
A. ABLE/SCIL Program
The joint program held on October 24th at CSU Northridge was very successful. There were 40 participants. The program featured a business librarian and three business teaching faculty, who talked about creating effective library assignments for business students. At preliminary glance the evaluations were very positive. The only complaint was that there was not enough time given to complete the hands-on activity, which had participants use the Information Literacy Standards to create a library assignment for business students. Melanie Remy noted that the CSU Northridge space was nice, and could have accommodated up to 80 people. It is definitely a space to consider for future SCIL programs.
B. 2004 California Regional Immersion
Gale Burrow passed out the spreadsheet of costs that was submitted with the immersion proposal. SCIL members and committee chairs presented updated cost information and the spreadsheet was adjusted to better represent costs. It was decided that the Opening Reception would be held in the Bauer Founders Room on the Claremont McKenna Campus, include substantial appetizers, and the entertainment would be artist Peter Tigler. The artist would need a portrait suggestion from the SCIL Board. It was decided that the first choice for fun evening would be the CGU house, include a nice meal, and have entertainment like a Monte Carlo night or Mystery Troupe. The second choice would be to have a similar evening at Padua Hills. Following this discussion the board was able to determine an overall cost for the regional immersion.
The Sponsorship Committee will work on finding sponsors for food breaks and a general scholarship fund. Gale will ask Margot at ACRL about any special procedures for seeking sponsors, if we get immersion mugs as part of the package, and if we need to include both ACRL and Non-ACRL cost.
The Application Review Committee will be Gale Burrow, Connie Costantino, Lynn Lampert, Robin Lockerby, Sarah McDaniel, Tracey Mayfield, Deb Moore, Duffy Tweedy. The Immersion Invitation To Apply and Application were reviewed and corrections were suggested. Deb Moore will make corrections and have the Invitation and Application to Apply to Debbi Renfrow by November 15. Debbi will send a brief version of the Invitation To Apply to the CARL Newsletter and other local listservs.
C. Open House
Deb Moore contacted two potential presenters for the Open House. Both had submitted proposals to previous SCIL programs that did not fit with the theme, but sounded like very interesting topics. The two presenters were Christina Woo (UC Irvine) designing library assignments and Pam Baker (CSU Monterey Bay) on constructivist learning. Both said they were interested in presenting at the Open House. The theme for the Open House will be Setting The Stage: The Prep Work Prior to a Library Session. Deb Moore will talk to both speakers to make sure their presentations will not be duplicated at the CARL Conference, find out their availability, and time needed for each session. She will also scout out a location for the Open House once the format has been locked in. The Open House will be on January 23 or 30 depending on speaker availability. Lynn Lampert has asked that the registration deadline be set two weeks before the day of the Open House.
D. CARL Pre-Conference
Melanie handed out a tasks and timeline document. The discussion of this item was tabled until next meeting.
V. New Business
A. Publicizing SCIL Projects/Events in LOEX Publications
The discussion of this item was tabled until next meeting.
VI. Round Robin
There was no round robin discussion.
VII. Adjournment
Minutes Submitted by Amy Wallace.