CSUL-South, an interest group of California Academic and Research Libraries, would like to invite you to attend its Spring 2005 program.

Demystifying Metalib

When: Friday, April 29, 2005 at 9am

Where: Pollak Library, California State University Fullerton

Cost: $17.00 for CARL members and students, $20.00 for non-Carl attendees

Registration form: http://users.library.fullerton.edu/rmcgill/CSUL-South/2005/registration.htm

The registration fee includes a delicious hot breakfast (from 8:15 to 9 AM)

Are you wondering what Metalib is all about? This program will describe Metalib and its implementation and use within the CSU Libraries. The keynote speaker will be Marvin Pollard, Unified Access Information System Project Manager from the CSU Chancellors Office. David Walker, CSU San Marcos, will present the technical perspective. A panel will provide further discussion about this interface that allows for searching, viewing and saving results across multiple resources. (also known as federated searching, metasearching or broadcast searching.) Discussion will be of special relevance to CSU Librarians and also of great interest to all librarians considering metasearching. All are welcome to attend.


Parking will be $4.00. All attendees need to stop at the Visitors Information Center (VIC) on Nutwood Avenue, turn in at Campus Drive. Map of the campus and link to directions is available at https://parking.fullerton.edu/maps.htm#  Additional parking details are available at: http://parking.fullerton.edu/parking/parkinglots.htm 

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