CARL South Regional Meeting

Please join us to make plans for the coming year at the CARL South Regional Meeting on Monday, February 12th, from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at:

Cerritos Community College
Teleconference Center
11110 Alondra Blvd.
Norwalk, CA 90650

Coffee and treats will be available beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Teleconference Center.

The agenda will be:
Part One:
CARL News & Brief Updates
Introduction of officers present
Update on the 2002 Conference in Asilomar
CARL Member of the Year / Research Award
Interest Group Chairs will announce upcoming programs

Part Two:
We'll divide up into Interest Groups* to discuss program plans for the year. We want to hear your ideas! What ideas are being discussed around your institution? New strategies for dealing with ongoing technological challenges? Got a solution to share?

The Regional Meeting is a great chance to come meet new folks and hear about opportunities for professional development. Please join us for an interesting afternoon.

- Cynthia Jahns, CARL President 2001

*CARL's Interest Groups are:
ABLE: Academic Business Librarians Exchange
CALM: California Academic Librarians in Management
CARLDIG: California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group
CCIG: Community College Interest Group
CDIG: Collection Development Interest Group
CSUL: California State University Librarians
GIPIG: Government Information and Publications
SEAL: Science and Engineering Academic Librarians