CARL Program Planning Manual


A summary is a good means of disseminating the information presented at the program to a wider audience. Summaries are usually published in the CARL Newsletter, and may now also be made available through the CARL Web Site. A well-written summary reflects positively on the speakers and the sponsor and may serve to interest readers in future programs. This task should be given high priority.

Responsibility for writing the summary should be assigned before the program and the summary should be prepared and submitted within one or two weeks of the program. Cover the salient points made by the speakers, plus references to handouts and audiovisuals used. The summary should be edited and proofread, and then sent by email to the CARL Newsletter Editor and the CARL Web Manager, with copies to the Regional Interest Group Coordinators (for IG programs), the Regional Vice-Presidents and the ACRL Chapters Council delegate, for representation in the articles submitted to the Chapters Council Newsletter.

The length of the summary should be appropriate to the presentations. As a guideline, two to five typewritten, double-spaced pages (400-800 words, or a half-page to a full page in the Newsletter), is the normal range, but shorter or longer summaries are acceptable. Since a summary of any length is acceptable for the Web Site, you may wish to submit a longer one for that platform, and a shorter one for the Newsletter.

See recent issues of the Newsletter for examples of summaries and for information about submitting items. Deadlines are posted in each issue and strictly observed. The normal practice is to submit texts by email. If this is not practical, and you have the file in electronic form, it is better to mail a diskette instead of printing out the text and mailing it, so that the Newsletter Editor or Web Manager need not retype the text.

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