CARL-SCIL (Southern California Instruction Librarians) presents:
Assessing the One - Shot
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jeff Liles, Assistant Professor of Education
St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York
Scripps College (of The Claremont Colleges)
Malott Commons, The Hampton Room
345 E. 9th Street
Claremont, CA 91711
Friday, May 19, 2006
8:30 - 2:45
Continental breakfast and registration is from 8:30 - 9:00. The program begins at 9:00AM
Registration is now closed. A list of registrants is available to confirm your registration.
Have you ever found yourself looking into a sea of blank stares in the classroom? Do you ever wonder what students are actually learning? These questions and many others will be addressed in this workshop facilitated by Dr. Jeff Liles. Explore how constructivist learning theory and assessment strategies can improve the effectiveness of "one-shot" library sessions and information literacy programs in your institutions. The program will include activities designed to facilitate a conversation with Jeff and your colleagues about how to effectively assess the "one-shot" instruction session.
Note: This is a follow-up to the 2005 Spring Program titled: "It's NOT about Time: Making the Most of One-Shots." Attendance at last year’s program is not required.
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Liles
Dr Jeff Liles bridges the gap between the librarians, faculty, and students. Currently, Dr. Jeff Liles is an Assistant Professor of Education at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. He has over 20 years teaching experience, including five years supervising in-service teachers and three years coaching librarians to be effective teachers. From June 2001 - July 2004, Dr. Liles served as the Library Instruction Coordinator at the State University of New York, College at Geneseo. Dr. Liles was originally hired by the SUNY Geneseo Libraries to teach a graduate level teaching and learning seminar designed specifically for librarians teaching in a one - shot instruction environment. As Library Instruction Coordinator, Dr. Liles observed and team-taught several information literacy instruction sessions. He also collaborated with librarians, faculty, and college administrators to integrate information literacy into the general education curriculum, and to develop information literacy assessment tools to meet accreditation standards. Dr. Liles has conducted presentations at national, state, and regional library conferences and worked as a consultant in libraries across New York.
Online driving directions are available, as is a campus map. Parking is free and unrestricted.