Re-Tooling Academic Libraries for the Digital Age:
Missions, Collections, Staffing

California Academic & Research Libraries
Third Annual Conference

Welcome to CARL's Third Annual Conference!

CARL has two basic purposes: to provide you with high quality regional programs for continuing education, and to help you keep in touch with others working in California academic and research libraries. In planning this Conference, we have tried to address the most challenging general problems facing all of us as we are carried along by the fast-moving and scarcely predictable currents of the digital revolution. We are honored to have three exceptional professional leaders as keynote speakers, and we have gathered a wonderful group (43 people!) of panelists--colleagues from California academic institutions--to stimulate and inform us.

But it is your participation which is critical. We have tried to allow ample time during the sessions, the breaks, the reception and lunch for each of you to get involved in the discussion, ask questions, talk to others, and have your say. We hope that this Conference is only the beginning, a spark for further exploration. Some of the discussion may be continued through our listserv CALIBACA, or in the pages of our CARL Newsletter.

This Conference would not have been possible without the planning ideas, support and hard work of a large number of people. CARL wishes to thank all of our speakers and panelists for contributing their time and ideas, and the members of the various Conference committees listed in the back of the Program. This is also the first time CARL has an opportunity to acknowledge and thank another group of CARL members and supporters--the companies listed at the end of the program. Each has contributed financially toward the costs of the Conference.

Finally, we chose Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, with Friday and Saturday evenings open, and a Sunday thrown in, so that you could enjoy yourself while you are here. It's up to you!

Bill Whitson
1995 CARL President and Conference Chair

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