DECEMBER 6, 2000 (Cerritos College & Laney College)

Attending: Deborah Schaeffer (2000 President); Cynthia Jahns (2000 Northern Vice President); John McGinnis (2000 Southern Vice President); Judy Clarence (2001 Northern Vice President); Suellen Cox (2000-2001 Secretary); Vicki Rosen (2000-2002 Treasurer); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Bonnie Petry (Web Administrator); Evelyn Lord (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Michael Oppenheim (2000 Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Kelly Janousek (2001 Director at Large, Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Paula Hammett (2000 Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Jeanne Fong ( 2001 Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Debra Moore (2001 Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Locke Morrisey (ACRL Chapters’ Council Liaison); Susan Hagius (Legislative Liaison).

Absent: Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor); Lynne Reasoner (Archivist).

  1. Announcements and Introductions
  2. The meeting was called to order by President Deborah Schaeffer. New Board Members were welcomed.

  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Added agenda items included: dates and place for the Quarterly Board Meeting, 10 Election Procedures, and 11 Research Award.

  5. Approval of Minutes of 6 September 2000
  6. Under Research Award correct to Kate Manuel. Minutes were approved as corrected.

  7. Conference 2000 Update
  8. President Schaeffer stated that an official report was not yet available. The evaluations would be presented at the Conference wrap-up meeting to be held December 15, 2000.

    The planning committee is still expecting a donation in the amount of $1,500 from Standard and Poor’s. Donations from the following vendors did not come through: Bell and Howell ProQuest, SilverPlatter, and Endeavor. It was suggested that the next conference planning committee should consider charging a higher registration fee. President Schaeffer suggested a starting flat rate of $125.00 for early bird CARL members. It was also suggested that the registration fee be standardized.

  9. Incorporation Update
  10. Treasurer Vicki Rosen reported that the IRS form needs to be submitted by June 2001 or sooner. The application for recognition of exemption (history, membership, finance) also needs to be completed.

  11. Speaker Support Guidelines

CCLI and the issue of honorariums for speakers was continued. Section three (3) of the proposal for an honorarium policy suggested at the 9/6/00 meeting was amended to read:

    1. For CARL Conferences, workshops, and interest group meetings, honoraria may be paid to speakers who are:
    • Non-librarians in or out of state
    • Librarians out of state
    • Librarians in state who do not work as librarians but as consultants as a private business
    1. Honoraria may not be paid to librarians who work in state
    2. Travel expenses may be paid to librarians and non-librarians in or out of state. Mileage is paid at the current rate ($.32.5 per mile).
    3. Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the board on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Archives Needs/Thank Yous Needed
  2. President Schaeffer distributed guidelines for CARL materials and archiving. She emphasized that board members should keep all materials and send to the Archivist Lynn Reasoner. San Jose was sent a thank you for the supporting work done with the listserv.

  3. Membership List Requests
  4. Membership Chair Ron Rodriguez reported that we get requests for mailing labels from the membership list and posting on CARLALL. He recently received a request from SCOUG (nonprofit) for mailing labels for their spring 2001 workshop. The cost of processing mailing labels is $75.00. Cynthia Jahns suggested that we send out on CALIBACA.

    A motion was made, seconded and approved to offer SCOUG a free opportunity to place a one time only announcement per event on CALIBACA. No mailing labels would be provided.

  5. Update on Automation Functions

Ron Rodriguez reported on the new CARL database. Reflector listservs are operable. Member’s records are also available. Need to announce to members that it is now available and they can update their records.

Ron can provide reports, packages, etc.

Some aspects of renewal form need to be monitored and controlled (yearly) by automation person.

The electronic renewal form needs several categories added: newsletter preference (print, electronic, both), and mailing lists.


10. Election Procedures

Elections manual needs to be updated. A policy needs to be set regarding mailing of election forms and the cost (which in the past has been $1,000). In past years, specific institutions have covered the cost.

11. Annual Member of the Year and Research Awards

President Schaeffer led the discussion regarding the two annual awards and how to proceed during off conference years. The Board decided that both awards would be made each year and announced at the CARL Conference. The following procedure was set for next year: Form committees, makes awards decision, announce 2001 award winners at 2002 CARL Conference.

In the following years, the Awards will be announced in May of each year. Awards will be announced via CARL Newsletter, CARL Website, and ACRL News publication

  1. Officer Reports
  2. 12a. President

    President Deborah Schaeffer stated that the Conference wrap up report would be presented at next Board meeting in March 2001.

    12b. Vice President North

    Vice President North Cynthia Jahns reported on the need to block dates 2001 Regional meetings. The quarterly Board meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday March 5, 2001. She is seeking possible members for the Research Award Committee, and Member of the Year Committee. The Elections Committee Chair will need to be in south.

    CARL stationary is still in progress.

    12c. Vice-President South

    Vice President South, John McGinnis reported on the Library of California. All seven regions have been approved. 102 Academic libraries have joined as charter members. Of the 107 community colleges, 46% (49) applied for charter membership. Of the 22 CSU’s, 50% (11) applied for charter membership. Of the 10 UC’s, 70% (7) applied for charter membership. Thirty-five private and independent academic libraries have also joined.

    Region Four, incorporating Los Angeles and Orange County, held their first meeting and the board, chair, and other officers were elected.

    He also reported that the 9th CARL Conference has been scheduled at Asilomar for May 9-12, 2002. The Committee on organization had nothing to report.

    12d. Secretary

    Secretary Suellen Cox had nothing to report.

    12e. Treasurer

    Treasurer Vicki Rosen reported that the current checking account balance is $14,309.94. The savings account balance is $14,687.08. The treasurer will prepare a complete report for year.

    Carl Bengston stated that long term financial planning is needed as our financial health grows.

    12f. Membership Chair

    Membership Chair Ron Rodriguez reported that we currently have 726 members.

    Kelly Janousek raised the question regarding retirees in the profession but no replacements coming out of library schools. Why aren’t more students joining?

    It was suggested that the Board of Directors include a student representative, or that an interest group is created for students.

    12g. Northern Interest Group Coordinator

    Paula Hammett reported on three planned programs that all have a collection development focus.

    She questioned what role we should play in negotiating who does what programming.

    It was suggested that Chairs communicate with other interest group chairs in terms of possible programming.

    12h. Southern Interest Group Coordinator

    Deb Moore reported the many changes taking place in the south. Lynn Lampert is chair of CARLDIG, Leslie Hunier is chair of Community College group, Barbara Quarton is chair of CSUL, DIAL chairs are Susan Luevano-Molina and Pauline Manaka, and

    Richard Chubrun is chair of CALM.

    CARLDIG is planning a program at the Huntington Library to be held in February.


    12i. Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator

    Evelyn Lord reported that things going smoothly with the newsletter.

    12j. Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator

    Michael Oppenheim reported that there are new campus liaisons and they will be in the faces and places section of the newsletter.


    12k. Newsletter Editor

    Newsletter Editor Ruth Wallach was not present.

    Vice President Cynthia Jahns mentioned that a permit for second rate may be needed. She will discuss with Ruth. Newsletters are now being sent 1st class.

    12l. Web Administrator

    Web Administrator Bonnie Petry reported that the next version of the CARL Website has been converted over to Dreamweaver. Reorganization of some sections is needed.

    12m. ACRL Chapter Council Delegate

    Council Delegate Carl Bengston reported that Locke Morrisey and Deborah Schaeffer attended the ACRL Chapter’s Council for Carl Bengston. Locke attended at Midwinter 2000 and Deborah at Annual 2000.

    Locke requested clarification on the role of delegates in terms of what to take to ACRL and what to bring back.

    Council Delegate is a three (3) year term. The delegate must be a member of ACRL and attend ACRL to ensure visibility at Chapters Council and speak on behalf of CARL. It was also stated that Chapters Council can provide monies for programming.

    President Schaeffer suggested that Locke write a Chapters Council report for the CARL newsletter.

    12n. Legislative Liaison

    Susan Hagius reported that she will send minutes of meeting and legislative agenda.

  3. Other Business
  4. Next Meeting

March 2001.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.


Respectively submitted by Suellen Cox, Secretary

Archives Minutes