California Academic and Research Librarians (CARL)

Disasters A La Carte: Lessons Learned as California Libraries Responded to Multiple Emergencies

Second Annual Conference

Claremont Colleges, October 17, 1994


Venita Jorgensen

Welcome to CARL's Second Annual Conference! It has been my pleasure to preside as CARL's President during an eventful year. California librarians have been offered an exciting menu of professional development programs by CARL throughout 1994.

The list has included organizational change, cultural diversity in libraries, the impact of electronic access, outsourcing, library education in the 21st Century, and the Brandeis model for reference. As we are not all work and no play, study excursions to the Laguna Laurel Ecological Reserve and the Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory have been organized. Letting our imaginations soar, we have listened to Ray Bradbury tell us how to put an atmosphere on Mars. And it is not over yet! SEAL South proposes a December program with the intriguing title, "DNA, Witness for the Prosecution?" CARLDIG promises us a tour of USC's Leavey Library, which some have called the "template library of the future."

Today we are celebrating the survival skills of our fellow colleagues. Faced with enormous challenges they found a way to continue service to their communities and to forge new links with other libraries. We all want to know how they did it and to have an opportunity to express our admiration and support for their efforts.

Finally, we will be recognizing the service of two outstanding CARL members, Carl Bengston and Judy Harvey Sahak. They are our CARL Members of the Year. It is the dedication of members like Carl and Judy that makes our organization possible. Please read about their achievements in your program and stop by to congratulate them. If you are not presently one of our members, join us.

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