President's Musings

Greetings CARL Members,
It is with bittersweet feelings that I write this last letter as president of this wonderful organization. What a triumphant year this has been! There were a number of areas in which I had anticipated contributing, but a very hectic work schedule prevented me from doing all that I desired. However, that is the beauty of this organization: one is able to dive in and contribute on an ongoing basis and I will continue to do so. You, the members – and those of you who have stepped up to leadership positions – have advanced CARL in significant ways. I have been fortunate to have worked with an amazing Executive Board and committee chairs in 2012. I’d like to thank Ned Fielden (Past President), Kathlene Hanson (Sr. VP, North), Allison Carr (VP South), Pam Howard (Treasurer), Matt Conner (Secretary), Kelly Janousek (Membership Chair), Les Kong (ACRL Chapters Council Delegate), Hesper Wilson (Web Mistress), Dominique Turnbow (Southern Interest Group Coordinator), and Billy Pashaie who served as IG Coordinator when Dominique was on leave; our directors-at-large Liz Ginno (CSU), Shana Higgins (Private), Lise Snyder (UC) and April Cunningham (Community Colleges); Eric Garcia (Legislative Liaison) and Rand Boyd (Archivist). Last, but not least, many thanks to Nicole Allensworth who so diplomatically gave me gentle nudges to get in my president’s letter; she has done a great job on our newsletter! Thanks to all of you for keeping me sane and on track when deadlines were looming! Overall, I have been honored and gratified to facilitate this process towards fulfilling CARL’s mission and goals.
Much has been accomplished this year. Among those activities:
We made strides in shoring up our internal documents, including our Bylaws, Standing Rules and Conference Planning documents. We will complete more of this work in the upcoming year (kudos to Lise Snyder, Liz Ginno, Kathlene Hanson and Kelly Janousek)
We had the most successful conference in CARL’s history, in my humble opinion! (my eternal gratitude to Allison Carr, Brena Smith and Joseph Aubele – you are all “fantabulous”!)
We increased the participation in our mentoring program (thanks to Ned Fielden for his work)
We awarded scholarships (Research Award, Rockman Scholarship and Outstanding Member) to conference attendees. Alexandra Chappell, Annie Knight and Kathlene Hanson: you all ROCK!
When I ran in 2009, I hoped to harness technology to improve our operations and the conference experience. I am pleased to say that we had the first virtual conference and look forward to CARL continuing this tradition. I am turning over the reins (and the gavel) to the fabulous Kathlene Hanson who has many ideas percolating to enhance our organization. Allison Carr, our Senior VP, South has already begun to plan a superb conference experience for 2014. And Annette Marines (newly elected VP North) has jumped in with both feet to help plan the upcoming regional meeting.
In my opening remarks, I described this year as “triumphant.” Our state has been in continual upheaval these last three years. Thankfully, Proposition 30 has promised to improve the situation with our educational systems, and that makes me hopeful. But, it is you – the dynamic, innovative, optimistic, dedicated library and information science professionals – who make the difference. I am proud to be a librarian and proud to belong to this organization. It has been a fun time!
In the words of Carol Burnett (BOY am I dating myself!):
I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh or sing a song
Seems we just get started and before you know it
Comes the time we have to say, "So long." |
Best wishes for a safe, peaceful, joy-filled New Year!
Submitted by Stephanie Brasley, Los Angeles Southwest College, CARL Past President
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CARL Business
Please join the CARL Board in welcoming these new and continuing officers:
Brett Bodemer, incoming CSU Director-at-Large, works at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, where he is Coordinator for Reference & General Education Instruction. He has been active in SCIL and presented at the last CARL conference. |
Annette Marines, incoming Northern Vice-President, works at University of California Santa Cruz, where she is Sociology & Writing Librarian and Coordinator for Instruction & Student Outreach. She has been active in the ACRL Instruction Section, CCLI, as well as Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC). |
Les Kong will continue to serve as ACRL Chapters Council Delegate, a position he has held since 2007. He is also ACRL Chapters Council Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. He works at California State University San Bernardino, where he is currently Coordinator, Library Media Services. Les has been active in CARL for over two decades, holding many offices, including CARL President in 1998. He was also CLA President in 2003 and has long been active in ALA. In addition, he serves in WASC and as a WASC evaluator. |
Gayatri Singh, incoming UC Director-at-Large, works at University of California San Diego, where she is Reference Services Coordinator & Librarian for Communication. She has been active in SCIL, RUSA, ACRL and the Asian & Pacific Librarians Association. |
Submitted by Kathlene Hanson, CSU Monterey Bay, CARL President
The 2013 proposed budget is straightforward, assuming nothing much changes. Where appropriate, I took a five year average. Otherwise, what you see is a two year average of non-conference years. Membership income may be low, as the average reflects only the $20.00 membership, not the $40.00 membership. Also, regional membership meeting costs are higher when averaged over five years than the most recent two years.
2013 Income |
ACRL Chapter Reimbursements |
$ 1,048.25 |
Interest Groups Programs/Income |
$ 5,664.80 |
Membership Income* |
$ 10,699.09 |
Total Income |
$ 17,412.14 |
2013 Expenses |
Executive Board |
$ 5,478.70 |
Interest Groups Programs/Expenses |
$ 3,618.91 |
Member Awards |
$ 2,679.72 |
Member Regional Meeting |
$ 857.21 |
Retainers |
$ 3,389.45 |
RegOnline |
$ 925.30 |
Total Expenses |
$ 16,949.31 |
Submitted by Pam Howard, San Francisco State University, CARL Treasurer
I am working on fixing a small technical glitch in the 2012-13 membership renewal process. During a two-week period, some members were renewing, but were using the old 2011-12 database rather than the new one. I'm attempting to contact everyone who experienced this, but tracking it is difficult. If you renewed for 2012-13 but were not asked for payment, you most likely fall into this category and should contact me for assistance at: kelly.janousek@csulb.edu. I'm also working with RegOnline to fix the password resetting issue. I hope to have both of these problems solved by yearend.
In the 4th quarter, membership stands at 258. Of these, 233 are regular members, 8 are retired members and and 17are student members.
Interest Group Memberships, 4th quarter:
73 |
Submitted by Kelly Janousek, California State University, Long Beach, CARL Membership Director
Interest Group News
Started in October 2012, CARL-IT began offering short presentations using Google+ Hangouts On-Air. The CARL-IT Mini Talks On-Air series of presentations will focus on topics of interest to the CARL/CARL-IT membership, specifically on current trends in information technology. Presentations will run approximately 30 minutes and be held on Google+ while simultaneously broadcast on YouTube.
Our first presentation, "Google+ Hangout for Collaboration and Instruction", was given by Cheryl Delson, an Instruction Librarian at Irvine Valley College. The presentation has already received 58 views on YouTube and 4 Facebook "likes". Archived presentations can be viewed on the CARl-IT website or on our YouTube page.
Mini Talks On-Air will be held one Friday per month, depending upon presenter availability, either from 12:00—12:30 PM or 12:30—1:00 PM Pacific Time. Presentation proposals should focus on current trends in information technology and be of interest to the CARL/CARL-IT membership. Each Mini Talk will be scheduled for 30 minutes; the format will be up to the presenter.
Would you like to present to the CARL membership on current trends? Please fill out our form! And Please contact us at admin@carl-it.org if you have any questions.
Connect with CARL-IT:
CARL-IT website
CARL-IT YouTube Channel
CARL-IT on Facebook
CARL-IT on Google+
CARL-IT on Twitter
CARL IT Steering Committee:
Ian Chan, CSU San Marcos, Chair
Danielle Kane, UC Irvine
Cheryl Delson, Irvine Valley College
Submitted by Danielle Kane, UC Irvine
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People News
Sarah Dahlen, Reference and Instruction Librarian, and Steve Watkins, Coordinator of Technology Development at the CSU Monterey Bay Library, gave a presentation entitled, "A 'Novel' Approach to Recreational Reading: Creating a Virtual Collection on a Shoestring", for the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference, October 3, 2012.
On October 20, 2012, librarians Pamela Jackson, Markel Tumlin, and Rob Ray of San Diego State University presented, "The Comic-Con Kids: Finding and Defining Fandom. SDSU's Oral History Project" at the inaugural San Diego Comic Fest. More information about the project can be found here
Places News
John Hickok, CSU Fullerton, has resumed the role of CSUF's Coordinator of Library Instruction. Last summer he was on an ALA panel discussing outreach strategies to international students, and presented an invited paper at the Congress of Southeast Asian Libraries in Indonesia. He is currently spearheading a project to translate the library's map and directory into multiple languages.
Pearl Ly has been appointed the Interim Assistant Dean, Library Services at Pasadena City College (PCC) Shatford Library. Pearl joined PCC as the Access Services & Emerging Technologies Librarian in June, 2011. Pearl holds a MLIS as well as a MA in Latin American Studies from UCLA. She is currently pursuing a Joint Doctorate in Educational Leadership at UCSD/CSU San Marcos and was a 2011 ALA Emerging Leader. Pearl is also the Los Angeles representative for the statewide community college library consortium (CCL-EAR).
Ann Morgan, Engineering Librarian and Collection Management Coordinator at Cal Poly Pomona, retired on June 30, 2012. She is continuing to work half time in the CSU’s Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP). Ann has been at Cal Poly Pomona since 1990 and has been active in CARL, especially the SEAL-South interest group where she served as President in 1998 and 2005.
Les Kong, CSU San Bernardino, was elected this year by the ACRL Chapters Council, as its incoming Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect. Chapters Council is comprised of all the state and regional chapters of ACRL. He also served on three WASC accreditation visit teams this year to: Ashford University, San Diego Christian College, and Azusa Pacific Online University (as Assistant Team Chair).

Photo courtesy of Melissa Nykanen, Pepperdine University
The Pepperdine University Libraries are proud to host “Becoming America: An Exhibition of Colonial Documents.” The Colonial-era documents in the exhibit are on loan from Pepperdine alumnus and attorney Michael J. Marlatt (JD ’84). The materials on display span from 1686 to 1781 and represent the cultural, philosophical, and political atmosphere leading up to and during the Revolutionary War. Taken together, they show us an emerging nation in the process of becoming America. The collection revealed four themes that we have chosen to highlight in the exhibit.
Several documents tell the story of politics in every day life in the colonies. From an authorization to operate a tavern to a pay order for judges riding the circuit, these documents provide a snapshot of some of the ways that political decisions were made and implemented, as well as the ways in which the coming conflict influenced daily life. Several of the signatures on these documents were inscribed by individuals who went on to sign the Declaration of Independence or who played important roles in the development of the new nation.
Secondly, the exhibit examines some of the more prominent philosophical and political texts of the day that would have influenced the leaders of the movement towards independence. Alexander Pope, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, are all 18th-century writers that are highlighted in this section of the exhibit.
The third section of the exhibit explores the relationship between Great Britain and the colonies through several significant documents, beginning with the treaty of 1686 that established control over portions of North America by Great Britain and France. This section also includes two documents, written 10 years apart in 1765 and 1775, which express support for the colonies within England. Finally, a signature of King George III and a town meeting document from the same month as the Declaration of Independence reflect the changing nature of the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain.
Materials in the final section are from the Revolutionary War, and include the petition to King George III from 1774 as well as an English response to the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms. A pay order to authorize payment of troops and an example of the published journals of Congress from October 1779 represent ongoing activities that occurred throughout the war. The exhibit closes with a portrait of George Washington, whose leadership during the war led to his role as the new nation’s first president.
These documents give us a sense of the political context in Great Britain and in the colonies that led to America becoming an independent nation. Through these words, handwritten and printed, we see our nation’s heritage in the strength and conviction of the leaders of the Revolution.
Please visit this exhibit on the main floor of Payson Library. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Melissa Nykanen at melissa.nykanen@pepperdine.edu or at (310) 506-4434.
Submitted by Elizabeth Parang, Pepperdine University
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About the CARL Newsletter
The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed for this newsletter is available at http://www.carl-acrl.org/newsletter/feed.xml.
Deadlines for submissions: February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15.
Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to carlnewsletter@gmail.com. For corrections, questions and comments please contact the Editor, Nicole Allensworth (nallensw@sfsu.edu), J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132.