CALM - N presents
The Hydra: Configuring Library and Computing Services to Best Serve
Your Institution

To merge or not to merge is the question. Has your academic institution decided to unite the library and information technology services? Or have you been pressured to do so by your college administrators? Then this program is for you. This roundtable discussion will investigate
the ideal organization for managing library and information technology at your institution. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a combined information services unit. Speakers from three different types of colleges will share their experiences.

Date: Friday, April 24, 1998
Time: 9:30 - 12:00
Location: Holy Names College, Oakland
Registration fee: CARL Members - $5.00; Non-Members - $8.00

For registration and additional information, contact
Elizabeth A. Ginno
University Library
Cal State University, Hayward
Hayward, CA 94542
(To register send name, address, phone number, email address, and check
payable to CARL.)