California Academic and Research Libraries
California Academic and Research Libraries
Table of Contents .
March 2013 Newsletter (Volume 36, Issue 1) rss

President's Musings

Some Thoughts from our President, Kathlene Hanson

We’re Not All Greying (Yet..)

One thing that has been in my thoughts of late is the ever-increasing number of retirements among my academic librarian colleagues in California. This increase in retirements is not restricted to academia or California. In June 2009, ALA put out a report titled “Planning for 2015: The Recent History and Future Supply of Librarians.” One of the central pieces of data was that 40 to 45 percent of librarians are baby boomers. In 2005, these boomers were in their 50s. Now they are in their 60s. That is a lot of people leaving the profession sometime in this decade.

Those of us who have been around a while don’t need demographic information to tell us this. We see it, just as we see that there are proportionally more women than men in the profession, that of the men many are in higher education and management, and that many librarians move into the library workforce later than average for other careers. Interestingly, though, there is also another trend now emerging. In her article, “Considerations for Managing an Increasingly Intergenerational Workforce in Libraries,” author Gail Munde refers to data projecting a wave of new graduates, 54 percent of whom are under 35. These new graduates are moving into a workforce where 70 percent of librarians are over 45. She states that a workforce is emerging that is “skewed at both ends of the age spectrum.”

What does this mean for professional library organizations, particularly for CARL? For one thing, we need to consider whether our mix of programs and services provides members with the professional development opportunities they need. I think what CARL is offering now does provide value for our members. Our biennial conference is very well attended and generally favorably reviewed. We offer programs through our Interest Groups. In addition, we now have a Mentoring Program, which is a wonderful opportunity to both provide a service to those academic librarians early in their careers and to utilize the rich resources of our more experienced librarians. However, we need to find additional ways to attract new members and to meet those members’ needs. We need to change with the profession itself. Finally, being the volunteer organization that we are, we need to engage our members in helping to develop new programs and in supporting ongoing programs and services.

Having a membership skewed at both ends of the age spectrum can be very enriching if we all collaborate toward the same goals. Librarianship, like many professions, is changing at a rapid clip. The changes we are undergoing now may become best practices in a decade, even less. I think I speak for the whole Board when I say we welcome change and want to engage with our members in how to best meet their professional development needs. I would like to hear your ideas, comments, thoughts or questions about CARL. Want to volunteer? That would be welcome, too. Please feel free to get in touch with me. I look forward to speaking and working with you over the next year.

Submitted by Kathlene Hanson, CSU Monterey Bay, CARL President

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CARL Business

A Note From our Treasurer

The final accounting is done and we get to carry over almost $8,400.00 from 2012 to 2013. Income for 2012 was $90,470, while expenses for 2012 were $82,097. Executive board expenses were approximately $12,800, which is about average.

Submitted by Pam Howard, San Francisco State University, CARL Treasurer

Membership Report

Now that the membership drive is over, I will be removing lapsed members from the CARLALL list as an incentive to renew.

In the 1st quarter, we had 73 new and renewing members, for a total membership of 331 (or 81% of our goal of 400). Of these, 299 are regular members, 11 are retired members and 21 are student members.

Interest Group Memberships, 4th quarter:



Submitted by Kelly Janousek, CSU Long Beach, CARL Membership Director

CARL Awards

Congratulations to This Year's
Ilene F. Rockman CARL/ACRL Conference Scholarship Winner!

We are pleased to announce Brittany Austin as this year's winner of the Ilene F. Rockman CARL/ACRL Conference Scholarship. The scholarship will subsidize Brittany's attendance at this year's ACRL Conference in Indianapolis. We commend Brittany on her commitment to academic librarianship, as demonstrated by her exemplary application, and we wish her an enjoyable and successful experience at ACRL!

Brittany Austin is Assistant Librarian at Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in San Francisco. Her responsibilities include cataloging, reference, collection development and teaching students research skills. She is working toward her MLIS at San Jose State University, focusing on digital services and information instruction. She recently presented at the 2012 Internet Librarian conference on lessons libraries can learn from retail sector innovations, such as enhancing the ufo pser experience with technology.

For more information about the Ilene F. Rockman CARL/ACRL Conference Scholarship, please visit the web page.

Submitted by Ilene F. Rockman CARL/ACRL Conference Scholarship Committee, 2012-13:

Adolfo Prieto, Chair, CSU Fullerton
Lucy Bellamy, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
Daniel Ransom, Holy Names University
Annette Young, Chaffey College

CARL Conference

CARL 2014 Conference: Call for Proposals

THEME: Leadership in Action

  • A supervisor who offers opportunities for librarians to spread their wings
  • The Library Director who can make the difficult decision and then gracefully guide her library through changes
  • The new librarian fresh out of school who fearlessly brings innovation to his first job
  • The Reference Librarian who provides guidance to her colleague
  • A member of the library faculty who drives the information literacy requirement in an Academic Senate committee

Leadership exists in many ways and in many places in our libraries. How can we continue to encourage, cultivate, and celebrate it? And ultimately, what does it mean to you, your institution, and librarianship?  

Research into Practice Areas Might Include:

  • Leadership at all Career Levels
  • Leadership outside of the Library
  • Transforming Ideas, Decisions, and Calculated Risks
  • Evidence Based Efforts and Projects
  • Reorganizations and Innovative Workflows
  • Characteristics and Competencies
  • Hiring, Management and Evaluation
  • Training and Leadership Development
  • Mentor and Internships Programs for Employees and Future Employees
  • Needs Assessment and Library-User (Students, Researchers, Faculty, Campus Community) Partnerships
  • Volunteers, Friends Organizations and Other Community Partnerships

Submission Information:   

Proposals must be submitted online right here. Only electronic proposals will be accepted. roposals for the following sessions will be accepted by April 5, 2013.

Preconference Sessions:

These sessions will be 4 hour workshop sessions. The focus will be on providing a research framework, but more importantly, on engaging participants in practical activities to allow them to reflect on their specific situations. The Preconference Sessions will be scheduled on Friday April 4, 2014. The deadline for the Preconference Session submissions is April 5, 2013. The primary contact on the proposal will be notified that the proposal has been received by Monday, April 8, 2013 (and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted by Monday, May 13, 2013).

Research into Practice Sessions:

These sessions will present original research related to the conference theme. These sessions will be 1-hour presentation sessions with a 15-minute question and answer period. The Research into Practice sessions will be scheduled on Saturday, April 5, and Sunday, April 6, 2014. The deadline for the Research into Practice Session submissions is April 5, 2013. The primary contact on the proposal will be notified that the proposal has been received by Monday, April 8, 2013 (and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted by Monday, May 13, 2013).

Discussion Sessions:

These sessions will present topics that are practical in nature. They must be structured, include audience participation in the form of engaging discussion questions or activities, and have a practical take-away for the attendees. These sessions will be 75 minutes long. The Discussion sessions will be scheduled on Saturday, April 5, and Sunday, April 6, 2014. The deadline for the Discussion Session submissions is April 5, 2013. The primary contact on the proposal will be notified that the proposal has been received by Monday, April 8, 2013 (and will be notified if the proposal has been accepted by Monday, May 13, 2013).

A call for posters, lightning rounds and virtual sessions is forthcoming. Watch for it this fall.

Fine Print:

All presenters must register and pay for the conference.  All presenters, regardless of session type, will be asked to submit a paper and/or summary of their session to the proceedings.

If you have any questions, please contact the conference planning co-chairs:

Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos, CARL 2014 Conference Co-Planner
Brena Smith, California Institute of the Arts, CARL 2014 Conference Co-Planner
Joseph Aubele, CSU Long Beach, CARL 2014 Conference Site Coordinator

CARL Conference Planning 101: Location

CARL Conference Planning 101 will be a short series of articles designed to share the conference planning experience with CARL members. If you have any questions about conference planning, or are interested in getting involved, please contact Allison Carr, CARL Vice President South, 2014 Conference Co-Planner.

One of the most important pieces of conference planning is the location. The geographic location is as important as the venue itself. The CARL Board chooses the location based on the recommendations from the CARL Conference Site Selection Committee. The Selection Committee reviews many properties and recommends a few based on location, amenities and cost.

As many of you know, the CARL biennial conference rotates between northern and southern locations. The city where the conference is held is chosen based on proximity to airports, concentration of CARL members and the location of the last conference.

When choosing a venue, the Selection Committee looks for the following attributes:

  • Ease of access: We want to make sure that the hotel is easy to get to regardless of your method of transportation. Free parking is always a bonus!
  • Conference center offerings: How many breakout rooms are available? Are the rooms near each other or on opposite sides of the hotel?
  • Quality of food: We have learned, through experience, that good food makes everything better! We always look for hotel partners who can provide an outstanding dining experience for our attendees while also being able to accommodate myriad dietary restrictions and preferences.
  • Cost of attendance: From room rates to internet access, what will our colleagues have to pay in order to participate in the conference?
  • A quality travel experience: Cheap is good, but as we point out to all our potential hotel partners, librarians travel well and widely, and ensuring a balance between affordability and quality is always an important factor.

The CARL 2014 Conference will be held at Dolce Hayes Mansion in San Jose, Californi; Dolce Hayes is an all-inclusive conference center located 15 minutes from the San Jose Airport. Holding the conference at Dolce Hayes promises to be an experience not to be missed, as described on their website:

Surrounded by lush, emerald green lawns, accented with gardens of vibrant, colorful flowers and guarded by towering palm trees, the 100-year old hotel has been refurbished, upgraded and transformed into a luxurious San Jose resort, conference center, and spa. In comparison to other San Jose resorts and hotels, Dolce Hayes Mansion is rich in tradition and history, and provides visitors with an extraordinary experience.

We’re looking forward to holding the conference at such a beautiful location and hope that you will join us!

Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos, CARL 2014 Conference Co-Planner
Brena Smith, California Institute of the Arts, CARL 2014 Conference Co-Planner
Joseph Aubele, CSU Long Beach, CARL 2014 Conference Site Coordinator

Interest Group News

CARL-IT Mini Talks On-Air

CARL-IT offers short presentations using Google+ Hangouts On-Air on topics of interest to the CARL-IT membership, specifically on current trends in information technology. Presentations will run approximately 30 minutes and be held on Google+ and simultaneously broadcast to YouTube. Please join us for our next presentation!

Checking-in Versus Checking-out: using location-based social networking
Presented by Danielle Kane
Research Librarian for Emerging Technologies and Service Innovation, UC Irvine
March 25, 2013, 12:30 PM

Services like Foursquare are location-based social networking websites for mobile devices. Users "check in" at venues and offer tips or reviews about the location. Check-ins can award user points, sometimes "badges", and even "Mayorships" for a location. This session will cover how to claim/create sites in Foursquare and Yelp, how to manage the site, statistics provided and some ideas for how to use these services with your library patrons.

Accessing the Presentation:

  • Presenters will be presenting using Google+ Hangouts On Air, because of the limited number of participants we ask that everyone watches the live stream on our YouTube Page.
  • Want to ask questions during the presentation? Add a comment on our Google+ page.
  • If you have any issues during the presentation, contact Danielle Kane via email or through AIM (UCILibkaned).

About the Program:

Mini Talks On-Air will be held one day a month, depending upon presenter availability, either from 12:00-12:30 PM or 12:30 – 1 PM Pacific Time. Presentation proposals should be on topics of interest to the CARL-IT membership, specifically on current trends in information technology. Mini Talks will be scheduled for 30 minutes, and the format will be up to the presenter.

Would you like to present to the CARL membership on current trends? Please fill out our form. And, please contact us if you have any questions.

Connect with CARL-IT:

CARL-IT website
CARL-IT YouTube Channel
CARL-IT on Facebook
CARL-IT on Google+
CARL-IT on Twitter

CARL IT Steering Committee:

Ian Chan, CSU San Marcos, Chair
Danielle Kane, UC Irvine
Cheryl Delson, Irvine Valley College

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CARLDIG-S Program Report

On Friday, November 30, 2012, CARLDIG-S hosted its annual fall workshop at PUENTE Learning Center in Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization whose mission is embedded in its name: People United to Enrich the Neighborhood Through Education. Entitled, "Building Bridges: Academic Reference Services in the Community", the workshop focused on innovative collaboration and outreach ideas for librarians and the communities they serve. With puente also being the Spanish word for bridge, PUENTE Learning Center served as an appropriate embodiment of the workshop's theme.

The half-day workshop, co-sponsored by PUENTE Learning Center, offered the 50 attendees the opportunity to learn from academic librarians who have formed partnerships with: other higher education institutions; their own academic communities; and their surrounding communities. Speakers included:

  • Christine Mune from SJSU: "Embedding Librarians in the Educational Opportunity Program: Transliteracy Outreach to Disadvantaged Youth"
  • Teresa Omidsalar and Romelia Salinas from CSULA: "Peer mentoring: The PAIR Program at CSULA"
  • Raymundo Andrade and Jamie Hazlitt from LMU: "Bringing Under-Served Staff Online @LMU"
  • Paula Pereira from Cerritos College: " Innovative Ways to Increase Student Engagement at Community Colleges"
  • Christina Sheldon from CSULA: "Bridging Students to Brighter Futures: Library Outreach to Urban High Schools"
  • Jennifer Masunaga and Cynthia Mari Orozco from LMU: " Targeting Student Leaders: LMU Library and the Latino Leadership Roundtable"

Links to the presentation materials may be found here.

CARLDIG-S is already planning its Fall 2013 program! For questions about this or past programs, or to join CARLDIG-S, please email Debi Hoffmann.

Submitted by Debi Hoffman, CSU Channel Islands

SCIL Program Report

SCIL Works 2013: Hack your library!

On February 1, the Southern California Instruction Librarians Interest Group (SCIL) hosted another exciting SCIL Works program called “Hack Your Library!” at Kellogg Library at CSU San Marcos. Attendees were welcomed to the Library by Wayne Veres, Library Dean and CSUSM CIO, who shared his experience of learning how important library instruction is in higher education.

The 50+ attendees were able to attend 2 of the 3 presentations, which focused on creative ways teaching librarians can channel their inner MacGyvers when facing challenging instruction situations! The conference program included:

Research and Practice (1 hr presentations)

  • "Adapting to Campus Climate Change: Using Moodle to Teach Increasing Class Populations"(Christina Mayberry, CSU Northridge)
  • "Library Instruction Style on a Budget" (Lucy Bellamy, FIDM Library)
  • "Instruction Roulette: Are you Ready?" (Michelle Lustig, Springshare and Brena Smith, California Institute of the Arts)

Lightning Round Presentations (5-minute poster sessions)

  • "The Peer-Review Process as Performance Art" (Mary Ann Naumann, Pepperdine)
  • "Why Start from Scratch? Recycle ideas, Active Learning Exercises, and Design from Other Online Tutorials" (Lindsey McLean, Loyola Marymount)
  • "Think Fast: Library Instruction When the Classroom Projector Only Projects" (Chimene Tucker, USC)

New to SCIL Works was the addition of “collaborative notes.” Attendees were asked to help take notes using Google Docs, which can now be shared with anyone who wasn’t able to make it to the program. In addition to the presenter’s slides and documents, these notes can be found on the SCIL website.

SCIL Outreach Committee Update

The SCIL Outreach Committee was very excited to host its first networking outreach event after SCILWorks 2013. Anyone interested in instruction librarianship was invited to meet up at Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens. Some folks went on a brewery tour, while others enjoyed the outdoor garden. Keep an eye on the SCIL website for future meet-ups this year.

Submitted by Talitha Matlin, CSU San Marcos.

Photo courtesy of Talitha Matlin, CSU San Marcos

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People News

Awards, Publications and Presentations

Caroline Bordinaro (CSU Dominguez Hills) led a subcommittee that revised and updated the Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians. The subcommittee was comprised of members of the ACRL Committee on the Status of Academic Librarians and the AAUP Special Committee on the Status of Librarians in the Academy. The revised statement was adopted as policy by the ACRL at its 2012 annual conference and by the AAUP's national Council in November 2012. You can read the revised statement online.

Rand Boyd (Chapman University), Special Collections & Archives Librarian, was promoted to Associate Librarian.

John Hickok (CSU Fullerton) was awarded a CSUF travel grant for ongoing comparative/cross-cultural research of libraries in Asia. In January, he visited and documented conditions of over two dozen libraries in South Asia: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, & Pakistan.

Chimene Tucker, Communication, Journalism and LGBT Studies Librarian at the University of Southern California, has been selected as a fellow to participate in the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Leadership and Career Development Program (LCDP) 2013-2014. The LCDP is an 18-month fellowship program that prepares mid-career librarians from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups to take on increasingly demanding leadership roles in research and academic libraries.

Places News

Appointments, Promotions and Retirements

Stephanie Alexander has joined the College of San Mateo Library as Digital Services and Instruction Librarian. Prior to her assignment at CSM, Stephanie was a reference and instruction librarian at the University of Southern California's Leavey Library and was the Associate Faculty Director for Reference in Norlin Library at the University of Colorado Boulder. Stephanie has served on a variety of national committees within the American Library Association including work within ACRL, RUSA and LRRT. Her research interests include student engagement with libraries and facilitating student discovery of library resources. Her most recent co-authored article, "Evaulating Reference Data Accuracy: A Mixed Method Study," will be published in Reference Services Review during the summer of 2013.

Caltech is pleased to announce the arrival of Donna Wrublewski as its Chemistry Librarian and Information Specialist. Donna comes to Caltech from the University of Florida, Gainesville where she has been the Chemistry and Physics Librarian for the past two years. Her background includes a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from MIT and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts (Polymer Science & Engineering). She's very much looking forward to meeting and enjoying colleagues in Southern California. As an additional note, Dana Roth will continue on at Caltech on a much reduced yet well-earned part-time basis to pursue some of his professional interests.

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CARL Special Announcements

The 41st Annual ARLIS/NA Conference will be held in Pasadena, CA from April 25-29, 2013. The conference theme is “Crafting our Future” and is inspired by Pasadena's renowned arts and crafts heritage and emphasizes the importance of building on our past as we actively shape the future of art librarianship.

Program co-chairs are:

Cathy Billings, Brand Library & Art Center
Sarah Sherman, Getty Research Institute

Submitted by Krista Ivy, UC Riverside

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About the CARL Newsletter

The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed rss for this newsletter is available at

Deadlines for submissions: February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15.

Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to For corrections, questions and comments please contact the Editor, Nicole Allensworth (, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132.

© Copyright 2012 California Academic & Research Libraries Association. All Rights Reserved.