June 4, 2001
(Cerritos College and UC Santa Cruz)

Attending: Cynthia Jahns (2001 President); Judy Clarence (2001 Northern Vice President); John McGinnis (2000 Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (2000-2001 Secretary); Vicki Rosen (2000-2002 Treasurer); Ron Rodriguez (Membership Director); Coordinator); Deb Moore (2001 Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Frank Gravier (2001 UC Representative and Northern Interest Group Coordinator) Kelly Janousek (2001 Director at Large, Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator;

Deborah Moore(California Lutheran College); Gail Burrow Claremont College;

Absent: Locke Morrisey (ACRL Chapters’ Council Liaison); Bonnie Petry (Web Site Coordinator); Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor); Evelyn Lord.

  1. Welcome, Introductions, Announcements
  2. Susan Hagius is retiring and resigning as Legislative Liaison.

  3. Approval of Minutes---
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. New Business
  6. 4a. Part I: sCIL Proposal

    Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Gayle Burrow (Claremont Colleges), and Deb Moore (California Lutheran College) gave a report on the sCIL proposal to host the Summer 2003 Regional Summer Information Literacy Immersion Program. sCIL would be the coordinating body and communicate with ACRL. CARL would be sponsoring agency. sCIL would like to earmark the current remaining CCLI funds for this program. There should be no monetary expense to CARL.

    John McGinnis made the motion to have CARL endorse sponsorship of a regional Information Literacy immersion program.

    4b. Part II:Demonstration of the new CARL Database

    Membership Chair Ron Rodriguez reported that when the new database is complete.

    John McGinnis demonstrated the new CARL Membership database.


  7. President’s Report
  8. 5a. President Cynthia Jahns reported on the Nominating and Elections Committee. An excellent slate of candidates has been formed. She thanked Trish Burson and her committee for an outstanding job.

    5b. Meeting Updates

    The Northern Regional meeting is scheduled for Monday December 3, 2001 at Preservation Park.

    5c. Committees: Who’s Who

    President Jahns reported that current CARL committees are up on the Web. Deborah Schaeffer will chair the Committee on Organization.

    Elizabeth Housewright, CSU Fullerton, will chair the Research Award Committee.

  9. Officers Reports

6a. Vice-President South

John McGinnis, Vice-President South, reported that planning is underway for the 2002 CARL Conference to be held at Asilomar.

6b. Vice-President North

Judy Clarence had nothing to report.

6c. Secretary

Suellen Cox had nothing to report.

6d. Treasurer

Vicki Rosen shared the current budget. She reported that currently, there is $12,124.64 in the checking account, and $14,914.99 in the savings account.

6e. Membership Director

Ron Rodriguez reported that the current CARL 2001 membership stands at 430. Three hundred twenty-four (324) 2000 members have not renewed as of June 1, 2001.

The breakdown by institution (2001 members only) is:

    • Community College 76
    • CSU 139
    • UC 82
    • Private 117
    • Public 5
    • Library Schools 4
    • Vendors 6
    • Retired 12

6f. Web Site Coordinator

Bonnie Petry, Web Site Coordinator, sent her report via email. All available archival material is now linked to the Archives page. 2002 CARL Conference web site is up.

6g. Newsletter Editor

The newsletter report was sent via email.

6h. Southern Interest Group Coordinator

Deb Moore reported that there is a CALM program scheduled on July 27.

6i. Northern Interest Group Coordinator

Frank Gravier reported that there are eight active groups in the north.

6j. Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator

Deborah Moore stated that there was nothing much to report. .

6k. Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator

Evelyn Lord absent.

6l. Legislative Liaison

Susan Haigus has resigned; Cynthia will try to find a replacement.

Next meeting

Scheduled for September , 2001


Meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted


Suellen Cox

CARL, Secretary