SEAL South Program

D.C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in Van Nuys

"From Swill to Swell: a Tour of the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant and Japanese Gardens"

Guided Tours by: Bob Krivak, Chief Engineer of the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant. Japanese Garden Docent, to be announced.

DATE: Monday, November 13, 2000
PLACE: D.C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in Van Nuys
Address: 6100 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys
Map available at

It is located on Woodley Avenue south of Victory Blvd, in the Sepulveda Dam Flood Control Basin.

TIME: 9:00am -10am Water Plant Tour
10:30am-11:30am Japanese Garden Tour

As an added option following the garden tour, we will be going to a no-host lunch at Sam Woo's Bar B Que Restaurant in Van Nuys.

Those wishing to proceed to CSUN (California State University Northridge) Oviatt Library after lunch will be given tours of the the recently rebuilt facility. Directions will be available the day of the event.

COST: $12 for CARL members
$15 for Non-members
parking is free

DEADLINE: November 7, 2000 (Election Day) - Registration is limited to 15 so please register early to avoid disappointment.

Registrants will be sent parking and driving directions.
Please direct inquires to: Sharon Shafer
Phone Number: (310) 825-2614
Fax Number: (310) 206-9872

Send form to: Sharon Shafer
Science & Engineering Library
UCLA Box 951598
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1598


Work ph___________________________Email_________________________________

CARL Members ($12.00) ________ Non-members ($15.00) ________

Checks should be made out to CARL.

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