SCIL Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2005
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego, CA
Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (Palomar Community College), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Maryann Hight (Soka), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Val Ontell (San Diego Mesa College), Corinne Pitcher (SJSU SLIS), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Pauline Swartz (UCLA), Duffy Tweedy (UCSD), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC)
I. Welcome and Introductions
Archives, Creative Use of SCIL Time, and CARL Report were
added to New Business.
III. Minutes
December minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the website.
A. Immersion Evaluation
Deb Moore received a copy of California Regional Immersion
evaluations from Susan Barnes Whyte, and she shared the communication, food
service, housing, and program facilities results. With the exception of food service, everything was rated
good or excellent.
Gale Burrow has been asked to write a report for the ACRL
Immersion site and will discuss this report with Deb. Deb also wants to write a longer planning report similar to
the LOEX planning report we have received.
Works Debriefing
Melanie Remy reported on the January 21 SCIL Works 2005,
held at CSU Long Beach. It went
smoothly and presentations were good.
The Dean of the Library paid for the food.
Gale Burrow requested Lynn Lampert keep track of how much we
contribute to CARL. Deb Moore
further suggested this become a regular registrar report.
It was discussed whether SCIL can produce handouts for
speakers that cannot afford to do so.
Some suggestions were to have SCIL charge extra to cover these costs;
clarify what CARLŐs Executive Board will reimburse and, if they qualify,
itemize handouts as an expense; reimburse the host site for making copies; make
copies on a case-by-case basis.
The four poster sessions were favorably received. It was requested that handouts be
included in poster sessions. It
was also requested that poster session titles be listed on SCILŐs web site.
46 evaluations were received. Presentations were favorably received. Parking was the biggest complaint. Other complaints included loud and
dimly lit classrooms and not enough active learning. Active learning is not always appropriate to a
presentation. In the future SCIL
will distinguish talks as presentations, workshops, or panel sessions on the
web site and program.
Suggestions for future topics include – team teaching;
peer teaching; doing research and publishing; student intellectual development;
more sessions like Debra Quast, who presented real ideas; information literacy
(for graduate students and subject specific); round table; project management;
presentation skills; and active learning.
There was some interest in the project management suggestion,
but it may be a topic that is broader than SCIL. Perhaps it could be a joint program or something CARL would
Melanie is awaiting presentations and, once received, will
submit them to Duffy Tweedy to post on SCILŐs web site. She is also awaiting write-ups about
each presentation. Stephanie
Brasley and Pauline Swartz will write up the entire program for the CARL
newsletter; this report is due to Liz Ginno by February 15.
SCIL Works had few expenses – large Post-It pads might
be the only expense.
Workshop Update and Initial Plans
SCIL is hosting a workshop at ACRL on Saturday, April
9. The workshop slot is from 8:00
a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; however, there is a mandatory break for attendees to
view poster sessions from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. SCIL Steering Committee members that are attending ACRL
include Gale Burrow, April Cunningham, Katy Farrell, Lynn Lampert, Tracey
Mayfield, Deb Moore, Melanie Remy, and Amy Wallace. They will lead a modified version of the CARL preconference
on working with instruction space.
Amy will start the session with a brief talk, followed by two
activities. Melanie will contact
those involved to arrange one or two meetings.
Program – Friday, May 6, 2005
Three sites have volunteered to host the Spring Program
– CSU Northridge, CSU San Marcos, and UCLA. Sites should hold 60-70 attendees and round tables that seat
6 to 8 attendees are preferred. It
is preferred not to pay for the room because SCIL may have to give an
honorarium. Parking is $6.00 at
CSU San Marcos and $7.00 at UCLA.
The budget will be built around the number of attendees, as food costs as
passed on to attendees. An
estimated $1,000 ($250-500 honorarium + $500 airfare) could easily be covered
by 60+ attendees. In the past SCIL
has charged around $50 for the Spring Program.
Katy Farrell suggested SCIL invite Dr. Jeffrey A. Liles, an
education professor at St. John Fisher College. Katy studied with Dr. Liles, who taught teaching and
learning theory to librarians and coached them through one-shot lectures. He has worked as an Information
Literacy Coordinator and is also familiar with assessment. Dr. Liles has stated he is available on
May 6, and Katy will confirm his interest.
The group discussed asking Dr. Liles to lead a series for
SCIL, perhaps in Spring Ő05, Fall Ő05, and Spring Ő06. Katy will see whether he is interested
and available for a series of talks.
Themes were discussed – working the one-shot into
information literacy; engaging and motivating a media-savvy audience; teaching
and learning; cognitive styles; and barriers to learning. Katy will incorporate some of these
ideas and post a Ňsave the dateÓ announcement in the upcoming CARL newsletter.
2007 Update
Val Ontell has begun investigating hotels in San Diego. Hotels must accommodate 250 people and
LOEX expects rates to be about $120 per night. Downtown is the preferred area. Val will work with April Cunningham, Katy Farrell, and Duffy
Tweedy to investigate locations.
They will submit a request for proposals through the Convention &
Business Bureau, a free service to find hotels. They will report three choices at the March 11 meeting.
Preferred date for LOEX 2007 is May 4,5,6. May 13 is MotherŐs Day and May 20 may
conflict with graduations.
Deb Moore and Melanie Remy will look into forming
SCIL Archives
Emily Woolery questioned whether she needs to save SCIL
documents for SCILŐs or CARLŐs archives.
Past SCIL chairs have kept papers and CCLI has documents at UCSD. Should chairs/secretaries compile
meeting minutes, event programs and summaries, and treasurer reports? Is SCILŐs web site our archive? It was also suggested program planning
tips be added to the web site.
This topic will be added to future meeting agendas.
Use of SCIL Time
Gale Burrow asked how we can add more discussion time to
SCIL meetings. It was suggested
reports be sent via e-mail to save time at meetings. Another suggestion was to host social events for library
school students at San Jose State University (Fullerton) and UCLA. Melanie Remy will post this discussion
topic on SCILŐs steering group list.
from CARL
Judy Lee announced the CARL South Regional Meeting on
Friday, February 18. The meeting
will be held at CSU Los Angeles, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., and
individuals should RSVP to Suellen Cox.
Lunch will be provided.
VI. Round Robin
On behalf of SCIL, Nancy Getty presented Deb Moore with a
gift to thank Deb for her hard work on Immersion.
Judith Downie announced CSUL South is hosting a program on
MetaLib, including technical information and its use with students. Program will be held at CSU Fullerton
on Friday, April 29, 2005, from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Chisa Uyeki announced that CSU Los Angeles is accepting
applications for the University Librarian position. Applications are due March 1, 2005.
The next meeting will be March 11, 2005 at Glendale
Community College in Glendale.
recorded by Emily Woolery.