CARL Collection Development Interest Group (North) Presents:

Integrating Electronic Resources Into Your Collection

Friday, January 23, 1998
9:30am to 12:30pm
Williman Room - Benson Memorial Center
Santa Clara University

CARL Members: $ 8.00
Non-CARL: $12.00

9:30 to 10:00    Coffee and Pastries

10:00 to 11:30    Panel:

11:30 to 12:30    Break-out - Discussion Groups

How do you select a package of full text journals? Is it safe to cancel print subscriptions? How do you provide access to electronic resources? What are the hidden costs of the technology needed to support electronic resources? What are the pros and cons of a consortium? What criteria do you use to evaluate vendors and platforms? Do you circulate electronic and mixed media resources? How is the role of the collection development librarian changing with electronic resources?

If you are desperately trying to find answers to some of these questions, don't miss the next CDIG-North program. Our three speakers will address the practical aspects of integrating electronic resources into the collection. After their presentations, we will break up in smaller groups to discuss specific issues.

-----------------------REGISTRATION FORM-------------------------

Please register by January 16

Name: _____________________________

Institution: ___________________________

Address: _____________________________


Phone: ______________________

Email: _________________________

Amount of check: $8._____ (CARL Member) $12.______ (Non-CARL Member)

Please PRINT THIS FORM and return it with your check (payable to CARL) to:

Taeock Kim, Orradre Library
Santa Clara University,
500 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0503

Registration confirmation and directions to SCU will be sent to you by email.
If you have any questions, contact Helene Lafrance: 408-551-1740