You are cordially invited to a workshop:
MERLOT: A Wealth of Online Resources for Libraries*
This workshop is designed for librarians and library staff who are interested in exploring the use of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching for forging connections with teaching faculty and developing information literacy curriculum. The workshop is based on the feedback you generously contributed by responding to our recent survey.
These workshops will include demonstrations of MERLOT, hands-on activities, a panel session by MERLOT contributors, and breakout sessions. When you leave, you'll have a better understanding of how MERLOT works. You will explore ways that the tool can be used as a medium for library outreach and promoting information literacy, and, we hope, you may be inspired to try some of these things yourself!
The workshop is being held in two locations:
Please R.S.V.P. by September 30 by email to:
We will make every attempt to enroll you in the session of your choice. The
first fifteen people to register will be accepted and a wait-list will be kept
for those who respond late. We will let you know which session you'll be
assigned to and send you logistical information closer to the workshop date.
Lunch will be provided.
We look forward to working with you!
*This project is funded by Technology Integration Grants for Educational
Resource Sharing (TIGERS), a program of the Community of Academic Technology
Staff (CATS) with support of the CSU Center for Distributed Learning.