"Statement of Principles for Information Literacy Criteria":

Supporting Documentation

1. Complete departmental or program self-studies, including a description of courses which require library/information technology usage, how information literacy competencies are being developed, and how these competencies are being assessed.

2. Written rationale for the general education program, describing the educational goals and expected student outcomes and strategies for assessing attainment of these outcomes, including core information literacy competencies.

3. Statistics, organized wherever possible by academic program or broad discipline, on use of library and other learning resources. Statistics documenting reference/research assistance should distinguish those interactions which teach information literacy skills.

4. Statistics and description of how library collections and other learning resources are being developed and maintained to support specific academic programs and curricular assignments.

5. User and other campus constituencies' perceptions of library/ learning resource unit's performance, accompanied by improvement strategies.

6. Description and use statistics of instructional exhibits, programs, and electronic learning resources created by, or in collaboration with, library and computing/information technology staff.

7. Description of the information literacy program, including an analysis of curricular penetration based on program statistics, syllabi or course assignment analysis, or transcript analysis.

8. Copy of the library's assessment plan, which includes performance indicators and assessment methods for measuring the various contributions of the library to valued institutional outcomes.

9. Description of librarian membership contributions on academic governance, curriculum, planning and assessment committees. This description should include a report on the results of librarian collaborations with other academic staff/disciplinary faculty related to teaching and instruction, collection development, information technology planning and other activities that contribute to institutional goals.

10. Description of the professional development program and its results for maintaining and improving the education and skills of faculty, librarians, and staff.

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