June 3, 2002 Cerritos College and CSU Hayward

Attending: John McGinnis (President); Judy Clarence (Northern Vice President); Ron Rodriguez (Southern Vice President); Suellen Cox (Secretary); Vicki Rosen (Treasurer); Liz Ginno (Membership Director); Frank Gravier (Northern Interest Group Coordinator); Simone Yu (Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Kelly Janousek (Director at Large, Southern Campus Liaison Coordinator); Locke Morrisey (ACRL Chapters’ Council Delegate); Legislative Liaison

Absent: Tamara Weintraub (Southern Interest Group Coordinator); Ruth Wallach (Newsletter Editor)

  1. Announcements
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of March 11 2002 Minutes
  4. Minutes will be approved at September 30, 2002 meeting.

  5. President’s Report
  6. Committee on Organization

    The work of this committee has been a long-term goal of past president, Deborah Schaffer. Committee needs to meet, go through manual, and make revisions. High priorities include: clarification on and procedures for committees, process of appointing committees, and the status of the Research Committee (Ad-Hoc).

  7. Officers Reports

5a. Vice-President North

Judy Clarence reported that elections will not be held in spring as usual.

    • Nominations Committee

Judy suggests holding off election until Fall (September) 2002.

Some candidates have been identified, but not everyone has been approached. Newly elected board members would attend the December meeting.

    • Nominations for Directors at Large must alternate. A suggestion was made to prepare a 5-year grid or perpetual calendar.

In addition, clarification on Bylaws for IG’s and Liaison Coordinators is not mandated. This is an issue for the Committee on Organization to address. Nominations Committee will produce the grid and clarify roles.

5b. Vice-President South

2004 CARL Conference: Ron Rodriguez reported on the progress of the 2004 CARL Conference. The theme is under discussion. Pasadena is being considered as it provides many off site venues.

Library School Scholarships: The Board is interested in instituting conference scholarships for library school students. President McGinnis suggests forming an Ad-Hoc committee to address the issue as a way of promoting the profession. The Ad-Hoc Committee will consist of Kelly Janousek, Lock Morrisey, and Suellen Cox. Locke will chair the committee. President McGinnis will form an ongoing, formal subcommittee and provide a charge.

Member of the Year Award Committee: Ron is creating a draft and the board needs to discuss a deadline. Notification of Award should go out in June. Kelly Janousek urges that the Board look at the calendar, and consider the impact made by moving the conference date. Deadline for nominations will be October 15, 2002. Committee will be composed of Ron Rodriguez, Judy Clarence, and the last award winner, Lisa Snyder.

5c. Secretary

5d. Treasurer

Vicki Rosen supplied the current treasury report.

Last years expenditures included database and CPA costs. The treasurer is continuing to work on the filing with the CPA.

A profit was made on the conference.

President McGinnis discussed funding for Interest Groups, and the possibility of having CARL allocate $500 seed money to the various groups. CARL expects interest groups to make a profit for CARL on programs. Guidelines for programs also need to the developed.

5e. Membership Director

Liz Ginno reported on conference registration and membership renewal.

Eighty-nine (89) new members have joined. Renewals notices were sent to approximately 700 individuals. The current number of 2002 members stands at 571.

The Conference attracted 228 attendees. There were155 attendees at the Pre-Conference.

Christina Woo is developing the New Membership Brochure. It will be sent to library schools in an effort to generate new members. President McGinnis suggests we get something professionally done and printed that would include a membership form. Membership director will investigate and report back at September meeting.

Janousek and Yu will coordinate with campus liaisons who will use online directory, to find librarians who are not CARL members and use brochure to recruit.

Ginno will find out how many CARL members are also ACRL members.

Membership Committee needs to meet and address issues of a recruitment drive. Membership chair will coordinate a meeting and come up with a plan to be presented at Sept meeting. Motion made and seconded to provide funds for this meeting.

5f. Campus Liaison Coordinator North

Simone Yu nothing to report.

5g. Campus Liaison Coordinator South

Kelly Janousek reported on some changes. Bruce Harley (SDS U) is retiring. Joy Thomas (CSULB) is retiring. Janousek will review liaison responsibilities list and compare content with the website.

5h. Interest Group Coordinator North

CARL-DIG North is planning a program on the future of reference.

Frank Gravier reported that a New Interest Group on Technical Services is being proposed. He has the signatures. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Technical Services Interest group upon verifying signatures.

Gravier also reported on the Asilomar meeting. Patrick Sullivan and Ron Rodriguez facilitated the meeting. There is a sense that more communication and continuity is needed. IGs should be encouraged to look at the CARL website and work from those pages. Gravier will forward Tamara’s draft guide to Board.

Gravier reported on the IGs Coordinator meeting also held at Asilomar. They wondered if they need to have bylaws. SEAL South was mentioned as a possible model.

5i. Interest Group Coordinator South

Tamara Weintraub sent report

IT Interest Group Proposal (purposes, planned activities, etc). The group needs to gather signatures and present the official proposal for Board approval. This will also be sent to archives.


5j. Web Site Coordinator

Bonnie Petry reported that an upgrade is being planned. Connect time should improve. She will add a search feature and a site map. Conference website will be folded into CARL site. Page for Interest groups will be worked on.

5k. Newsletter Editor

Ruth Wallach absent.


5l. ACRL Chapters Council Delegate

Locke Morrisey reported that he is running for ACRL Chapters Council. Board will need to appoint another delegate if he wins.

CARL Conference is not listed on the ALA site. This will need to be included for next conference. John will call ACRL with regards to listing of CARL members.

  1. Old Business

6a. sCIL Proposal for Immersion Program Update

Proposal has gone forward, waiting for reply.

6c. Special Collections Lists

Simone Yu will contact CD group and Liaisons to see if they are willing to provide lists. A completed list link will be provided on the CARL Website.

Janousek reported on an upcoming October 2002 program on CSU South special collections. Information will be forwarded to SimoneYu. Simone will email a draft announcement to Janousek for sending to liaisons.

Next meeting

Scheduled for September 30, 2002

Video Conference between Long Beach and Stanford

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Suellen Cox

CARL, Secretary