SCIL Meeting Minutes


September 7, 2007

UCSD Biomedical Library

La Jolla, CA





Gayle Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Allie Carr (CSU San Marcos), Alex Chappell (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Katy French (Palomar College), Karen Heskett (UC San Diego), Robin Lockerby (National University), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Kimberly Wilcox (Azusa Pacific University),



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.         Agenda Approval/Adjustment


III.        Minutes


April minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the SCIL website.


IV.        Continuing Business


A.         LOEX Summary and Evaluations

The LOEX planning report is being completed by the Conference Coordinators: Tracey Mayfield, Duffy Tweedy, and Amy Wallace.  The Conference Proceedings will be published by the end of the year and will be provided to conference attendees and available for sale to those who did not attend.


V.         New Business


A.             SCIL Works

Dominique Turnbow distributed the draft call for proposals for the upcoming SCIL Works mini-conference.  The theme is "Putting Theory into Practice: The 'Why' Behind Instructional Strategies."  Prospective dates for the event were discussed.  The call for proposals and publicity for the event will be distributed on a timeline very similar to the one used in 2006.


B.             SCIL Elections


Katy French distributed a timeline for the 2007 SCIL Elections and the form for the candidates' statements.  Nominations for the offices of Vice-chair/Chair-elect, Secretary, and Registrar will be accepted until October 12.  Candidates and voters must be CARL members.


C.             SCIL Facebook


Angela Boyd contacted Debbi Renfrow with a suggestion that SCIL use Facebook to reach out to library school students.  Boyd was not in attendance at the meeting and discussion was tabled after attendees raised questions about the best ways to use Facebook for promoting SCIL.  More details of this suggestion will be sought.


VI.        Tabled Business

Assessment Repository

After discussion, the attendees agreed that an Assessment Repository would not work if it were to be maintained by an ad hoc subcommittee.  Possible alternatives to this idea included developing an appointed or elected steering committee position with the responsibility for maintaining a peer reviewed Assessment Repository or using Facebook or similar networking sites to allow librarians to list themselves as contacts on the subject of assessment.  No immediate plan was made for future efforts. 

VII.          Upcoming Meetings


October 12, 2007 at Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA

November 30, 2007, location TBD

VIII.         Announcements / Round Robin

IX.            Adjournment



Minutes recorded by April Cunningham