

March 27, 2000 (Loyola Marymount University)

Attending: Deborah Schaeffer (2000 President); Cynthia Jahns (2000 Northern Vice-President; John McGinnis (2000 Southern Vice-President); Vicki Rosen (Treasurer); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Debra Moore (Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Michael Oppenheim (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Evelyn Lord (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Carl Bengston (ACRL Chapters Council Delegate); Bonnie Petry (Web Site Coordinator); Gregg Atkins (Legislative Liaison); Joel Coen (Guest, California State Library)

  1. Welcome, Introductions, Approval of Agenda, Approval of Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 9:40 AM by the 2000 President, Deborah Schaeffer. Due to the absence of Suellen Cox, the Secretary, Evelyn Lord agreed to take minutes for the meeting. The agenda was approved and the President noted that the Minutes of the December 10, 1999 meeting had already been approved by the Board via email. The Executive Board reacted favorably to the condensed minutes posted on the Web.

  1. President's Report
  2. President Deborah Schaeffer reported on the status of the 8th Annual CARL Conference to be held at the Hilton Long Beach on October 6-7, 2000. She noted that the keynote speaker will be Kevin Starr, State Librarian, who will deliver his plenary address on Saturday. Other confirmed speakers include Marcia Bates of the UCLA Library School and Susan Kent of LAPL. Schaeffer noted that the deadline for pre-conference proposals is 10 April. The registration packet will be sent out by May 1st and the registration deadline is July 1, 2000 for early bird registration and August 1st for regular registration. President Schaeffer pointed out that a Master Calendar is now available on the CARL web site.

  3. Reports from Other Officers
  4. 5a. Northern Vice-President Report

    Northern Vice-President Cynthia Jahns reported that the CARL Northern Leadership Meeting took place January 28, 2000 at the University of San Francisco. There was overwhelming support among those in attendance for the proposed CARL dues increase. There were no objections to a proposal that would change the CARL conference to a biannual conference and would skip the Fall 2001 Conference and move it to Spring 2002. Vice-President Jahns also reported that the Northern GPIG organized a well-attended program on "The 2000 Census" at San Francisco Public Library on February 23, 2000. Jahns noted that the CARL Nominations Committee is seeking candidates to run for CARL offices for the 2001 term.

    5b. Southern Vice-President Report

    Southern Vice-President John McGinnis reported that the CARL Southern Leadership Meeting took place February 24, 2000 at CSU Los Angeles with nearly 50 people in attendance. The reaction to a proposed dues increase was favorable, but there were some interest as to where the dues money goes. There were no objections to the proposal that would change the CARL conference to a biannual conference and would skip the Fall 2001 Conference and move it to Spring 2002. McGinnis also reported that CCLI-South has voted to pursue affiliation with CARL as a library instruction interest group. He noted that CCLI-South already has a treasury and that CARL and CCLI-South must still work out the details as to how this affiliation will take place. McGinnis said that the Library of California will be holding its first regional meeting on April 11 at the Whittier Hilton.

    McGinnis queried the Executive Board as to where the Spring 2002 should take place. Under the current system of alternating between the north and the south, the Conference would always be in the South. It was noted that the Local Arrangement and Program Chairs could provide more assistance to the President when the Conference is outside his or her region. Also a statewide planning group could assist, but it can be more expensive for a statewide group to get together in person. It was also suggested that the Vice-Presidents could be more involved in conference planning. There was a general consensus that the Conference must rotate between the two regions of the state. Because of the overwhelming popularity of the 1999 Asilomar Conference, the Board decided that Vice-President McGinnis should inquire about booking Asilomar for the CARL 2002 Conference for March or April 2002, with a preference for a Thursday/Friday/Saturday timeslot.

    5c. Secretary Report

    The December 1999 meeting minutes were approved by email.

    5d. Treasurer Report

    Treasurer Vicki Rosen reported that she had set up a checking account so that either Vice-President John McGinnis or the Treasurer can sign checks. The current CARL treasury, including both the checking and money market accounts, stands at approximately $33,000. Rosen noted that she is setting up Quicken. She also plans to set up written procedural instructions for the next Treasurer so that the transition will be easier.

    5e. Membership Director Report

    Membership Director Ron Rodriguez reported that membership is slightly lower than last year's 735 members. However, a renewal reminder letter will be sent out the week of March 27. Rodriguez has been working with Bonnie Petry and Ron Wood to set up the new CARL database. The new database is still in the testing stage but seems to be working well. Members will be able to access their own record on the CARL web page through a password login and update their records. The password login instructions will be sent to all CARL members. Updates will automatically be made to all CARL listservs. In the future Interest Group Coordinators and other designated individuals will be able to access the database and generate reports, but not change data. A group of standard reports will also be available.

    Vice-President Jahns indicated that she would like to see the name of the CARL listserv appear on CARL listserv mail rather than the individual membership director because it is confusing to recipients. The problem is that the CARL-ALL address must not appear because then anyone could send messages. CARL-ALL is a mail reflector to be used only for CARL business. However, it is probably possible to fix this glitch. The database should be working by this summer. There will be a show-and-tell demonstration of the database at the next meeting.

    5f. ACRL Chapter's Council Delegate Report

    Carl Bengston, the ACRL Chapter's Council Delegate, reported that he was unable to attend the last meeting, but Locke Morrisey went in his place. Morrisey took samples of the CARL newsletter and indicated that other chapters were impressed by the quality of the CARL newsletter. Bengston will attend the next ACRL meeting in Chicago.

    5g. Directors-at-Large Reports

    5g1. Interest Group Coordinator North Report

    Paula Hammett, the Northern Interest Group Coordinator, was unable to attend the meeting. However, the President noted that the only program that has been planned thus far was the February 23rd program on "The 2000 Census" at the San Francisco Public Library (see Northern Vice-President's report).

    5g2. Interest Group Coordinator South Report

    Debra Moore, Interest Group Coordinator South, reported on numerous upcoming Southern Interest Group activities, including: "SPARC and Its Effect on Science Journal Publishing", San Diego State, April 4th (SEAL-South); "A Fair to Remember : A Business Information Vendors Showcase", CSU Fullerton, May 12th (ABLE-South); "Getty Tour : Library and Special Collections", May 4th (CARLDIG). GIPIG-South held an organizational meeting on March 24. Both the North and South Interest Groups expect to have programs for the CARL preconference.

    5g3. Campus Liaison Coordinator North Report

    Evelyn Lord, Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator, reported that the Northern Campus Liaisons submitted many items for the latest CARL newsletter. About a half dozen Liaisons attended the January 28 Northern Leadership Meeting at the University of San Francisco. The Liaisons expressed interest in helping to remind members to renew and to recruit new members.

    5g4. Campus Liaison Coordinator South Report

    Michael Oppenheim, Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator, said the Southern Leadership meeting in February had a very good turnout of campus liaisons. He is interested in finding replacement liaisons from the currently renewed members list for some unfilled positions.

    5h. Web Site Coordinator Report

    Web Site Coordinator Bonnie Petry reported that the CARL web site completed its move to the new server in January. However, the previous server Internet Service Provider continues to send bills. Petry will follow up on this and try to remedy the situation. Petry continues to update the web page and noted the earlier discussion of the membership database (see Membership report) which will be accessible through the web page. The most recent addition to the web page was the March 2000 issue of the CARL newsletter, which was placed on the Web due to unforseen problems with mailing. Vice-President Jahns expressed interest in seeing banner ads that change periodically for CARL programs. There was also a request to make the CARL logo smaller, but Petry has already done this.

    5i. Newsletter Editor Report

    Ruth Wallach, Newsletter Editor, was unable to attend the meeting. The latest newsletter was printed and mailed out, but due to a misunderstanding about the return mailing address, the printer has returned the copies to Wallach. She will send them out individually using first class mail. In order to avoid the mailing problem in the future, she plans to apply for a second postal address that can be used for mailing newsletters. The latest newsletter has been printed on a lighter stock, based on a suggestion that came out of the Northern Leadership meeting in January.

    Wallach conducted a survey of CARL members on the format of the newsletter. Of those who responded, 128 voted to go with a web version, 28 would like to continue with a print version, 2 would prefer an email version and 17 suggested that members be given a choice. The Executive Board decided that CARL should continue to issue a paper and web version for a while. However, the web version should be made available on PDF. Wallach can send a Pagemaker file to Bonnie Petry who will transfer it to the web via Adobe Acrobat, which the Board authorized her to purchase. President Schaeffer will contact Wallach to set up this procedure. The Board also discussed the possiblility of passwording the currrent issue of the web Newsletter for current members. This will be discussed further at the June meeting. Another proposal was to ask members to decide which format they prefer when renewal letters are sent out next year. The next CARL newsletter deadline is May 15th.

    5j. Legislative Liaison Report

    Gregg Atkins, the new Legislative Liaison, reported that he is also serving as the federal legislative liaison for CLA. Atkins will be attending the ACRL Legislative Advocacy pre-conference at ALA in Chicago on July 7th. (ACRL is providing for his registration and a stipend so that he can attend.) Atkins distributed a federal legislative update for March 2000. He will provide this kind of update in the future for both state and federal legislation, which will be posted on the CARL web page. He will write an introductory article for the next CARL newsletter.

  5. Update on Incorporation
  6. Carl Bengston, 1999 CARL President, updated the committee on the status of incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation were reviewed and signed by members of the Executive Board. Incorporation will make CARL a nonprofit public benefit corporation and must be officially identified as a California Public Benefit Corporation. Once CARL gets tax-exempt status from the state, we can apply for federal tax-exempt status.

  7. Committee on Organization Report
  8. 7a. Dues Increase

    It was moved by Cynthia Jahns and seconded by Ron Rodriguez to ask CARL members to vote on a dues increase for CARL members. The proposal would increase dues for ACRL members from $10 to $20, for non-ACRL member from $15 to $30, and for students and retired members from $5 to $10 (this last increase differs from an earlier proposal to increase dues for student and retired members to $15). The Executive Board unanimously approved sending the new language to a vote of the CARL membership in this year’s ballot. A Life Membership category was mentioned, but was not considered feasible due to the relatively small size of CARL and the problem that it reduces annual income.

    There was also a discussion of establishing a Friends of CARL membership category once CARL is incorporated. As a nonprofit corporation, CARL would be able to accept tax deductible donations. One suggestion from the CARL Southern meeting was to use the donations to endow the Research Award. This will be discussed further at the June meeting.

    7b. Stationery

    The Board discussed the costs of acquiring CARL stationery. Cynthia Jahns made inquiries and found out that 500 pieces on nice paper with one color cost $99; 1000 pieces of same cost $124. Vicki Rosen suggested that CARL should also have matching envelopes. Cynthia Jahns moved and Ron Rodriguez seconded a proposal that the Board allocate up to $500 for CARL stationery and envelopes. The Board approved.

    7c. Administrative Manual

    John McGinnis is coordinating an update of the Administrative Manual. The Committee is currently gathering sample letters, ballots, etc. for the Manual. The Manual could eventually be made available over the web with a password login.

  9. Planning for Future Conferences
  10. See Southern Vice-President Report.

  11. Guest: Joel Coen, California State Library
  12. Joel Coen, California State Library, met with the Board after lunch to solicit feedback from Board members on the direction of a future California State Library publication. He is meeting with other library organizations as well. The CARL focus group is intended to provide a representation of the interests academic librarians. Coen asked Board members to respond to a series of questions, including: What challenges do you see in the future for librarians? What are broad categories for the work that you do and how do you get information to do this work? Is there any information that you're not receiving that would be useful? What can the State Library provide for you to satisfy your information needs?

  13. Meeting Schedule for 2000
  14. The Board set up the following meeting schedule for 2000:

    Wednesday, June 21, 2000

    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Wednesday, September 6, 2000

    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Wednesday, December 6, 2000

    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Some, if not all, of these meetings will be conducted via videoconferencing. Evelyn Lord will find out if Laney College (a community college) has video conferencing capability. Since the Southern group will be meeting at Cerritos College, also a community college, it is probably easier for two community colleges to establish a video conferencing hookup.

  15. Other

Gregg Atkins said that CLA is gathering data to invite other library groups to get together to brainstorm on working effectively together. President Schaeffer expressed an interest in attending and Gregg Atkins will forward information on attending to her.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
