September 6, 2000
(Cerritos College and Laney College)
Attending: Deborah Schaeffer (2000 President); Cynthia Jahns (2000 Northern Vice President); John McGinnis (2000 Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (2000 Secretary); Vicki Rosen (2000-2002 Treasurer); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Evelyn Lord (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Michael Oppenheim (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Paula Hammett (Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Debra Moore (Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor), Bonnie Petry (Web Administrator). Absent: Gregg Atkins (Legislative Liaison), Carl Bengston (ACRL Chapters’ Delegate). Guests: Judy Lee and Vicki Williamson representing CCLI
The meeting was called to order by President Deborah Schaeffer. President Schaeffer reported that Gregg Atkins, Legislative Liaison, had resigned. The agenda was approved. The minutes of the June 21, 2000 meeting were approved as corrected. President Deborah Schaeffer announced the results of the election. New officers include Judy Clarence (CSU Hayward) new Vice President, Suellen Cox (CSU Fullerton) reelected Secretary, and Locke Morrisey (USF) ACRL Chapter Council Delegate. Two new directors were elected, Jeanne Fong (UC Berkeley) and Kelly Janousek (CSU Long Beach). Dues increase passed 174 to 32 and will be effective as of August 28, 2000. Web based renewal forms will be updated to reflect the dues increase.
6.a Report of the Committee John McGinnis, 2000 Southern Vice President, reported that Christina Woo and Ronnie Coates were the two nominees for Member of the Year. The board voted to award both individuals.
President Deborah Schaeffer reported that the Research Award Committee received four proposals. Kate Manual’s proposal was awarded. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to indorse Kate Manuel as the recipient. She will be invited to attend and receive the $1,000.00 award at the Conference. President Deborah Schaeffer discussed the questions she posed to the Legal Council. A copy of the articles and bylaws will be given to the CARL Secretary. Copies will also be placed on the Web. 9.a President’s Report President Deborah Schaeffer stated that an ACRL annual report needs to be done each year with regards to membership. She has made the report for this year (January-August 2000) and it is also on the Web. A link to ACRL has also been placed on the CARL Web site. 9.b Vice-President North Vice-President North Cynthia Jahns reported on the stationary. 9.c Vice-President South Vice-President South John McGinnis reported on the CARL 2002 Conference which will be held in the north. Evelyn Lord and Carl Bengston have been asked to preside as Conference Co-Chairs. Carl is contacting Asilomar for possible spring 2002 conference dates. The co-chairs will appoint a conference planning committee. 9.d Secretary’s Report Secretary Suellen Cox requested that any substantial reports be mailed to the secretary for inclusion in the minutes. 9.e Treasurer Report Treasurer Vicki Rosen reported that the current checking account balance is $19,677.07. The savings account balance is $14,398.80.
9f. Membership Chair Ron Rodriguez gave a 3rd Quarter report. There are over 700 CARL members; fifty-nine are new members. Membership is as follows: Community colleges 105, CSUL 194, UC 125, Private 196, Public 6, Vendor 13, Library School 12. 9.g Northern Interest Group Coordinator No report. 9.h Southern Interest Group Coordinator No report. 9.i Northern Campus Liaison Evelyn Lord reported that she is getting more responses.
9.j Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator Michael Oppenheim reported that one new liaison was appointed and it would appear in the September CARL newsletter.
9.k Newsletter Editor Ruth Wallach, Newsletter Editor, brought copies of the latest newsletter, and stated that members should be receiving theirs. The December newsletter will report on the conference. 9.l Web Site Coordinator Bonnie Petry, Web Coordinator, reported that the server has been moved. 9.m ACRL Chapter’s Council Liaison President Deborah Schaeffer reported that she attended ALA and served as ACRL Chapter Council Liaison in the absence of Carl Bengston. 9.n Legislative Liaison Deborah Schaeffer discussed the resignation of Greg Atkins, Legislative Liaison Judy Lee, (UCR) Chair and Vicki Williamson (UCSD), Past Chair representing California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction (CCLI) South reported on the proposal to have CCLI South become an instruction interest group of CARL. 6. Next meeting: Wednesday December 6, 2000 via teleconference at Cerrios College and Laney College. The meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Suellen Cox, Secretary |