CARL-SCIL Presents SCIL Works 2009:
"The Daily and the Visionary": Employing Reflective Practices to Increase Our Engagement and Success

Friday, February 6, 2009, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
California State University, San Marcos

Registration is now CLOSED. A list of registrants is available to verify your registration. Parking is $7 for the day, and free for librarians with another CSU parking permit.

We’ve got the data… now what? Using assessment data to improve student learning

Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos and Gabriela Sonntag, CSU San Marcos

The Information Literacy Program (ILP) at CSU San Marcos has completed two rounds of program assessment and has collected valuable data about the information literacy skills of students. The presenters will review the assessment and tools and present the initial analysis to the participants. We will then all work together to further analyze the data and determine how to proceed with the results. The collective knowledge of the participants will help us all to fully focus our attention on reflecting on assessment data and reviewing options for "closing-the-loop" or determining how we will use this new information to change our ways.

Futuring Information Literacy

Marsha Schnirring, Occidental College

Engaging in reflective practices is essential if we are to successfully negotiate the current “seismic shift in epistemology.” (Reference is to recent EDUCAUSE Review article of the same name by Chris Dede). Rather than looking back and in, however, let us turn our reflection forward and out—collectively, actively, now.

Drawing on three futuring methodologies—scenarios, brainstorming, visioning—participants in this session will work in groups to consider one of several future realities which challenge us to radically rethink information literacy pedagogy as well as our communities of practice.

Have the pedagogies used for library instruction changed to reflect new thinking by progressive educators?  A collaborative analysis of highly-regarded web tutorials and digital learning objects

Stephanie Rosenblatt, CSU Fullerton

Most librarians who teach work within a set of beliefs that describe how people learn.  These beliefs inform the methods we use to teach our students.  In this workshop, participants will review some dominant pedagogies informing in-person and online library instruction and gain exposure to some newer theories of learning.  Participants will look at examples of highly-regarded web tutorials and digital learning objects to identify the learning theories that informed their creation.  Lastly, participants will evaluate the presenter’s digital learning objects to see if they support the presenter’s philosophy of education and give suggestions for their improvement.  Participants are invited to bring links to their own online tutorials if they would like them to be evaluated by a small group.

Learning is the Responsibility of the Learner, Not the Librarian

Yvonne Meulemans, CSU San Marcos

One of the many tenets of constructivist learning theory is that learning is the responsibility of the learner. Learn about the context of this concept within the larger learning theory. The presentation will  focus on the various applications of such knowledge when developing and delivering information literacy instruction.  Particularly when designing instruction for undergraduates, this aspect of constructivist learning theory can have far-reaching implications in the unique instructional settings in which academic librarians teach.


Moving to Learner-Centered Teaching: A Blended Learning Approach
Joan Kaplowitz, UCLA
Hillary Kaplowitz (Instructional Designer), CSU Northridge

A Space for Reading, Reflecting, Gathering, and Discussing:
The Creation of a Librarian Journal Club

Stacy Russo, Chapman University

Freirian Pedagogical Concepts and Information Literacy Instruction
Pearl Ly, CSU San Marcos