SCIL Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2004
University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA




Eric Berlin (SJSU SLIS), Roxanne Benva (SJSU SLIS), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (Palomar Community College), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Angelynn King (University of Redlands), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Dorothy Potter (Pasadena City College), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Melanie Remy (USC), Pauline Swartz (UCLA), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Kimberley Wilcox (UCLA IS), and Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC).



I.        Welcome and Introductions

The group welcomed Eric Berlin, Kimberley Wilcox, and Roxanne Benva.  All are library school students.


II.       Agenda Approval/Adjustment

Judith Downie added a new business item on the CARL CSUL Interest Group.  Agenda was approved.


III.       Minutes

Minutes were approved electronically and will be sent to Duffy Tweedy to post on the website.


IV.      Continuing Business


A.    2004 California Regional Immersion

Immersion went very smoothly.  SCIL received compliments from students and faculty.  Duffy Tweedy will put photos on the website.  Amy Wallace will create a poster size photo of the Mark Twain picture for SCIL Works.  Big thanks to all that helped.  Deb Moore tallied all the income and expenses and it looked like SCIL actually made $350 on the Immersion program.  However there was some miscommunication with CARL on per person charges for credit card payments and it now looks like we lost about $350 overall.  CARL will cover the loss.  Immersion brought in $2636.20 in sponsorships ($1100 individual, and the rest was corporate).  Sponsors were:

á      Gale Burrow, The Claremont Colleges

á      Nancy Getty, Glendale Community College

á      Judy Lee, UC Riverside

á      Deborah Moore, Glendale Community College

á      Dorothy Potter, Pasadena Community College

á      Debbi Renfrow, UC Riverside

á      Ilene Rockman, California State University, Office of the Chancellor

á      Amy Wallace, CSU Channel Islands

á      Emily Woolery, Mt. San Antonio College

á      Highsmith

á      CSA

á      Proquest

V.          New Business


A.     SCIL Works

Melanie Remy, as incoming Chair, will coordinate the SCIL Works Program.  Tracey Mayfield will check to see if CSU Long Beach can host.  The best dates would be Friday January 21st and Friday January 28th.  Back up locations might be CSU San Marcos, UC Irvine, or Claremont.  Theme will be Risky Business:  Innovation and Information Literacy.   Melanie will put out a call for proposals with a list of potential topics by September 24th.  Proposals will be due by October 15th.  Immersion participants will be encouraged to submit a proposal since all of them should be working on some sort of innovation in information literacy as a result of their action plans.  Proposals should incorporate information literacy formats.  Chisa Uyeki, Pauline Swartz, April Cunningham, and Melanie Remy volunteered to review the proposals.  Decisions will be made on proposals by the end of October and notices will be sent out.


B.     Elections

Gale Burrow, as past SCIL chair, will chair the nominations committee.  Gale will appoint a committee.  She will also send out a call for nominations for the following positions:  vice-chair, secretary, and program registrar to the SCIL list before the end of September.  The call for nominations will be sent out by the end of October.  The ballot will be finalized at the October meeting.  Nominees will be asked to send in blurbs for the ballot.  The election will be held November 8-22.


C.     ACRL Workshop

Melanie Remy submitted a proposal based on the CARL Pre-Conference hosted by SCIL.  The proposal was accepted.  The exact date of the session is yet to be determined, but will be on April 8th, 9th, or 10th at the ACRL Conference in Minneapolis.  The session is limited to 60 participants.  The session will be three to four hours.  Six people are interested in helping with planning and will be attending the conference.  These people are Melanie Remy, Gale Burrow, Deb Moore, Amy Wallace, Katy Farrell, and Tracey Mayfield.  Early bird registration for the conference is February 7.


D.     LOEX 2007

The site reservation for a LOEX meeting is usually made three years in advance.  SCIL needs be thinking about selecting a site.  The preliminary discussions were to have the site be some where in San Diego.  Deb Moore will contact LOEX about the details and specifications.  She will also ask who makes the down payment and what SCIL role will be.  Val Ontell from Mesa Community College has expressed interest in helping with this event.


E.     Future Meetings Dates and Locations


October 22nd                  Mesa Community College or CSU San Marcos

December 3rd or 10th CSU Long Beach


F.     CSUL South

Co-chairs Judith Downie and Rosemary McGill are trying to revive the CSUL south interest group.  They do not want it to die, but need more support.  It may be some time before the interest group is active again.


VI.          Round Robin


CSU San Marcos has an interim Dean, an interim Associate Dean, and numerous vacant positions.  It will be looking to fill the positions.


CSU Channel will be hosting an information literacy summit, which will include teams from local high schools, community colleges, and CSU Channel Islands.  Amy also promoted the LACASIS workshop on access, privacy, and security to be held in Pomona, CA on October 1.  More information can be found at


Mt. San Antonio Community College has a tenure track position open.


This Summer, the UCSD Social Sciences and Humanities Library sponsored its first annual summer reading contest.  It was an outreach event that targeted UCSD staff; however, it was open to anyone with a UCSD library card.  The contest was a success!  The library received over 400 book reviews from 58 participants.  The contest ended with an awards party where participants received prizes donated by local vendors.  Check-out the Summer Reading Contest website at


CSU Long BeachÕs library remodel is on hold for at least a year.  The bid came in 65% over budget.  The hope is the remodel will go forward next summer.  The library is hiring for their part-time reference pool and a contract science librarian position. 


VII.     Adjournment

The next meeting will be Friday October 22 at either Mesa Community College or CSU San Marcos. 



Recorded by Amy Wallace