ASI-SoCal invites you to attend a professional development seminar. . .

Facing the Text
Content Analysis and Entry Selection
in Social Sciences and Humanities
An Indexing Workshop by Do Mi Stauber

July 25, 1998
9:00 TO 5:30

Radisson Hotel
1111 East Cabrillo Blvd.
Santa Barbara, California

The Southern California chapter is sponsoring this workshop for those interested in honing their indexing skills. The cost of the day, including a substantial continental breakfast, a luncheon buffet, and all workbook materials, will be only $50 to non-ASI members, and a mere $40 to members . .. a very-much-below-cost fee thanks to generous underwriting from ASI
and the SoCal Chapter. (Deadline for registration is July 1st.)

Do Mi Stauber, who is traveling from Oregon to Santa Barbara for the occasion, has been a full-time back-of-book indexer for the past eleven years. She managed Twin Oaks Indexing Collective for two years, supervising and training a group of indexers. She indexes scholarly books, textbooks, and government documents in all of the social sciences and humanities. She is the chair of the Wilson Award judges panel, and is the author of "Jewels in the Cavern: The Special Challenge of Scholarly Indexing."

This participatory workshop focuses on the practical processes ofindexing. Do Mi will survey the steps that indexers follow as we interpret texts and create index structures, using examples and hands-on exercises from a range of real texts and indexes. This workshop covers back-of-book indexing of both scholarly books and textbooks in the social sciences and humanities. It
is not a basic introduction to indexing, but novices as well as experienced indexers should benefit. Among subjects to be discussed are: main topics, indexable topics, index structure, subheads, cross references, and wording.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

9:00 to 9:30 for registration, a substantial continental breakfast that will include fruit, baked goods, juices, yogurt, and granola, and get-acquainted time. (We chose a late starting time to allow extra time for those of you who will be driving in that morning.)

9:30 to 1:00 (or so) class (with one break at a convenient stopping place, when coffee and tea will be available)

1:00 to 2:00 buffet luncheon (included in registration fee)

2:00 to 5:30 (or so) class (with one break at a convenient stopping place, when cold beverages will be available)

If you are interested in attending, please print out this message and mail it, with your check for $50 for non- ASI members, or $40 for members, payable to ASI-SoCal, to:

Anne Leach
78240 Bonanza Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211

Fax: 760-360-2109

To get to the Radisson from the 101 freeway, get off on Cabrillo and head toward the ocean. Within seconds you are there.

If you will want to stay overnight in Santa Barbara, there are (rather pricey) rooms available at the Radisson; call 1-800-643-1994 for reservations and price information. The Radisson also operates an adjunct hotel only a block away from the meeting room, that is less luxurious and less expensive. Call the same 800 number given above, and ask for the Parkside Inn. The area
is also home to many cute B&Bs. We purposely set the start time of the conference a bit late in the morning, so that you can, if you like, stay as far away as an hour's drive, and still not have to get up at the crank of dawn to drive to the Radisson. If you would like to receive information on other lodging in the area, please so indicate on your conference sign-up form below.

We will try to accommodate those of you who would like to share room expenses with another registrant. We'll act as a sort of "Roomie Wanted" bulletin board, so if you're in the market to share a room, so indicate on your sign-up form and we'll try to create an e-mail roundabout. Please try to register as soon as possible to allow for roomie-matching.