SCIL Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2004

CSU Long Beach

Long Beach, CA





Stephanie Brasley (UCLA), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (Palomar Community College), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Maryann Hight (Soka), Lynn Lampert (CSU Northridge), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Dorothy Potter (Pasadena City College), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Melanie Remy (USC), Pauline Swartz (UCLA), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Kimberly Wilcox (CSU Long Beach Intern), Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC), Marlo Young (UC San Diego), Mary Intern at CSU Los Angeles)



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.         Agenda Approval/Adjustment

           A report from CARL Executive was added to the agenda by Judy Lee.


III.         Minutes

October minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the website.


IV.        Continuing Business


A.             SCIL Officers

Katy Farrell was elected Vice Chair.  Emily Woolery was elected Secretary. Lynn Lampert was re-elected program chairregistrar.  Congratulations to all officers.  They will begin their term in January 2005.


During the election membership verifications had to be made.  There are non SCIL members on the listserv and a few voted.  Membership was verified and no non-member votes were counted.  To avoid this situation in the future SCIL will ask the CARL membership coordinator to send a list of all current members prior to the election.


There was also a discussion on how SCIL could boost membership.  It was suggested that we send a message to the CARL list promoting the benefits of SCIL just during the CARL registration period.  Judy Lee will investigate when the next registration drive will be and Debbi Renfrow will be responsible for sending out the message.


B.             SCIL Works

Melanie Remy handed out a draft program schedule with descriptions.  Rooms were assigned for each session.  The program schedule with descriptions will be posted to the website by the end of December. 



C.             2005 Meeting Dates & Locations


Jan 28, 2005                           Mesa Community College, San Diego

March 11, 2005                       Glendale Community College, Glendale

April 22, 2005                          Soka University, Aliso Viejo


D.             ACRL Workshop

Melanie Remy passed out the ACRL workshop proposal.  The group decided that it might be good to start the program with a short introduction.  Amy Wallace agreed to be the introductory speaker and will pull on the talk that Paul Adalian gave at the CARL Pre-Cconference.  The talk will focus on what should come first instruction or space.  A suggestion was made to market the pre-conference on the ILI and Immersion Listservs.  The pre-conference sub committee will meet after the SCIL workshop.  Melanie Remy will email Margot Sutton at ACRL to see if she can provide any additional details on the date, time, and format of the workshop.


E.             LOEX Update

Deb Moore spoke with Theresa Valko the coordinator for LOEX.  Theresa said that it would be good to reserve the site two years in advance, which would mean SCIL would have to secure the site in 2005.  LOEX will provide the deposit, all payments, and handle registration.  SCIL handles local arrangements and faculties.  Deb also has a report from the organizers of LOEX 2004 which will no doubt be of great help to SCIL.  The total cost for meeting rooms, meals, and breaks at LOEX 2004 was $35,000.  The organizers of LOEX 2003 recommended the use of hotel technology as opposed to bringing in your own technology.  It was more expensive but worth it.  The report also has details on the number and kinds of rooms/facilities needed (7 meeting rooms, 250 attendees).  The conference runs from Thursday evening to Saturday afternoon.  LOEX 2005 is also giving one scholarship.  There was agreement that SCIL would like to provide at least one scholarship and maybe more if funds could be raised through sponsorships.  LOEX 2003 had co-chairs and nine other committee members.  Volunteers were called for, and an official LOEX 2007 subcommittee will by formed at the January meeting.

V.         New Business


A.             Spring Program

Katy Farrell, incoming Vice Chair, will be responsible for organizing the Spring Program.  The event is typically all day and focuses on one speaker and hands-on activities.  Themes were brainstormed.  Some possible themes from the last meeting were distance learning/remote users, scholarship of teaching and learning, grants, service learning.  During the brainstorming the group focused in on remote users.  It was suggested that the Spring Program continue to focus on cutting edge theories in education and not just what is currently being done in libraries.  Another suggestion was to focus the program on students by having a student panel.  At the end of the brainstorm members were asked to send Katy speaker suggestions or bring them to the next meeting.


B.             Report from CARL

Judy Lee announced the results of the CARL election.  SCIL member Lynn Lampert will be CSU Director At Large and SCIL member Judy Lee will be UC Director at Large.  Judy also reported that SCIL appeared to be the largest CARL interest group noted in the CARL membership directorÕs annual report.



VI.         Round Robin


            Katy Farrell reported that instruction librarians in San Diego met in October to get to know each other and do some networking.  There was representation from K-12, Community Colleges, California State Universities, and UC San Diego.  The group will be setting up a listserv and hope to begin to meet on a more regular basis.


            Dorothy Potter announced that Pasadena City College had a job opening.


            Chisa Uyeki announced that she is pregnant.


VII.                   Adjournment

The next meeting will be January 28, 2005 at Mesa Community College in San Diego.




Minutes recorded by Amy Wallace