MARCH 5, 2001 (CSU Hayward)

Attending: Cynthia Jahns (2001 President); Deborah Schaefer (2000 President); Judy Clarence (2001 Northern Vice President); John McGinnis (2000-2001 Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (2000-2001 Secretary); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Jeanne Fong (2001 Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Deb Moore (2001 Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Evelyn Lord (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Kelly Janousek (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Locke Morrisey (ACRL Chapters’ Council Liaison).

Absent: Vicki Rosen (2000-2002 Treasurer); Bonnie Petry (Web Administrator); Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor); Susan Hagius (Legislative Liaison)

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. CSU Hayward UL Myoung-ja Lee Kwon welcomed the board.

  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Agenda approved

  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Clarification was made regarding the "Speaker Support" guidelines.

    Minutes were approved

  7. President’s Report

The Executive Board meeting schedule was set as follows:

    • Monday June 4, 2001 (Cerritos and TBA)
    • Monday September 10, 2001 (Cerritos and TBA
    • Monday December 3, 2001 (Cerritos and TBA)

Regional meetings were held during the month of February. The Northern Regional meeting at Berkeley attracted 30 participants. The Southern Regional Meeting at Cerritos attracted 24 participants.

  1. Officers Reports

5a. Vice-President North

Vice-President North, Judy Clarence, is working on appointing someone to serve on the membership committee.

5b. Vice-President South

John McGinnis, Vice-President South, announced that Evelyn Lord, is co-chairing with Ann Hotta program planning for the 2002 CARL Conference to be held at Asilomar. John is concerned that as it currently stands, the CARL conference will always be under the jurisdiction of the southern vice president. Because the conference will now be held every other year, this issue needs further discussion by the Committee on Organization.

5c. Secretary

Please mail major reports made to the Executive Board to the secretary.

5d. Treasurer

Treasurer Vicki Rosen and Locke Morrisey will work on sending treasurer reports in both PC and MAC formats.

President Jahns mentioned that after looking at the financial reports for 2000, the dues increase was justified. She also indicated that Interest Group programs need to generate some income for CARL. During 2001, there are numerous local programs scheduled, this should generate some profit.

The current account balances as of February 28, 2001 are:

Checking: $13,206.42

Savings: $14,778.99

The Board made the following decisions regarding the Application for Recognition of Exemption. These will be applied to the form and filed by April 15, 2001


Rank 1: Professional Growth Opportunities (75%)

This includes the Biennial statewide conference and local programming opportunities for continuing education and networking. Also included, organizational leadership opportunities, for example, serving on the Executive Board, interest groups, or as committee chairs.

Rank 2: Publications (paper and web) (10%)

Rank 3: Administration & Management of CARL (10%)

Rank 4: Professional Awards and Recognition (5%)

Research Awards (competitive)

Member of Year


Library professionals working in academic libraries in CA (staff, students, vendors)

Efforts made to attract new members include local programming, conferences, workshops, listservs, newsletters, reflection groups, and the CARL web site.


Discounts on programs and conference fees, job listings on web.


Organization does not take a stand on issues.


We solicit small donations from academic library vendors to partially underwrite statewide programming.

We are affiliated with ACRL but not financially accountable.

5e. Membership Director

Membership Director, Ron Rodriguez reported that development of a new, self-service format for the membership database is still not complete. Ron offered several suggestions for options to resolve the situation.

John McGinnis made a presentation on the File Maker Pro database that he set up for the California Department of Education. The Board discussed the capabilities of the different software packages, and agreed that File Maker Pro could handle all our requirements. Cynthia Jahns suggests we terminate the existing contract. It was moved and seconded to give a one-month notice to, and cancel the contract with Anansi Web Concepts. The Board voted with five (5) ayes, two (2) abstentions.

It was moved, seconded and voted on to have John McGinnis make a formal proposal to develop the new membership database using File Maker Pro. The proposal would include four measurable stages:

    • Rewrite formulas
    • Do layouts (working with membership committee)
    • Producing reports (financial, membership, other reports etc)
    • Mount on Web

The cost would be $500.00 per stage for a total of $2000.00. The Board will need to buy the File Maker Pro Network program for $700.00. Phase 1 would be ready by May.

Several questions remain and need to be addressed including, issues with regards to privacy, and who would host the site. Digital Forest could host the site for $59.00 per month, or we could have an academic institution host the site.

Cynthia and Ron will investigate writing up a new contract

Ron also wanted to publicly recognize Claudia Horn, Kelly Janousek, and Evelyn Lord for their efforts to review and analyze the membership database project.

Ron also reported that our membership numbers are lower than last year. A second renewal notice will go out in March. The reflector has problems and needs to be updated. Ron will send the members lists to campus liaisons in excel format.

5f. ACRL Chapters Council Delegate

ACRL Chapters’ Council Liaison, Locke Morrisey, reported that ACRL has an issue about people who are not ACRL members being part of ACRL Chapters such as CARL. It was suggested that it might be an issue of ALA dues perhaps being too high. ACRL is having a hard time filling all committee assignments, and Locke urged people who would like to be on an ACRL committee to apply. He stated that in his opinion, ACRL is not addressing issue of diversity and graying of profession.

5g. Interest Group Coordinator North

Interest Group Coordinator North Jeanne Fong reported that UC Berkeley has new University Librarian, Thomas Leonard. Merced campus has a new UL, Bruce Miller from UC San Diego. After thirty years, Bill Whitson (1985 CARL President) has retired from UC Berkeley.

California Digital Library is transitioning to a new vendor, and Berkeley has identified three people who will serve on the team.

In terms of Northern Interest Groups activities, the Maximizing CD program was cancelled due to lack of interest. CALM and Collection Development Group are putting together a program on disasters to be held May 9, 2001 at Santa Clara. ABLE will hold a program in April 2001.

According to the "Events" section of the CARL web site, the ABLE North program is at Stanford University on May 25, 2001.

5h. Interest Group Coordinator South

Southern Interest Group Coordinator, Deb Moore, reported that CALM has a new chair, Dave Harmeyer. Sharon Schaeffer is the new chair of SEAL for upcoming year.

CSUL, chaired by Barbara Quarton, has scheduled a program for June 1 on CSU SEIR at the Chancellor’s Office. DIAL is also planning a program. The Government Publications Interest Group has scheduled a program for May 17, 2001 in Northridge.

5i. Campus Liaison Coordinator North

Campus Liaison Coordinator North, Evelyn Lord, reported that there was a good turnout at the regional meeting. People are interested in working on the 2002 conference. There will be a meeting at Laney College on March 27, 2001 to work on program planning for 2002 conference at Asilomar.

It was suggested, that a list of people interested in volunteering should be generated and sent to chairs. (Ron Rodriguez)

5j. Campus Liaison Coordinator South

Campus Liaison Coordinator South, Kelly Janousek, reported on lists of liaisons and wants to generate a list of campuses that don’t have liaisons.

5k. Web Site Coordinator

No official report. Send more names to her of people who would be willing to provide assistance on web page maintenance.

5l. Newsletter Editor

No official report. President Cynthia Jahns reported that with regards to mailings, it was decided not to go with a second permit.

5m. Legislative Liaison

No official report.

President Cynthia Jahns acknowledged that Susan Hagius is doing a great job reporting on legislative and statewide issues.

6. Old Business

Past CARL President, Deborah Schaeffer, reported on the 2000 Conference. Financially, the Conference went in the hole about $600.00. Several vendors did not come through with money they had pledged. There were also expenses that had previously been covered by either the hotel or by a library that were costs for this year. An example would be signage and flowers for the luncheon tables. The overall conference evaluations were very positive. The completed report with the comments will be posted on the Conference web site soon.

One hundred and ninety-five (195) participants attended one of the five (5) pre-conferences. There were 222 attendees at the main conference, and fifty-one (51) attendees at the Aquarium Post Conference. The Board may want to consider increasing the registration fee slightly when the conference is held at a hotel. President Cynthia Jahns suggested looking at past conferences and compare costs, food, etc.

It was suggested for the 2002 Conference, to find a vendor that would be willing to fund the packet folders (they could put their names on it). This could save several hundred dollars per conference and is good advertisement for the vendor.

7. New Business

Committee appointments are almost done. Trish Burson is chairing the Elections/Nominating committee. The Research Committee needs a chair.

SCIL (Southern California Instruction Librarians) is interested in hosting the 2003 ACRL Institute for Information Literacy in Southern California. SCIL would support this with money they brought from the CCLI treasury when they affiliated with CARL last year. Would CARL co-sponsor? This would give high visibility to CARL.

The Board is interested. It was suggested that the Board invite people from SCIL to submit a proposal and address specific issues. Board will draft some questions regarding the issues.

Committee on Organization needs to do further work on documenting the roles and responsibilities of CARL Board members. President Jahns recommended that members start taking notes and documenting what they do. These will be turned in at the September 2001 meeting.

The Program Planning Guide and the Organizational Manual both need updating.

A host for the Reflectors needs to be found.

Past CARL President, Deborah Schaeffer proposed that a $300.00 per year stipend be allocated for the Membership Director. There was a discussion of the extensive duties of this position. The Board voted to fund this stipend starting this year.

8. Next meeting

Monday June 4, 2001.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Suellen Cox

CARL, Secretary