California Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Diversity in Academic Libraries-South (DIAL-S)
Summer 2004 Event Announcement

Untapped Resources: DIAL-S visit to the Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research (SCL)

SCL is an untapped, vital, community centered resource in the heart of Los Angeles. A non-profit organization dedicated to education for social change, it houses collections of books, videos, subject files, archives, and periodicals. The collections reflect the history of labor, civil rights, women's, immigrants' and other grassroots movements. SCL staff will be on hand to guide us through their collections and give us a tour of "Louder than Words": Black Panther Exhibit, describe materials collected from their community history project "Generation to Generation: Making a Life in South Los Angeles, 1940-2005", exploring neighborhood cultural, religious and social life in South Los Angeles. This is a great opportunity to explore SCL's resources and recommend them to social science, history, ethnic studies, and archival students on our respective campuses.

DATE/TIME: Friday August 6th, 2004
10:00am - 10:30am Registration, refreshments, and networking
10:30am - 12:00pm Tour of the Library, Exhibit, and the Garden

LOCATION: 6120 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044

PARKING: Street parking, also parking available in driveway in front of Library garden (next to Library)

COST: CARL member & student $7.00, Non-CARL member $10.00

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, August 4th, 2004

Please make checks payable to CARL, print and mail the registration form below with your check to:

Claudia Holguin
2416 29th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Questions: Please contact Shahla Bahavar (DIAL Co-Chair), or 213/740-5040


Please register me for the CARL-DIAL Summer Event on Friday, August 6th, 2004.





Work Phone:

Check one: CARL Member ___ ($7.00) Student ___ ($7.00) Non-CARL Member ___ ($10.00)

Amount enclosed: __________ (Make your check payable to CARL)


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