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SCIL Spring Program

Bringing Design Online: A Hands-On Workshop Applying Instructional Design Principles to Digital Spaces

Friday, May 13, 2011
8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Pollak Library, California State University, Fullerton, 92831

As our institutions increase the number of distance and hybrid classes, how can librarians bring what we’ve learned about effective in-person instruction to the Web? In this one day workshop, attendees:
•    learned about instructional design principles
•    saw how our colleagues have managed to create online materials
      that instruct and provide feedback to their students
•    attended two hands-on sessions that enabled participants to
      practice applying instructional design principles and constructivist
      ideas about learning when creating online learning materials  

The tools used in the sessions were Camtasia, a popular screencasting software, and myUdutu, a free, online lesson builder.  

Lightning Round Presentations

Description of presentations


Instructional design theories and principles have contributed to education over the last century in military and workforce training, classroom teaching and more recently, online learning. In the 1980’s David Merrill was credited as the first educator to separate instructional content from learner performance through use of his Component Display Theory (CDT). By reflecting on content types (facts, concepts, procedures, principles) separately from performance (find, use, remember), instructors can clearly define learner outcomes. While Merrill’s work has been applied to various instructional settings, CDT has proven to be especially useful in designing online instruction. Dominique Turnbow demonstrated how to use CDT in combination with Richard Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Theory to design effective online learning.

Short bio of presenter:
Dominique Turnbow is a librarian at the UC San Diego Biomedical Library. In addition to outreach and reference responsibilities, she continually develops in-person and online information literacy instruction for undergraduate users for “one shot” workshops and curricular courses. She brings instructional design approaches into her workshop and course design. Dominique is a candidate for M.Ed. in Educational Technology.

Powerpoint presentation


Session Descriptions

All participants attended either a basic or an advanced Camtasia workshop and one myUdutu workshop.

Camtasia - Basic

In this 1 ½ hour session, participants worked in pairs as they were introduced to Camtasia 7.1, a proprietary multimedia software, that enables you to create and edit screencasts with better audio and picture quality than you can get using Jing.  

In this workshop, participants learned tips and “best practices” for screencast production and left being able to:
•    set audio levels
•    shoot a simple video
•    edit the video
•    produce the video

Camtasia - Advanced

In this 1 ½ hour session, participants learned how to use some advanced features in Camtasia that make it an effective tool for information literacy instruction.  This includes the ability to pan and zoom in order to focus students’ attention, add callouts that provide additional explanatory information, and to create short quizzes or other interactive exercises that will allow students to receive feedback on their understanding of information literacy concepts or skills.

Short bio of instructors:
Susan Gaitan is the Academic Technology Consultant for the California State University, Fullerton Faculty Development Center.  She has more than a decade of experience working with faculty in the design and development of courses and programs.  Susan has an M.A. in Education specializing in Educational Technology and Multimedia.

Mike DeMars currently works in both the Library Systems Department and Reference and Instruction Department at the Pollak library, California State University, Fullerton.  He has designed database and Google search widgets, aided in the creation of a homegrown system for creating online research guides, and produced videos using Jing and Camtasia. His research interests include point-of-need information services, e-learning, mobile technologies, and web metrics.


myUdutu is a free, online course builder.  It can be used to create online lessons the include text, graphics, video, and quizzes or other exercises that can provide users feedback on their learning.

In this introductory session, participants learned how to:
•    create a lesson
•    add interactive elements such as exercises or quizzes that will
      enable students to test their understanding
•    publish a lesson

Short bio of instructor:
William Breitbach in the Instruction and Instructional Services Unit Head of the Pollak Library at California State University, Fullerton.  He is also the library’s liaison to the College of Nursing where he has experience teaching in person and online using synchronous and asynchronous methods.  
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