Re-Tooling Academic Libraries for the Digital Age:
Missions, Collections, Staffing
California Academic & Research Libraries
Third Annual Conference
What Do Students Need from Libraries, and Is That Changing?
Background Bibliography
Adalian, Paul T., Jr. Cal Poly's multimedia approach to research. (Retriever multimedia program at California Polytechnic State University). College & Research Libraries News 1 (Jan.): 10-11; 1995.
Afifi, Marianne. The Leavey Library at USC: planning for bibliographic instruction in a high tech environment. Catholic Library World 65 (Jan./Feb./Mar.): 19-20; 1995.
Atton, Christopher F. Using critical thinking as a basis for library user education. The Journal of Academic Librarianship 20 (Nov.): 310-313; 1994.
Bodi, Sonia. Scholarship or propaganda: how can librarians help undergraduates tell the difference? The Journal of Academic Librarianship 21 (Jan.): 21-25; 1995.
Brock, Kathy Thomas. Developing information literacy through the information intermediary process: a model for teacher-librarians and others. Emergency Librarian 22 (Sept./Oct.): 16-20; 1994.
Commings, Karen. Libraries of the future ... inside the University of Southern California's "Cybrary." Computers in Libraries 14 (10): 18-; 1994.
Crane, Beverley; Markowitz, Nancy Lourie.
A model for teaching critical thinking through online
searching. The Reference Librarian 44: 41-52; 1994.
Doyle, Christina S. ERIC digest: information literacy in an information society (prepared for the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology). Emergency Librarian 22 (Mar./Apr.): 30-32; 1995.
Ercegovac, Zorana. Information access instruction (IAI4): design principles (based on a course in the Department of Library and Information Science, UCLA). College & Research Libraries 56 (May): 249-257; 1995.
Ford, Barbara J. Information literacy as a barrier. (Presented at the 1994 IFLA Conference.) IFLA Journal 21(2): 99-101; 1995.
Geffert, Bryn. Beginning with MARC: providing a foundation for electronic searching. Research Strategies 13 (Winter): 26-33; 1995.
Gorman, Michael. The domino effect; or, Why literacy depends on all libraries (effect of California's school and public library cuts on
university libraries). School Library Journal 41 (Apr.): 27-29; 1995.
Green, Kenneth C. ; Gilbert, Steven W. Great expectations: content, communications, productivity, and the role of information technology in higher education. Change 27(2): Pg. 8; 1995.
Grimes, Deborah J. Library instruction the cooperative way. College & Research Libraries News 11 (Dec.): 715-; 1994.
Kuhlthau, Carol Collier. Students and the information search process: zones of intervention for librarians. Advances in Librarianship: 18.
New York: Academic Press; 1994.
Melick, Marjorie. Changing to a hypertext-based library instruction program using inexpensive software for IBM compatibles (at the Algonquin College Resource Centre, Ottawa, Canada). Computers in Libraries 14 (Nov./Dec.): 35-38; 1994.
Rettig, James R. The convergence of the twain or titanic collision? BI and
reference in the 1990s' sea of change. (Expanded from a talk
presented at the LOEX conference, Ypsilanti, Michigan, May
1994.) Reference Services Review 23(1): 7-20; 1995.
Rodda, Arlene. The information revolution and the battle between content and format. Computers in Libraries 15 (Feb.): 40-41; 1995.
Thomas, Joy. Faculty attitudes and habits concerning library instruction:
how much has changed since 1982? (1982 survey replicated in 1990 at California State University.) Research Strategies 12 (Fall): 209-223; 1994.
Vasi, John J.; LaGuardia, Cheryl M. Creating a library electronic classroom (at the University of California, Santa Barbara). Online 18 (Sept./Oct.): 75-8; 1994.