CARL Board of Directors Meeting
December 13, 2002
Chapman University
Attending: John McGinnis (President); Judy Clarence (Northern Vice President); Jean Purnell (Northern Vice President Elect); Ron Rodriguez (Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (Secretary); Ann Hotta (Secretary Elect); Vicki Rosen (Treasurer); Liz Ginno (Membership Director); Frank Gravier (Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Fred Batt (Northern Interest Group Coordinator Elect) Simone Yu (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Kelly Janousek (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); David Rios (Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator Elect); Locke Morrisey (ACRL Chapters Council Delegate); Legislative Liaison; Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor); Christina Woo (Newsletter Editor Elect);
Absent: Bonnie Petry (Webmaster); Tamara Weintraub (Southern Interest Group Coordinator)
Guests: Cynthia Jahns (Committee on Organization); Deborah Schaeffer (Committee on Organization); Gail Burrows (sCIL)
President McGinnis welcomed the new board members and announced that the board meeting would commence with two presentations:
September 30, 2002 Minutes approved as amended.
4. SCIL Proposal
Insurance Issue
President McGinnis stated that Insurance Associates McDowall & Keeney have been contacted regarding securing insurance.
Committee on Organization
Representing the Committee on Organization, Cynthia Jahns and Deborah Schaeffer made several recommendations:
Several language issues also need to be addressed for bylaws changes.
CARL Interest groups need to hold regular elections.
Interest Groups that do not have bylaws should write them as specified in CARL
Bylaws or model on IGs that have bylaws in place. Bylaws should address:
6a. Vice-President North
Judy Clarence reminded Board members of the upcoming Board meetings.
She also discussed the problem with the CARL election which did not occur in the spring.
Ballots were completed over the summer and the election held in fall. It was moved, seconded, and passed to hold future elections in fall.
6b. Vice-President South
Ron Rodriguez reported on the ongoing planning for the CARL 2004 Conference. It is scheduled for April 22-25, 2004 (Thursday-Sunday). The conference will be held in Pasadena at the Double Tree Hotel.
Chair of the Program Planning Committee is Kelly Janousek. Janousek reported that the conference theme is: Mission Architecture: Philosophical Foundations of Academic and Research Libraries.
Local Arrangements Chair is Deb Schaeffer. She stated that there will be many activity options, dine-a rounds, etc. Daylong events planned to encourage people to stay.
Rodriguez also reported on the Member of the Year Committee. No submissions or inquiries were received. Ron suggested several options
The following suggestions were made.
Present awards committee will review the award, process, etc. and bring recommendations to March 2003 Board Meeting.
6c. Secretary
It was agreed that outgoing Secretary Suellen Cox will give all materials to the Secretary-elect Ann Hotta, who will then forward materials to the CARL archivist.
6d. Treasurer
Treasurer Vicki Rosen provided last quarters financial report and provided an overview
of 2002.
She mentioned that IGs can get advances from CARL for IG programs and IG Coordinators should let groups know. Checks for IG programs need to be made out to CARL
6e. Membership Director
Liz Ginno reported that the Membership Renewals will go out in January. Renewal deadline March 1, 2003
Ginno presented the tentative membership brochure
6f. Campus Liaison Coordinator North
Simone Yu had nothing to report.
6g. Campus Liaison Coordinator South
Kelly Janousek asked board members to review web site and make sure that liaisons are listed.
6h. Interest Group Coordinator North
Frank Gravier reported that another "Treasures of the CSU" is being planned for
the north. A SEAL meeting is being planned to discuss program planning.
6i. Interest Group Coordinator South
Suellen Cox for Tamara Weintraub reported that CSUL planned and hosted a successful program "Treasures of the CSU" (special collections) on Oct. 13 at Fullerton.
It was suggested that IGs partner up to plan and present programs.
6j. Conference Scholarships
Locke Morrisey reported on the committees work.
7. ACRL Chapters Council Liaison
Locke reported that he and Ruth will be at mid-winter.
8. Newsletter Editor
Outgoing editor Ruth Wallach questioned whether the newsletter should be quarterly or less frequent. The issue will be addressed at the March Board meeting.
In-coming editor is Christina Woo.
9. Webmaster
President McGinnis presented the report from Webmaster Bonnie Petry. The CARL web
page has been mounted on digital forest.
Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Suellen Cox
CARL, Secretary