The California Academic and Research Libraries/
California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group
Invites you to attend a lively program and discussion on
The Future of Reference Service
Friday, September 13
Biella Room University Library
California State University - Hayward
Anne Lipow, Library Solutions Institute and Press
Jo Bell Whitlatch, San Jose State University
David Tyckoson, CSU-Fresno
What will reference service be like five, ten, or fifty years from now? Will reference librarians still be helping patrons find and evaluate information or will they be doing something else? How will the new technology, especially the various Ref 24/7 services, change the role of the reference librarian? Will there even be reference librarians in the future?
Three prominent Northern California reference librarians will present their views on the future of our profession. Questions from the audience and from each other should generate a lively debate on this important topic.
This program is a follow-up to a similar program given to a standing-room-only crowd at the ALA annual conference in Atlanta. We are lucky to have three of the five invited speakers from that program available for a similar program in the Bay Area. If you would like a preview of the program, read the discussion papers written by the presenters for the summer conference. They are available through the ALA web page at:
The University Library at California State University – Hayward has graciously agreed to host this program. Parking permits will be provided to the first registrants who request them. The campus is accessible from Bart and Bus and public transportation is encouraged. For directions and parking information, go to the campus web page at:
Because CARLDIG and the presenters feel that this is an important program and want to reach as wide an audience as possible, there is no charge to attend this meeting. However, pre-registration is requested so that we have a sufficient supply of parking passes. To register, send an email indicating the name(s) of those planning to attend, the institution with which they are affiliated, and the number of parking passes desired to: Please mention the Future of Reference conference in the body of the email.
We look forward to an educational and entertaining program. After all, our future is what is at stake.