SCIL Meeting Minutes


February 2, 2007

Cal Poly Pomona

Pomona, CA





Allie Carr (CSU San Marcos), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Katy French (Palomar College), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Robin Lockerby (National University), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Val Ontell (Mesa College), Donald Page (Cal Poly Pomona), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Elisa Slater (Loyola Marymount University), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands)



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.          Agenda Approval/Adjustment


III.        Minutes


December minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the SCIL website.


IV.        Announcements


         A.       CARL Conference – Call for Co-Chairs


The 2008 CARL Conference will be held in Irvine.  People who are interested in becoming co-chairs for this event should contact


         B.       New CARL Website Content


The CARL website now includes the CARL Interest Group Program Planning Manual.


V.       Continuing Business


A.       CARL South Regional Meeting

CARL Southern Vice President, Tracey Mayfield, reported that CARL has created guidelines and forms for Interest Groups to use when planning events.  These will be discussed at the Feb. 23 CARL-South Regional Meeting.  Representatives from SCIL and DIAL will be at the meeting to answer questions about Interest Group programming and to give informal account of their experience.


B.          Assessment Repository


Debbi Renfrow drafted a charge for the Assessment Repository task force.  Please email the task force members with suggestions for revisions to the charge.  The charge of the task force is to:  define the purpose and identify the goals of the assessment repository; define the submission guidelines, acquisitios process, and maintenance of assessment materials; outline potential methods of access to the repository; and identify methods of incorporating the assessment repository into SCIL activities.  Task force members include Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Allie Carr (CSUSM), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), and Dominique Turnbow (UCSD).


C.          LOEX Planning

i.        Facilities:  Duffy Tweedy, LOEX Facilities Coordinator, increased the room block for LOEX attendees at the Bahia.  Due to the high fees for renting hardware, including laptops and projectors, from the Bahia, SCIL will be requesting that SCIL membersŐ schools lend the necessary equipment.  Please contact Duffy Tweedy with more information about the equipment you or your institution would be able to supply for LOEX.


ii.       Program:  Amy Wallace, LOEX Program Coordinator, reported recent progress on the LOEX program.  Allie Carr, Webmaster, will post the latest information to the conference website when it is finalized.  Based on conversations with Brad Sietz, LOEX Director, Amy developed a new position for conference support.  The LOEX Reporting Coordinator will be responsible for getting information about the LOEX proceedings published in a range of professional journals.  The primary purpose for this position will be to spread the information about the impact of LOEX before the official proceedings are published in late 2007.  Opportunities for sponsorship of the conference were discussed.  No formal plan was created, but SCIL members with individual relationships with vendors and other possible sponsors should consider requesting support for LOEX.  Amy will email the SCIL listserv with information that members can use to describe this opportunity to interested sponsors.


iii.      Communications:  Tracey Mayfield, LOEX Communications Coordinator, reported that 1-2 minority scholarships will be offered to LOEX attendees.  The conference website is being updated continuously by Allie Carr.  The local page is being developed and will include restaurant recommendations.  LOEX attendees should note that online registration from the Bahia website does not reflect the conference room rate.  Those interested in receiving the conference rate should follow the link provided to them when their registration is confirmed or call the Bahia for reservations. 


D.          Next Meeting


Mar. 16, 10:30am-1pm, Chapman University, Orange, CA.

VI.       New Business

VII.        Round Robin

VIII.       Adjournment



Minutes recorded by April Cunningham.