CARL Programs 1995

3/21/95   Sponsor: CALM-N
Title of Program: Lighten Up: Humor in Library Management; Or, Thatęs Not Funny!
Description: Presents effective methods of using humor to resolve conflict, reduce stress, 
cope with organizational change, deal with disaster and generally make it through a busy day.
Speakers: Pauline Kelzer,  Assoc. Prof., CSU Hayward
Linda Dobb, Asst. Univ. Libn., SFSU
Place: Library Conf. Rm., Santa Clara University
Time: 9:30-12:30
Cost (CARL members): $15
Cost (Non-CARL members): $20
Lunch Included: no
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: Flyer to CARL-N; email to carlall
No. of attendees: 20
Contact Person: Alice Whistler, Santa Clara Univ.

4/28/95   Sponsor: SEAL-N
Title of Program: Spidering the Web: Science Resources on the World Wide Web
Description: Practical guide to the use of the WWW, covering Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Natural History, Biomedicine, Computer Science, Engineering. Lecture, plus two  practice sessions.
Speakers: John D. Ward 
[Teaches –Internet Tools” class at UCD Medical Center]
Place: Shields Library, UC Davis
Time: 10:00-3:30
Cost (CARL members): $12
Cost (Non-CARL members): $15
Lunch Included: no
Other Noteworthy Features: Program description on website at ucdavis
Publicity channels: Flyer to CARLN; email to carlall, CALIBACA
No. of attendees: 11 CARL; 6 others
Contact Person: Lakshmi Ariaratnam, CSU Chico

4/29/95   Sponsor: SEAL-S
Title of Program:Science for Non-Science Librarians
Place: Los Angeles Public Library
Cost (CARL members): 
Cost (Non-CARL members): 
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: Distribution of substantial bibliography
Publicity channels: 
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: 

5/16/95   Sponsor: CARLDIG-S
Title of Program: Tour of the Los Angeles Times Library: Southland Mirrored in Information Resources
Description: Tour of LATimes  Library, including reference library, photo library, database 
construction group, tips from LA Times library staff on retrieving information info. from 
online databases.
Speakers: Librarians from L.A. Times library
Place: Los Angeles Times Editorial Library
Time: 9:00-Noon
Cost (CARL members): $8
Cost (Non-CARL members): $12
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: Flyer (Tour limited to 40, which filled without further publicity) 
No. of attendees: 41 (38 CARL, 3 Other)
Contact Person: Naomi Moy, CSU Dominguez Hills

Summary Available

5/30/95   Sponsor: CALM-S [CANCELLED]
Title of Program: Managing Meetings Effectively
Description: Workshop to learn strategies for making meetings more productive.
Speakers: George Soete, formerly Assoc. Univ. Libn., UCSD, now an independent library 
Place: Calif. State Univ., Long Beach
Time: 10am-3pm
Cost (CARL members): $20
Cost (Non-CARL members): $30
Lunch Included: no
Other Noteworthy Features: Cancelled due to small no. of signups
Publicity channels: 
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Christina Woo, UCI

6/2/95   Sponsor: ABLE-N
Title of Program: Meeting & Tour of Long Business & Economics Library, UCB
Description: Tour of new library, followed by business meeting over lunch at Larry Blakeęs restaurant
Place: Long Business & Economics Library, UCB
Time: 10:30-1:30
Cost (CARL members): 
Cost (Non-CARL members): 
Lunch Included: separate
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: Flyer to ABLE-N; email to carlall
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Barbara Butler, Sonoma State Univ.

6/6/95   Sponsor: CARL-N Program Committee
Title of Program: The Internet: Issues Facing Librarians and Users: Control of the Internet & privacy issues; Legal and intellectual property  issues
Description: Legal issues on the Internet; Ownership, control and privacy of email;Copyright, intellectual property, publishing and the rights of authors and publishers vs. the right to fair use
Speakers: Karen E. Coyle, UCOP-DLA,  rep. of Computer Professsionals for Social Responsibility
Lee Tien, Atty on privacy/censorship issues
Bruce Hartford, writer, and rep. of Natl. Writeręs Union
Place: Benicia Public Library
Time: 1:30-5:00
Cost (CARL members): $10
Cost (Non-CARL members): $15
Lunch Included: no
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: flyer to carl-n, posting to carlall, additional publicity through public 
library channels
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Sandy Vella

6/14/95   Sponsor: ABLE-S
Title of Program: Contacts Influential, Where Are You?
Description: A Greater Los Angeles & Orange Counties Business Information Update: the latest word on local business information resources
Speakers: Judith Truelson, Crocker Business Lib., USC; Louise Mazerov, Long Beach PL; Margaret Lee, LA County  PL; Judy Ostrander, LAPL, Susie Lamb, Newport Beach PL; Andrea Dietze, Orange Co. PL, Irvine; Millicent Sharma, Pasadena PL
Place: CSU Long Beach
Time: 9am-2:30pm
Cost (CARL members): $15
Cost (Non-CARL members): $20
Lunch Included: yes
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: flyer
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Michael Oppenheim, CSU Los Angeles

9/22/95   Sponsor: DIAL-S
Title of Program: Multiculturalism on the Internet  
Description: A distinguished group of information professionals will discuss and 
demonstrate a wide range of resources on the –Information Super Highway.” Participants will learn ways to access information, the equipment needed and pertinent issues relevant to access.
Speakers: Dennis Thompson, USC, Doheny Library Reference Center
John Waiblinger, USC, Doheny Library Reference Center
Richard Chabran, UCLA, Chicano Center Library
Itibari Zulu, UCLA, African-American Center Library
Place: Leavey Library Auditorium, USC
Time: 9:00-1:00
Cost (CARL members): $10
Cost (Non-CARL members): $15
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: Tour of Leavey Library offered
Publicity channels: Flyer
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Shahla Bahavar, USC

10/5/95   Sponsor: CSUL-S
Title of Program: Going the Distance: Library Services to Meet Distant Education Needs
Speakers: Fred Batt, AUL Public Services, CSU Sacramento
Doug Davis, University Librarian, CSU Los Angeles
Dr. Judy Weedman, Faculty SJSU School of LIS, CSU Fullerton
Sheri Irwin, Graduate Student, SJSU SLIS, CSU Fullerton
Place: Honnold-Mudd Library, Claremont Colleges
Time: 9:30-12:30
Cost (CARL members): $12
Cost (Non-CARL members): $18
Lunch Included: no
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: Flyer, Carlall
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Jackie Borin, SCUSM

10/5/95   Sponsor: SEAL-S
Title of Program: Earthquake Mechanisms and Effects
Description: Perspectives will be shared from an engineering, geological and library point of view. 
Speakers: Dr. Susan Curzon, Vice-Provost, Information and Technology Resources, 
Dr. Roger Di Julio, Prof. , Sch. of Engineering and Computer Science, CSUN
Dr. James Dolan, Asst. Research Prof. , So. Calif. Earthquake Center, Dept . of Earth Sciences, USC
Place: CSU Northridge (Student Union, Balboa Room)
Time: 1:30-5
Cost (CARL members): $7
Cost (Non-CARL members): $10
Lunch Included: no host dinner
Other Noteworthy Features: Hard-hat tour of the damaged area of the CSUN Oviatt 
Library, and the undamaged automated materials storage and retrieval system.
Publicity channels: Flyer, carlall, CALIBACA; program –sold out”!
No. of attendees: 30
Contact Person: Snowdy Dodson, CSU Northridge

10/20/95   Sponsor: ABLE-N & S
Title of Program: Dinner
Description: Gathering of ABLE members for dinner during Third Annual CARL 
Place: Buca Giovanni restaurant, San Francisco
Time: 7:30 pm
Cost (CARL members): 
Cost (Non-CARL members): 
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: flyer, carlall
No. of attendees: 6
Contact Person: Barbara Butler, Sonoma State Univ.

10/20/95   Sponsor: CSUL & CARLDIG-N & S
Title of Program: Dinner
Description: Gathering of CSUL & CARLDIG members during Third Annual CARL 
Place: San Francisco
Time: 7:30 pm
Cost (CARL members): 
Cost (Non-CARL members): 
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: 
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: 

11/3/95   Sponsor: CARLDIG-S
Title of Program: Hauling in the Net: How to Build, Locate and Use Internet Reference Sources
Description: [see under speakers]
Speakers: Locke Morrisey, Engineering Libn, UC Irvine: Developing the Virtual Reference Collection (Background, planning and development of UCIęs Virtual Reference Collection on the WWWW.)
Linda McCann, Reference Libn, USC: Reference Plugged-In (Is the Internet just one more electronic reference source or will it transform the face of Reference?
Lynne Reasoner, Govt. Publications Libn, UC Riverside: Incorporating Internet Resources in Government Publications Reference Services--the UCR Experience (Using INFOMINE, an index to federal and state government resources on the Internet, to answer reference questions.
Mark Emmons, Instruction and Information Services Coordinator, Occidental College: HTML Basics (Learn the basics of creating a homepage for yourself or your library. Get hands-on practice in Leavey Libraryęs computer lab.
Place: Auditorium, Leavey Library, USC
Time: 9:00-2:30
Cost (CARL members): $12
Cost (Non-CARL members): $17
Lunch Included: no host
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: Flyer
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: Naomi Moy, CSU Dominguez Hills

12/1/95   Sponsor: CALM-S
Title of Program: Managers Idea Swap Meet
Place: UC Irvine
Cost (CARL members): 
Cost (Non-CARL members): 
Lunch Included: 
Other Noteworthy Features: 
Publicity channels: 
No. of attendees: 
Contact Person: 

12/15/95   Sponsor: ABLE-S
Title of Program: "Masters of the Universe: Your Passport to International Business Information"
Speakers: Barbara Butler, Business Librarian, Sonoma State University;
Harold Colson, Head of Public Services and Latin American Librarian, UC San Diego International Relations and Pacific Studies Library; and Michael Perkins, Business Librarian, San Diego State University 
Place: Rosenfeld Library, Anderson School Mgt Education Complex, UCLA
Cost (CARL members): $15 
Cost (Non-CARL members): $20	
Lunch Included: yes
Other Noteworthy Features: Tour of new Rosenfeld Mgt. Library 
Publicity channels: flyer to carlall-s, Special Libraries Assn., UCLA and SJSU/Fullerton library school students 
No. of attendees: 50 (?)
Contact Person: Carol Z. Womack, Business Librarian, UC Irvine

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