President's Message
My term as CARL President is more than half over, but I still don’t feel very presidential. At the CARL Conference, I had a number of people look at my tag and then say to me with a puzzled look, “You are Amy Wallace?” I am not sure what they were expecting, but it was not me. In addition, members who have come to ask for some presidential wisdom have usually left disappointed since I tend to ask more questions than I answer. Lucky for me I do not have to run a re-election campaign, but unfortunately for CARL members I still have three more months in office. So drop me a line or send me an email (Amy.Wallace@csuci.edu) on things that might help me look and act more presidential. I will not give up my potty talk at board meetings, but I might consider wearing a tiara, sash, or flashing button. Better yet, maybe you all can send my picture in to one of those fashion reality shows.
I do, however, feel that the CARL Board and additional volunteer leaders have made a tremendous amount of progress despite having me at the helm. The board has been able to reduce travel costs and time away from work by converting two of its four in-person meetings to online. The CARL Conference Proceedings Team developed an amazing comprehensive online proceedings website (carlacrl.org/Archives/ConferencesArchive/Conference10/proceedings.html). The board has been working with interest groups to provide a credit card payment option for their programs. The newsletter has been moved to a content management system and html format with a handy RSS feed. Key documents have been updated on the website, and work has begun on consolidating CARL’s various online spaces. A plan for the future of the CARL Archives is close to completion, which will include a physical relocation, systematic deposit guidelines, and potential items for digitization.
In addition, members passed a dues increase in 2009 to help support regional meetings, scholarships, awards, programs, and activities. This was a huge step for members in this economic environment, but was much needed. Dues had not been raised since 1990 despite the raising costs of doing business in California. The dues change was effective January 2010, but a grace period was given so that people could renew at the old rate when registering for the 2010 CARL Conference. The grace period has now ended. Dues are now $40.00 for regular members, and $20.00 for retired or student members. Still this is a bargain. Renew today, and tell a friend. CARL has so much to accomplish, and we need your help.
Lastly, I want to encourage everyone to participate in Snapshot Day. My library is excited about seeking new ways to value the stuff we do. We are not sure how to quantify things such as Artwalk, Salon de Literatea, or the Faculty Research and Scholarship Pub Quiz at CSU Channel Islands, but we are always up for a challenge. I hope that you all will be up to the challenge too!
Amy Wallace, CSU Channel Islands |
Upcoming CARL Elections
CARL Officer Nominations due October 8, 2010
Nominations are accepted by 8th October for the offices of:
- Vice President- North
- Membership Director
- Director at Large for University of California (UC)
- Director at Large for California State University (CSU)
Send to Ned Fielden, VP North, fielden@sfsu.edu
Interest Group News
California State University Librarians Interest Group (CSU-L) Seeks a Leader
The CARL CSU-L Interest Group welcomes participation by all CSU library faculty. In particular, it would be a very good thing if someone stepped forward to act as a formal leader for the group!
After a dormancy of several years' duration, the CSU-L had a partial re-awakening at the 2010 Conference in old Sacramento. A group of about ten CSU librarians coalesced at a lunch spot on April 10 to discuss the value of a revived CSU-L and the several issues that CSU library faculty could usefully compare notes on, such as: CSU information literacy practices, liaison programs, impacts of budget cuts, ARTP policies, different manifestations of faculty status for librarians, and different approaches to staffing library functions across the campuses.
The potential value of a strong CSU-L was reflected in a "what if" meditation that went something like this... What If CSU Librarians had:
- A representative voice at Council of Library Directors (COLD) meetings?
- A common channel to the CFA for library faculty concerns?
- An advisory structure to work with campus and CSU-wide administrations (similar to the way in which LAUC, the Librarians Assoc of the Univ of California, works with the UC system)?
- A central forum in which to develop a common vision on such issues as the "virtual library", the "re-engineering" of the CSU, etc.
A lively discussion was had by all in attendance. Unfortunately no one at the table was able to speak of a sufficient "clearing" in his/her current responsiblities to take on the role of Interest Group leader. If, however, you are a CSU library faculty member and have the ability and desire to take on such a role, please contact Amy Wallace at amy.wallace@csuci.edu. Please remember that even very great things can begin with one small step!
Submitted by Andrew Shroyer, CSULA
Upcoming Science & Engineering Academic Librarians (SEAL) South Fall Program
The SEAL-South Fall Program will be Friday, October 15, 2010, at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, in the University Library. The title of the program is "The ABCs of Scholarly Communication and Data Curation."
For more details go to the SEAL-South Interest Group web site at http://www.carl-acrl.org/ig/seals or contact Christina Mayberry, SEAL-South Program Chair, by email atchristina.mayberry@csun.edu or phone at 818-677-4130.
California Library Snapshot Day
California Library Association Launches
"Snapshot: One Day in the Life of California Libraries"
The California Library Association (CLA) is calling on libraries across the state to take part in "Snapshot: One Day in the Life of California Libraries" on Monday, October 4, to show how important academic, public, school, and special libraries are to the state of California. On October 4, 2010, California’s libraries will compile statistics, customer comments, photographs, and other data chronicling a typical library day. The results collected throughout the state will be compiled by CLA, to show how libraries provide invaluable services to California citizens. California’s Snapshot Day is part of a national initiative presented by the American Library Association.
To be successful, CLA needs as many academic libraries as possible participating in the project. The data generated for the snapshot day can help promote the value of academic libraries to the legislature and on our campuses. Please consider participating in Library Snapshot Day. To sign up and find more information on what data to collect, go to http://www.cla-net.org/snapshotday/index.php.
Holly Macriss, CLA Executive Director snapshot@cla-net.org |
A Librarian's View
It was a typical June day in San Francisco - that is to say it was foggy and about 50 degrees, with a stiff
west wind that made the fog feel like rain. I had the second outreach shift of the day in the
library's "canopy," a information table in front of our old library building's construction site. Business had been slow - no takers so far. Not even the requisite bowl of candy had brought anyone closer to the rickety card table in the fog. I pulled out my sketchbook and began to draw.
Some of you may have heard about the renovation of the J. Paul Leonard Library on the SF State University campus. Beginning in November of 2007 when the closure of the library building took place,
we set up a canopy as part of our outreach to students. Canopies bring to my mind an
image of circuses or southern Baptist revival meetings, but no. Picture instead the booth at
your local farmer's market or street fair; one of those. (We have to call it a canopy and not
a tent since a goodly number of the library services take place now in giant tents and we
didn't want more confusion than there already is.). We set up the canopy outside the
construction site on the first Monday and Tuesday of a new term to tell students about the
new places to study, and where all of the library services can be found.
I didn't expect much traffic between the weather and it being one of three accelerated summer
sessions, but within minutes people began to veer toward the canopy on their way to
somewhere else. Most of them knew the library routine already, though I had some new
summer details for them. However, what they really wanted was to see what I was
sketching. I felt distinctly like a venus fly trap, or a trap-door spider, luring the
unsuspecting students closer with my sketch, then pouncing on them as they got closer to
talk about library services.
Submitted by Diane T. Sands, San Francisco State University
CARL Research Award – Call for Proposals (Application Deadline Sept. 30, 2010)
The CARL Research Award Committee is inviting applications for the 2011 CARL Research Award. Individual applicants may apply for awards in the range of $250 to $1,500. Groups of two or more recipients may apply for awards in the range of $250 to $2,000.
Deadline: September 30, 2010.
Award Details and Application Form:
CARL Research Award Committee:
Alexandra Chappell, Claremont Colleges Library
Aline Soules, CSU East Bay
Carol Spector, University of San Francisco
Stacy Russo, Chapman University
People and Places News
Awards and Publications
Yuhfen Diana Wu, Business Librarian and Librarian Coordinator for International Students and Programs at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and San José State University Libraries (SJSU) coauthored "Librarians for Tomorrow at San José’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Joint Library," with colleagues Peggy Cabrera and Jeff Paul which will be a book chapter in Recruitment, Development, and Retention of Information Professionals: Trends in Human Resources and Knowledge Management, published by IGI Global, 2010, p. 62-78. At the 2010 CARL Conference in Sacramento, she co-presented, “ Is It Really Sink or Swim for Tenure Tracks? Mentoring Program at San José State University Library” with colleagues Crystal Goldman and Valeria Molteni. Diana has also been awarded 2 travel grants from the Chinese American Librarians Association and San José State University.
Ann Fiegen’s (CSU San Marcos) article “Systematic Review of Research Methods: The Case of Business Instruction” has been published in Reference Services Review, Vol. 38 Issue 3. Colleagues Frank Vuotto (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Cheryl Delson (Palomar College) and CARL member Yuhfen Diana Wu (SJSU) participated in the research.
Billy Pashaie, instruction librarian at Cypress College, published an article entitled "Teaching Research for Academic Purposes" in the CATESOL Journal, 2009/2010, Volume 21, Number 1.
Janet Pinkley, Reference and Instruction Librarian and Elnora Tayag, Librarian and Outreach Coordinator at California State University, Channel Islands recently received the Celebrate Literacy Award from the Ventura County Reading Association. The award was given to honor their outstanding efforts in promoting early childhood literacy during the 5th Annual Children’s Reading Celebration and Young Author’s Fair.
Laurel Crump has returned to Southern California after working for the University of North Florida and New College of Florida for seven years. On June 1st, Laurel took the position as Associate Library Director at Whittier College. She is looking forward to volunteering with CARL and getting acquainted with other CARL members this fall. Laurel can be reached at (562) 907-4829 or lcrump@whittier.edu.
Sarah Dahlen is the new reference and instruction librarian at California State University, Monterey Bay.
Steven Deineh, a December 2007 graduate of San José State’s School of Library and Information Service, was recently hired as a full-time librarian at MiraCosta College. Prior to this appointment, he worked as an associate librarian at several community colleges and at the San Diego County Library.
Andy Kivel has been appointed the Interim Director of Library Services at Diablo Valley College.
Daniel Ransom has joined the staff at Holy Names University Paul J. Cushing Library as their new Librarian for Outreach, Digitization and Electronic Resources. Daniel graduated from San José State's School of Library and Information Science in December, 2009 and previously worked at the University of San Francisco and the California Academy of Sciences. At Holy Names, he will be responsible for designing and implementing a new campus-wide information literacy program, taking a lead role in reference services, growing the library's online collections, and managing the electronic resources. Holy Names is a small, diverse Catholic University in the Oakland Hills with roots dating back to 1868.
Andrew Tweet, a graduate of San José State, SLIS in December 2009 has been working part time as a library assistant for William Jessup University Library in Rocklin. In July he was hired as a full-time librarian at WJU. He will primarily be overseeing instruction and outreach services such as the Library’s website, Moodle integration, instruction, and reference.
Judith Faust, Chair of the Library Faculty at California State University, East Bay, is retiring in September after 14 years of service as Business & Economics Librarian. She has been active in the past in CARL’s ABLE-North, and is currently active in BRASS (Business Reference and Services Section) of RUSA/ALA, serving as Chair of BRASS in 2007-2008, and other chair commitments since then. For the last three years, she was on both the CSUEB Senate and University Budget Committees – great timing! In the past, she also served as a librarian at the University of New Orleans, Diablo Valley College, College of Alameda, and other libraries. She is planning on teaching halftime at CSUEB as part of the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP), and will split her time between New Orleans, LA, and the S.F. Bay Area.
CARL lost a strong supporter and dedicated librarian this summer. Librarian Dr. Karin Duran of CSU Northridge passed away from complications of a stroke on June 11th. She joined the CSU Northridge faculty in 1972, focusing primarily on reference, instruction and bibliography and serving on personnel and University committees throughout her tenure. She was an instructor with Chicana and Chicano Studies from 1977 and also lead the Teacher Curriculum Center. CSU Northridge library director Sue Curzon wrote, "Whatever Karin undertook, she did with her whole heart. She was dedicated and professional. She was deeply committed to the students and very concerned that they would have a good life. As a colleague, she was exemplary. She was knowledgeable, smart, thoughtful and helpful. Every day of her working life with us, she made a contribution. She gave of herself generously and was always willing to be a member of the team." She is survived by her husband Rick and family, and is celebrated on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Karin-Duran-A-Celebration-of-Life/.
Places News
The Saint Mary's College Library is proud to unveil its latest contribution to the world of Civil War history. The Civil War Diary of Captain Edward Hill is now available, transcribed by an SMC student and history professor, but coded and scanned by Sue Birkenseer and Sarah Vital, librarians. Saint Mary's College has a small, but steadily growing, primary source collection for the Civil War.
A New Sonoma State University Digital Collection Opens Doors to North Bay History! From a Sebastopol water tower, to a Guerneville church, a Santa Rosa windmill and a Cotati beer garden, North Bay history since the mid-1800s is now on view online at Sonoma State University's new North Bay Historic Preservation Digital Collection at http://northbaydigital.sonoma.edu/. The historical digital images are freely available to view by students, scholars and the community.
The digitizing of the first 200 images in the collection was made possible by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. They include homes of the 19th and early 20th century, barns, water towers, railway stations, bridges and other historical sites illustrate the setting and background of the area up to 1970 and are the beginnings of a larger 800-plus image gallery that will eventually be compiled as part of the University Library's Regional & Special Collections Department's newest digital collection. Each image includes metadata that describes the location of and any significant historic and architectural information about each site.Sonoma County communities represented when all images are digitized will include Bodega Bay, Guerneville, Healdsburg, Petaluma, and Santa Rosa.
This digital collection is the first from Sonoma State University that will be featured on the state's Online Archive of California at http://www.oac.cdlib.org/. It will also be featured on Calisphere, the California State Library's link to K-12 digitized primary source materials: http://www.calisphere.universityofcalifornia.edu/.
Remodels and Renovations
The Westwood College Anaheim Campus Library was completely remodeled this spring. It contains 2,500 volumes of books, 59 DVD’s and 68 magazine subscriptions, and includes 32 public computers, two printers, a scanner and newspaper stand.
CARL Leadership 2010
CARL Officers for 2010
Amy Wallace
CSU Channel Islands
(805) 437-8911
NORTHERN Vice President
Ned Fielden
San Francisco State University
(415) 405-0527
SOUTHERN Vice President
Stephanie Brasley
California State University, Office of the Chancellor
Melissa Browne
UC Davis
(530) 754-5962
Pam Howard
San Francisco State University
(415) 338-7395
pjhoward@sfsu.edu |
Kelly Janousek
CSU Long Beach
(562) 985-7815
Les Kong
CSU San Bernardino
(909) 880-5111
Karin Griffin
CSU Long Beach
(562) 985-1542
Bill Pashaie
Cypress College
Maryann Hight
California State University, Stanislaus
mhight@csustan.edu |
Maryanne Mills
West Valley Comm. College
(408) 741-4661
& Private Institutions
Shana Higgins
University of Redlands
& UC Director-at-Large
Dominique Turnbow
UC San Diego
(858) 534-1195
Mira Foster
San Francisco State University
(415) 405-2590
Hesper Wilson
San Francisco State University
(415) 405-3653
Eric Garcia
California State University, Northridge
Lynne Reasoner
UC Riverside
(951) 827-5355
Tracey Mayfield
CSU Long Beach
(562) 985-8877
tmayfiel@csulb.edu |
About the CARL Newsletter
The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed for this newsletter is available at http://www.carl-acrl.org/newsletter/feed.xml.
Deadlines for submissions: February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15.
Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to carlnewsletter@gmail.com. For corrections, questions and comments contact the editor, Mira Foster (mira@sfsu.edu), J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132.