Campus Liaison Coordinator, North Annual Report - 1995

During 1995, I was able to increase the campus liaisons from 43 in 1994 to a total of 55. Some of these institutions are, in fact single librarian libraries. However, it is important to have as many institutions as possible represented. Of the 55, five are without an internet connection so they still rely on flyers sent via USPO. Because of the effective carlall reflector, some of my responsibility of sending information to the liaisons was made redundant. However, I sent a second copy of anything I thought they should be aware of and asked that they distribute it on their campus.

The task of sending lists of last years members andthose renewing to each liaision to ask their assistance in encouraging membership went smoothly althought we got off to a late start.

All in all, it was a successful year. We have a clean database of liaisons to pass on to Beth Sibley when she assumes the position of liaison coordinator in January.

Ann Patterson,
CARL Campus Liaison Coordinator-North, 1994-1995

Ann Patterson
University Librarian
Robert M. Fisher Library
John F. Kennedy University
12 Altarinda Road
Orinda, CA 94563