SCIL Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2007
Chapman University
Orange, CA
Angela Boyd (UC Santa Barbara), Gale Burrow (Claremont
Colleges), Allie Carr (CSU San Marcos), April Cunningham (Saddleback College),
Katy French (Palomar College), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Nikki Julian
(Marymount College), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Robin Lockerby (National
University), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Felicia
Palsson (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Stacy Russo (Chapman University), Marsha
Schnirring (Occidental College), Pauline Swartz (Mt. San Antonio College),
Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Amy Wallace (CSU
Channel Islands)
Welcome and Introductions
February minutes were approved electronically
and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the SCIL website.
Works Review
at the annual SCIL Works program at Cal Poly Pomona on February 2, 2007 totaled
84 librarians or students, representing 44 institutions. The majority of attendees were CARL
revenue from the event equaled all expenses. A printed report from the Treasurer will be distributed at
the next SCIL business meeting.
Assessment Repository
Discussion and work continue on the preliminary
steps of a possible Assessment Repository to be maintained by SCIL. Task force members include Gale Burrow
(Claremont Colleges), Allie Carr (CSUSM), April Cunningham (Saddleback
College), and Dominique Turnbow (UCSD).
LOEX Planning
i. Facilities: Duffy Tweedy, LOEX Facilities
Coordinator, increased the room block for LOEX attendees at the Bahia and that
block has filled. The Catamaran is
an associate hotel about a mile from the Bahia, and has been suggested for
overflow, though no formal transportation has been arranged between the two
hotels. Due to the high fees for
renting hardware, including laptops and projectors, from the Bahia, SCIL has
requested that SCIL membersŐ schools lend the necessary equipment. Please contact Duffy Tweedy with more
information about the equipment you or your institution would be able to supply
for LOEX. A request for equipment
has been sent to the SCIL listserv.
ii. Program: Amy Wallace and Allie Carr will poll
registrants via email to determine which sessions are likely to be most heavily
attended. Room assignments for
sessions will take these results into account. The tentative schedule for the conference is already
drafted. The Friday night
presentation by Kathy Myers, an education specialist at the San Diego Zoo, and
a representative from the Wildlife Company has been finalized. Six animals will be brought for the
presentation. The keynote speaker
on cognition has also been finalized.
Conference presenters are welcome to bring handouts for their
sessions. If they send their
materials to Amy by a deadline to be determined, then their duplicating will be
handled by the Program Chair or committee. Registration fees were due on March 16.
iii. Communications: Tracey Mayfield, LOEX Communications
Coordinator, reported that 2 minority scholarships have been awarded to LOEX
attendees. The conference website
is being updated continuously by Allie Carr. The local page is being developed and will include
restaurant recommendations.
VI. New Business
SCIL / DIAL Joint Program
representative from DIAL approached Debbi Renfrow with a suggestion that SCIL
and DIAL plan a joint program on the subject of diversity issues relevant to
instruction. Possible
opportunities for collaboration were identified: SCIL Works 2008 or a CARL 2008
Pre-Conference. Felicia Palsson
was in attendance as a representative from DIAL.
B. Next
13, 10:30am-12pm, Bahia Hotel, San Diego, CA. A tour of the Bahia facilities will follow the meeting at 12:30pm.
Minutes recorded by April Cunningham.