June 21, 2000
(Cerritos College and Laney College)

Attending: Deborah Schaeffer (2000 President); Cynthia Jahns (2000 Northern Vice President); John McGinnis (2000 Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (2000 Secretary); Vicki Rosen (2000-2002 Treasurer); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Evelyn Lord (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Michael Oppenheim (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Paula Hammett (Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Debra Moore (Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor).

Absent: Bonnie Petry (Web Administrator); Gregg Atkins (Legislative Liaison); Carl Bengston (ACRL Chapters’ Delegate).

Guest: Bryant Byrnes, Legal Council.


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. by President Deborah Schaeffer. The agenda was approved and the President stated that the Minutes of the March 27, 2000 meeting had been approved prior to the meeting by the Board via email.

  3. Incorporation
  4. Bryant Byrnes, legal council for CARL, announced that this meeting is the first meeting of the Board as a non-profit corporation. Cynthia Jahns was named the temporary chairperson for this part of the meeting. Cynthia read the draft of the Articles of Incorporation with Bryant commenting and making clarifications to questions of the Board.

    The current CARL Bylaws were adopted as the bylaws of the corporation by the Board. Incorporation materials will be filed in the CARL Executive Board materials and official minutes book.

  5. Membership Report
  6. The current membership (as of 6/21/00) stands at 664. The breakdown is as follows: Community Colleges = 102, CSUs = 188, Private = 187, Library School = 9, UCs = 119, Vendors = 13, Public = 4.

  7. President’s Report
  8. President Deborah Schaeffer reported that the Conference planning is moving ahead. She will send out a registration reminder message via CARLALL.

  9. Report from Other Officers

4a. Northern Vice President Report

Northern Vice President Cynthia Jahns reported that nominations and election ballots were sent out. Some members however, did not receive ballots. Deborah will send out an email saying if you have not received a ballot to contact Jean Purnell, Chair of the Nominating and Elections Committee and have her send another out. It was agreed to extend the voting deadline to July 25.

4b. Southern Vice President Report

Southern Vice President John McGinnis stated that the Millennium Conference will be held Saturday, November 11, 2000. This will be funded by a grant from the State Library. John reported that he is exploring the idea of holding the CARL 2002 Conference at Asilomar again.

4c. Secretary Report

Nothing to report.

4d. Treasurer Report

Treasurer Vicki Rosen reported that currently there is $15,925.93 in the checking account. There is $14,398.80 in the savings account.

4e. ACRL Chapter Council Delegate Report

Deborah reported that Carl Bengston will not be attending ALA in Chicago. She will attend to represent CARL and report back next meeting.

4f. Directors-at-Large Reports

4f1. Northern Interest Group Coordinator

Paula Hammett, Northern Interest Group Coordinator, reported that SEAL-North had a good program. Jim Matthews, Chair of the Community College Interest Group, is planning a program to be held on Sept. 29, 2000 on "Money: How to Get It and How to Spend It."

4f2. Southern Interest Group Coordinator

Debra Moore, Southern Interest Group Coordinator, reported that several interest groups are sponsoring pre-conference sessions. Also, Barbara Quarton from CSU San Bernardino is interested in reviving CSUL-South.



4f3. Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator

Evelyn Lord, Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator, reported that people are sending in articles for the newsletter. For the campus liaisons in the north, people are needed to fill existing vacancies.

4f4. Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator

Michael Oppenheim, Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator, suggested that we list campus liaisons and those campuses that don’t have them to drum up business. Ruth Wallach will include in September newsletter

4g. Web Site Coordinator

Bonnie Petry, Web Coordinator, was not present.

4h. Newsletter Editor

Ruth Wallach, Newsletter Editor, reported that the latest newsletter was printed on lighter paper and mailed out. "Places and Faces" continues to be the most popular section. A PDF file was also placed on the web.

4i. Legislative Liaison

Greg Atkins, Legislative Liaison, was not present.

  1. Library of California

John McGinnis reported on the Library of California. The Task Force of 7 regions is close to incorporation. Every region in the state will submit an application by September 2000. Representatives from all types of libraries will be included.

6. Next meeting: Wednesday September 6, 2000 at the same locations.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Suellen Cox, Secretary

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