CARL Board of Directors Meeting 

September 29, 2003

Video Conference:

North: California State University, Hayward (Contra Costa Campus)

South: California State University, Fullerton


Attending: Judy Clarence (President); Ron Rodriguez (Vice President, South); Jean Purnell (Vice President, North); Vicki Rosen (Treasurer); Ann Hotta (Secretary); Liz Ginno (Membership Director); Fred Batt (Interest Group Coordinator, North); Suellen Cox (Interest Group Coordinator, South); Simone Yu (Campus Liaison Coordinator, North); David Rios (Campus Liaison Coordinator, South); Christina Woo (Newsletter Editor); Bonnie Petry (Web Site Coordinator); Lynne Reasoner (Archivist); Aline Soules (Legislative Liaison)


Guest: Kelly Janousek


Absent: Ruth Wallach (ACRL Chapter Council Delegate)


1.              Announcements


Kelly will attend the Listen Program October 12th, 1-3 pm at the Library School in Fullerton. This is a day when professional associations can set up tables and meet students. For $20, the associationıs representative gets time to make a brief presentation. The Board approved the payment of $20 from the treasury for this fee. Liz is working on membership brochures and will send 30 or so copies to Kelly this week.


2.              Approval of Minutes


The minutes for the meeting of June 2, 2003 were approved.


The motion was made to approve the minutes via email instead of in person at the following meeting. This will lessen the time lag between the meeting and when the edited minutes get posted to the website for all members to see. Once the secretary completes the draft of the minutes, a deadline will be set for sending in corrections. If substantial changes are suggested, then a new deadline will be set, and a second call made for corrections. The motion was passed unanimously.


3.              Approval of Agenda. Approved


4.              President's Report


a)             ACRL Annual Report. Suellen noted several Interest Group (IG) South programs not listed in the report. The newsletter is the best source for gathering this information. Judy will send in an amendment to the report to ACRL. We received $400 from ACRL for our ACRL members.


b)              Judy has not yet contacted Interest Groups about updating bylaws and holding elections.


d)             Everyone now seems to be getting CARL-EX email messages.


e)              As discussed at the previous meeting, Liz is the moderator for CARL-ALL, and Judy is her backup. This past quarter the server at CSU Hayward was down for an entire week, and this caused some delays in posting. Future Boards should note that it should always appoint a backup to the listserv moderator for times when the moderator is away.


e)              A motion was made to appoint Suellen to complete Tamaraıs term as IG Coordinator for the South. The motion was passed unanimously.


5.              Southern Vice Presidentıs Report


a)             Nominations Committee: The slate of candidates is ready to go. A discussion about voting via some electronic means ensued. One alternative suggested was to use the membership database. A password can somehow be distributed and people could vote. They would have to vote all at one time (i.e., they could not do half the ballot on one day and complete it on another) and could only, of course, vote once. John McGinnis is willing to work on it but would have to work with Liz. Liz said that she is working on conference registrations during the month of October so this would not be a good year to try something new like this.


It was decided to stick with printed ballots that are mailed to members. Liz will give mailing labels for 2003 members to Ron in the next two weeks; ballots will be sent out in mid-October.


b)              Everything is going smoothly with the conference planning. Local Arrangements have confirmed the contract with the hotel and verified the costs. The hotel has not asked for any money down yet. Our application is in so that we can spread out the payments, instead of making them in one lump sum. The hotel is now saying that insurance is optional but Ron recommends that we still get it. Vicki is working on this.


The conference website is up. Three of the four keynote speakers have been confirmed: Eugenie Prime (Hewlett Packard (HP) Labs Research Library), Paul Duguid (Research Specialist, University of California, Berkeley), and Tyrone Cannon (ACRL President). The luncheon speaker is still to be announced.


Ron has almost reached his fundraising goal of $3,000 from vendors and still has contacts left to go.


The response to the call for program proposals was low. Ron will call some of the IGs to see if he can drum up business.



6.              Northern Vice Presidentıs Report


a)              The program for the December mini-conference in Oakland is still to be determined. Jean contacted Barbara Quarton and gathered notes on the planning for the ³Treasures of the CSU² program.  A ³Treasures of Northern California Campuses² program seems the most viable idea at this point. This could be combined with a time for IGs to meet with one another and/or talk to potential new members.  If we set up an ACRL membership drive at the conference (and at the May conference) we can get $10 per new member that we recruit.


7.              Secretaryıs Report


a)             Ann has set up the Yahoo Briefcase account at to serve as the Board (³intranet²) file server. The latest copy of the minutes has been posted, as had been the treasurerıs report. Any Board member can post documents to this site. PDF files are fine. Ann will post the final version of the June meeting minutes on the site in PDF format.       


b)              Ann has sent the old Administrative Manual binder to Lynne Reasoner, the CARL Archivist.


8.              Treasurerıs Report


a)             Vicki will post a copy of the IRS application to the Briefcase site. As mentioned earlier in the Presidentıs report, we received $400 from ACRL.


b)              Bank account balances:

                  Checking:             $21,264.02

                  Savings:                 $28,783.74


c)              Part of maintaining our tax-exempt status is keeping a ³Minutes Book.² This is a binder of (printed) minutes that are signed, presumably by the secretary. We need to gather all minutes from June 2000 to the present. Vicki will work with Ann to set this up. Our attorney is keeping the Minutes Book and a copy of all future minutes should be sent to the Attorney.


c)              Vicki will write up a summary regarding our new tax status for the members at large, explaining the benefits and what this means.


9.              Survey


Vicki and Locke received some editorial comments back from David Rios regarding the survey that was sent out for comment to all Board members. Liz will create a list of CARL members that are not ACRL members and get this to Locke.


10.            Membership Directorıs Report


a)             We have 648 members. TSIG, the new Technical Services IG, has 97 members.


b)              Liz distributed email addresses of campus liaisons to the Campus Liason coordinators.


c)              It was agreed that we should match the colors of the logo on the brochure and on the membership database. Liz will fix this.


d)             Ron asked for a list of vendors who are members of CARL. This is to make sure he has everyone on list for conference fundraising.



11.            Committee on Organization


Cynthia Jahns, Committee Chair, could not attend this meeting, so Ron made a report. The Committee discussed several issues at the meeting and a written report has already been distributed to Board members. Ron suggested that the Board consider this written report a progress report and that the Board should send feedback to the committee regarding whether or not the Committee is on track. Judy felt that any significant issues (i.e., things that go beyond editorial comments) should be discussed on CARL-EX. Jean suggested that the discussion be broken down into sections. Eventually, the Committee should come back with a series of motions for the Board to discuss.


Judy wondered if at some point the Committee would want to ask Carl Bengston to look any amendments over, since Carl was originally in charge of creating the bylaws and may have some particular insight.


Kelly suggested that some of the procedural matters that are currently in the Bylaws be taken out of the bylaws and be made into standing rules. This is so that simple changes can be made without calling for a membership vote and submission of the new procedures to the State of California.


Ann has examined the Administrative Manual binder; it contains no documents with current procedures and has been sent to the archives. Any future standing rules document would live on the CARL website.


12.            Library School Scholarship Committee


A new committee needs to be appointed ASAP in order to solicit applicants and administer the scholarship. Suellen will remain on the committee and Judy will appoint two more members. Kelly suggested Tracy Mayfield as a potential member. Judy will appoint a third person from the North by the end of this week. This is an opportunity to get new members involved with CARL. Suellen will send revisions to the scholarship information packet to Judy for her review.


13.            Webmasterıs Report


a)             Transfer of the website to the Digital Forest site was delayed due to a communication glitch at Digital Forest, but that has been cleared up and the transfer should take place soon.


b)              Bill Whitson has supplied some leadership documents for the archive and these will be posted on the website.


c)              Bonnie is about to do her annual fall grooming of the website.


14.            Newsletter Editorıs Report


a)             The paper copy has been sent out. The electronic versions will be out soon.


b)              Twenty pages were filled. Bonnie Gratch Lindauer, Research Award recipient, submitted a report on her research project. The recent ACRL Scholarship recipient has gotten a job at Cal State L.A.


c)              The deadline for the next issue is November 15.


15.            Interest Group Coordinator North Report


Fred reported that Sirous Monajami has been soliciting suggestions for programs for DIAL.


16.            Interest Group Coordinator South Report


Suellen reporting:


ABLE: Co-sponsoring day-long program with sCIL for business librarians and faculty, ³Designing and Assigning Student Business Assignments.² Ann Fiegen will be requesting honorarium for non-librarian speakers. No one knows yet how much this request will be.


CARL-IT: Has met, appointed officers, has a listserv and website. Please add this IG to the list of IGs on the website.


SCIL: Next meeting in October.


SEAL: Had program in September on the Los Angeles River and its future restoration. SEAL has submitted a proposal for a preconference at the upcoming conference.


TSIG: Has submitted a program for a breakout session at the conference. Is in the process of creating bylaws.


17.            Program Planning Manual


Fred and Suellen have been working on a updated program.


Vicki said that IGs should always post programs on the website. This is an important way to prove to the IRS that we are an educational organization.


18.            Campus Liaison Coordinator North Report


a)             Simone reported receiving 6 or 7 bounced email messages. Liz asked Simone to check the institutionıs website to see if an updated address can be found there, and let her know so that she can update the membership directory.


b)              Simone asked if there was some way to post the Treasures of the CSU web pages on the CARL web server, instead of just a link to the CSU site.


19.            Campus Liaison Coordinator South Report


David has also received email messages stating that the person was no longer the liaison (because they had retired) or else received no response. In those cases he has asked Bonnie to place ³Vacant² beside the institutionıs name in the campus contacts.


In the latest CARL newsletter there were approximately the same number of entries for southern campuses for Places and People in the News. However, there were fewer institutions reporting.


20.            ACRL Chapters Council Delegate


Vicki attended the chapter meeting at the ACRL conference. A copy of the minutes were distributed to Board members this summer.


21.            Legislative Liaison Report


a)             Aline will start sending out weekly messages again now that the new school quarterıs flurry has died down.


b)              David Drier, representative from Glendora, was suggested to Aline in response to her inquiry as to which legislators are most effective in moving issue forward. She has sent a letter introducing herself, but so far gotten no response back.


c)              Aline will shortly send letters of self-introduction to Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, and her own representative in her area of residence. It takes 1-2 years to build up a relationship with representatives, but this is a necessary step to getting anything moved forward.


22.            Archivist


Lynne has sent copies of the newsletter to Claremont, as they requested.


23.            Old Business


Board members would like an update on the sCIL and ACRL Immersion Program at the next meeting. Judy will contact someone (Judy Lee, or Gail Burrows?)


24.            New Business


a)             Next meeting: December 8 at Chapman University. Since we have a lot of business, the meeting will be from 9:30 to 4 pm.


b)              The election results should be ready in the last week of October.


c)              Ron will follow up with Patrick Sullivan on the status of the two Baja librarians who wished to attend the CARL 2004 conference. Judy granted help with registration fees on a one-time only basis; others informally offered to contribute to help with expenses.




The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Ann Hotta

CARL Secretary