Table of Contents |
President's Musings

Happy summer everyone! I hope that you are finding the rest and relaxation you need, along with the motivation to complete those long-awaited summer projects (I happen to have misplaced mine). I have a few exciting updates and new programs to share with you.
CARL Mentoring Program
Mentors are a fabulous resource for those who are looking for guidance as a new librarian. I have had a few mentors over the years who have guided me to find my passion in teaching, offered support through the tenure process, and helped me to find my niche in the scholarship. While my mentors have been informal, it has been found that formal, structured mentoring programs help new librarians to succeed in their careers (Black & Leyson, 2002; Oud, 2008; Hall, 2013). The CARL Mentoring Program was created so that more experienced librarians could provide their expertise and guidance to graduate students or new librarians.
Now that the CARL Mentoring Program is a few years old, we’ve decided to expand it to include librarians who are in the middle of their career. These librarians often need a different kind of counsel than those who are newer to the profession, sometimes with answering the basic question of “what do I do next?” Over the next few months, you will see changes with the CARL Mentoring website, including revised guidelines and descriptions that will make more clear what a mentoring relationship could be.
While most think of the value mentoring provides to the protégé, being a mentor can be tremendously rewarding. For me, working with a protégé has reminded me of why I became a librarian, and gives me the opportunity to share my passion with others. If you are interested in being a mentor, please contact the CARL Mentoring Committee. We are especially in need of librarians in systems and technical services.
If you are interested in being mentored, please complete the form on our website and we will match you with a mentor soon!
CARL Member of the Quarter Program
At the last meeting, the CARL Executive Board approved the creation of a new program that honors exemplary CARL members who go above and beyond to serve California academic and research libraries with dedication, skill, innovation, and passion for the profession. Our first member will be honored mid-September, so watch for the call to go out in August for nominations. I want to thank our inaugural Member of the Quarter Committee Members, Annie Knight (Director-at-Large, Private Institutions), Nicole Allensworth (Newsletter Editor), and Hesper Wilson (Web Coordinator) for developing the program.
Professional Development Committee
The CARL Membership Survey conducted earlier this year revealed a great deal of interest in professional development programs for various elements of academic librarianship, with no time, money, and geographical constraints. In response to the findings of the survey, the CARL Executive Board has formed a Professional Development Committee that will investigate membership programming needs, recommend programming ideas to the Board, and implement and assess approved programs. The committee, made up of the Interest Group Coordinator and our four Directors-at-Large, will reach out to you to inquire about areas of interest, but you can send your ideas and requests to them here. A big thanks to Annette Marines (Northern VP), Shana Higgins (Southern VP), and Billy Pashaie (IG Coordinator) for developing the details of the new committee.
Reinvigorate DIAL
Diversity, cultural competence, or cultural intelligence, has been a hot topic at many college campuses of late, yet our Diversity in Academic Libraries (DIAL) Interest Group has been on hiatus. We are looking for a handful of individuals to revive DIAL with an eye towards developing programming and resources on cultural intelligence in academic librarians. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Billy Pashaie, CARL Interest Group Coordinator.
William K. Black and Joan M. Leysen, “Fostering Success: The Socialization of Entry-Level Librarians in ARL Libraries,” Journal of Library Administration 36, no. 4 (2002): 3-27, doi: 10.1300/J111v36n04_02. http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=libcat_pubs
Joanne Oud, “Adjusting to the Workplace: Transitions Faced by New Academic Librarians,” College & Research Libraries 69, no. 3 (2008): 252-267, http://crl.acrl.org/content/69/3/252.short.
Russell A. Hall, “Beyond the Job Ad: Employers and Library Instruction,” College & Research Libraries 74, no. 1 (2013): 24-38, http://crl.acrl.org/content/74/1/24.short.
Submitted by Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos, CARL President
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Getting to Know You is a series of interviews with CARL leadership, designed to give CARL members an opportunity to get to know the Executive Board better.
Tell us about how you got involved with CARL and how you came to your current role on the Executive Board
I’ve been a member of CARL for years, on and off. Before my current role at UCSC I was an instruction librarian there, so I naturally gravitated to CCLI (California Conference on Library Instruction), where I eventually served two terms as Chair. I believe it was my leadership role in CCLI that led to a phone call from the CARL election committee asking me to run for Northern Vice President.
Give us a day in life of CARL Northern Vice President
I’m in my second year as Northern VP. This position is a four year term: Year one, you are the Junior VP and basically spend your time observing and learning the job. Year two, you are Senior VP; you have a better sense of the job and should start thinking about what your term as President will be like. Year three, you are President. And year four, you serve as Past President.
I’m automatically on the Finance Committee (FC*) and the Committee on Organization (CoO). These groups are key to running the business side of CARL. FC deals with CARL’s finances, such as expenses and things like insurance. The CoO ensures the Bylaws and Standing Rules are aligned with CARL’s organizational practices. The Standing Rules have been in draft mode since 2005. I hope to finalize them this year!
Describe what it’s like working collaboratively with an Executive Board that is all over California
From being on CCLI and a UC Librarian, I’m accustomed to working with librarians who are dispersed across California. Like CCLI, CARL has librarians from the different higher education institutions. We are products of our organizational cultures and that’s the dynamic I find most interesting in CARL. How do things get done when there are many voices in the room and different work styles? I’ll find out more next year as the President.
On the practical side of working with librarians across California, I enjoy leading conference calls. I’m currently working with the CoO on revising the CARL Standing Rules. Our work is facilitated by WhenisGood.com to schedule meetings, ReadyTalk for conference calls and Google Drive to jointly edit documents while on the calls. There are five of us on the committee from San Francisco to Redlands, our meetings are one hour, and in total we may hold a few of them to get the work done. Last year we made a major revision using this process. This year, we are addressing sections that had been marked as pending during our previous work.
Tell us a little bit about your work at UC Santa Cruz
I’m a Social Sciences Librarian. I’m in the Research Support Services (RSS) Department. This work is somewhat new to me, since the last two years. It ties really nicely with my previous role here in student outreach and instruction.
In a recent conversation with my supervisor, she used the metaphor “moving target” to describe how we should conceive of our work. We’re figuring out what to do as we go. It feels very experimental and exciting. I and one of my colleagues recently conducted an environmental scan of the social sciences chairs. We’re consulting with a graduate student to apply more rigor to our analysis of the interviews. Overall, we hope to make better collections decisions as a result and figure out the next lead for future work.
To elaborate on RSS and how it differs from outreach and instruction: When I started over a decade ago, the norm for departments here was Collections (which incorporated subject specific instruction, faculty liaising and reference), Reference (which incorporated lower division instruction and student outreach), and Science Library, which was a combination of both. A whole slew of things occurred to prompt changes: administrative changes, budget cuts, librarian attrition, and technological advances in service provision and acquisitions... yadda, yadda, yadda... cut to now: all of the departments have been rolled into one.
What may make us different from other institutions is: our tie-in to the California Digital Library for consortial purchases; our collection priorities (different for a research institution); and the way we help faculty with their evolving open access and digital-anything needs (more "moving target"). We also deviate from the subject liaison model and are assigned to divisional teams in RSS. The idea is that we can enhance each others' work as a team and share in the workload.
Share a favorite moment from a past CARL conference, project or event
Networking, at all the events I’ve been to.
What excites you the most about CARL's future?
CARL is a reflection of the board and of the larger membership. These are always changing. So the potential is limitless and exciting.
Who do you admire more than anyone else in librarianship?
There are many librarians doing amazing things. James Mullins, Dean of Libraries at Purdue University, is someone whose approach resonates with me the most. He is a champion of information literacy and mentors the next generation of diverse leaders in research libraries. An important lesson I learned from him during a talk on Scholarly Communications and Leadership was about the librarian’s role as translator. This is a departure from a space at the table for the sake of representation. Librarian as translator implies listening, cultivating your expertise, and aligning and communicating your expertise in a manner that others can easily see its value. The goal is to be viewed as a partner or collaborator, instead of a service provider.
Describe your dream library
Small personal libraries are my favorite. What’s in your library?
What are you reading right now?
Articles on Grounded Theory research.
Is there anything I didn't ask that you'd like CARL members to know?
Elections are coming up in a few months (November). Consider becoming a candidate for elected office. CARL provides a forum for learning about and engaging with academic library issues from a California perspective. There’s much room for growth in CARL, particularly when it comes to participation from northern California librarians, i.e. we need you!

A small personal library (photo courtesy of The Selby)
Interview conducted by Nicole Allensworth, San Francisco State, CARL Newsletter Editor |
CARL Business
CARL Executive Board Meeting
GoToMeeting Conference Call
June 13, 2014, 9:00am — Noon
Allie Carr, Annette Marines, Brett Bodemer, Melissa Browne, Annie Knight, Billy Pashaie, April Cunningham, Shana Higgins, Hesper Wilson, Gayatri Singh, Erika Montenegro, Les Kong, Pam Howard, Nicole Allensworth, Debi Hoffmann
Meeting Summary:
Updates were given regarding on-going items: Allie Carr confirmed that CARL’s insurance covers Board members and meeting premises, and the university/event venue’s insurance should cover non-CARL members at these events. Annette Marines reported that she is meeting with Pam Howard, Shana Higgins and Lee Adams to work on revising the Standing Rules. A revision draft will be available for the August 15th Board meeting. CARL elections will take place in the Fall. Candidate names can be sent to Allie Carr. Billy Pashaie reported that the Board is seeking to revive the DIAL interest group as an advisory body on diversity/cultural competency issues.
Billy Pashaie reported on the Journal Exploration Committee. The committee's charge is to explore a potential journal that would be non-traditional, interactive, indexed and searchable, looking at issues of journal scope, journal format and content (and member preferences), and viability/sustainability issues. The committee will put together a cost analysis for the August Board meeting.
Erika Montenegro reported that the Mentoring Committee is working on updating the mentor website as well as on expanding the mentee definition to include newly tenured librarians and librarians in new leadership roles. The committee will report to the Board in August on issues related to clarifying the time commitment for mentors and general best practices. Allie Carr will write an article about mentoring for the next newsletter.
Discussion items
The Board decided that the Member of the Quarter committee will be made up of one Board member and two additional volunteers. Winners will receive free one-year CARL memberships and must agree to serve on the committee the following year. The Programming Committee’s name was changed to Professional Development Committee and will be included as part of the revised Standing Rules.
New Items
The Board is considering creating a directory of “expertise” for members. Melissa Browne will explore whether fields related to “area of expertise” and “primary/secondary areas of interest” can be added to the membership form. Melissa will report to the Board in August.
Les Kong reported that the 2018 CARL Conference will likely be held at the Sofitel San Francisco Bay hotel in Redwood City.
Quarterly officer reports, committee reports and Allie Carr’s CARL Conference 2014 Report were attached to the full meeting minutes.
Submitted by Debi Hoffmann, CSU Channel Islands, CARL Secretary
CARL'S membership stands at 404. Of these, 44 are students or retirees, while the remaining 360 are regular members.
Interest Group Memberships, 2nd quarter:
52 |
Submitted by Melissa Browne, UC Davis, CARL Membership Director
WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) and the Information Literacy Core Competency
The 2013 Handbook of Accreditation is a significant change from the 2001 Handbook. One change of interest to librarians is the Commission’s new emphasis on evidence of assessment of five core competencies for undergraduate education. The list of competencies includes information literacy, along with writing, quantitative reasoning, oral communication and critical thinking. The Commission does not define these competencies and leaves it up to colleges and universities to define the concepts in ways that are relevant to their missions. Many institutions that did not previously assess these competencies in their graduates have responded to the new criteria by adapting the definition of information literacy used by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) and creating rubrics based on the Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE).
Recently, the Commission released an FAQ document about the Core Competencies. This document gives additional background about the rationale for the competencies and the Commission’s expectations regarding assessment and evidence of students’ proficiency. If you are at an institution that is accredited by WSCUC, your campus leaders may already be discussing options for defining and assessing information literacy. Now may be a good time to reach out and provide support to your campus during the process. In 2013, Patricia Iannuzzi published her views on the implications that the current efforts to refine the Framework for Information Literacy may have on national efforts to integrate information literacy into the undergraduate curriculum.
New Data on Journal Bundle Prices
In June, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed the large disparities in the fees paid by universities for common journal subscription bundles from for-profit and non-profit publishers. According to the authors, publishers are charging widely varying prices for the same collections to universities that have essentially the same number of FTES and/or PhD graduates. This study is just the most recent revelation in the ongoing struggle between librarians and publishers that has resulted in boycotts, FOIA requests, and frustration. For more information about the library’s role in scholarly publishing, please visit the ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit.
Submitted by April Cunningham, Palomar College, CARL Advocacy Liaison
You can contact April here — please include "Advocacy Liaison" in the subject of your email
Before I was an instruction librarian at a community college I was a public librarian. During those magical two years serving the public, precocious kids liked to share their snarky observations regarding my clothes, hair, books, and choice of career. When a thirteen-year-old girl with the charm and curiosity of Harriet the Spy and the scratched, dirty knees of Scout Finch asked me rather skeptically whether I was married, I replied, “Indeed I am.” I went on to say proudly, “He’s an English professor.” Without missing a beat she slapped her hands over her mouth, muffled a loud laugh, and said, “A librarian married to an English professor? So, you’re trying to be the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of dorks or something?” Although technically a question, this felt more like an outright accusation.
When I told my husband the story we laughed. But, secretly, we were pleased as dorks are pleased when they’re compared to those much, much cooler than they are. Bey and Jay are the supreme power couple of, well... everything. I imagine they come home after a long day in the recording studio, compare notes about songs, and swap tips about avoiding paparazzi over dinner. Bey might complain that she should have smiled more in her Time cover and Jay wishes he hadn’t fit that extra syllable in that last verse. They come home, talk shop, and continue to refine their craft at being the king and queen of everything.
Cut to a few years later and the dorks both work at community colleges: I’m an instruction librarian and my husband still teaches English. We often come home exhausted, yet, like the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of my imagination, we’re similarly eager to talk about our days.
Jay (bursting through the front door, leather elbow patches akimbo, finger-printy glasses askew): “You won't believe what happened today... last week we spent an entire class on scholarly articles, and today every single student —”
Bey (cutting him off with a raised eyebrow): " — helplessly asked 'what’s a scholarly article?' like it’s the first time they'd ever heard of it?” |
On a better day, I’ll come home with a beautiful annotated bibliography practically levitating in my hands and place it on his desk. He squints his eyes and thumbs through the pages, nodding as each page passes. “I can see this is clean in under three seconds,” he sighs, looking at me with pride and admiration.
So how does being married to an English professor help me be a better librarian? I suppose the most helpful aspect of being married to a professor is simply getting his honest perspective on the work I do for my own faculty colleagues. A significant part of my job is collaborating with professors; I’m sure many of you are in the same boat. Whenever I’m with librarians,Tone of the most popular topics discussed is our relationships with faculty. I commiserate with my peers about the tenuous librarian/faculty marriage, and many discussions revolve around faculty expectations. Whether we instruct during workshops, research orientations, through online guides, or at the reference desk, we wonder if faculty understand we aren’t Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker, especially when we only have anywhere from five to 60 minutes with students!
Now, you may be someone who knows you’re doing a superb job and never doubts your work in the mysterious, blank face of a professor. But me? Let me take you on a tour of all the crazy thoughts that run through my head when I’m teaching: “Is this what she wanted? Did I understand the assignment correctly? Why can’t I spell when people are looking at me? Crap, there’s a typo in my slide! Am I talking too much? Did anyone notice my lisp when I said scholarly? Is he judging my wordy handout? Does she know how hard I prepared for this? Oh gross — can he see my sweaty armpits? Is she zoning out because I’m boring? Was anything I did for his class helpful? Does she blame me for the terrible air conditioning?” I even have a little trick to keep the crazy thoughts at bay. I’ll say, “Can I get everyone’s eyes (I gesture to mine in a De Niro-like I’ve got my eyes on you kind of way) for one second just to make sure we’re all in this together?” The professor and students usually chuckle a little and shoot me shy smiles. I remember it’s library instruction, not bomb disposal.
That last part, the part about me not defusing bombs? A lot of that comes from talking to my significant dork, er... other. One of the most helpful things I learned from being married to a professor is that they’re usually happy with what the librarian has prepared and we really should just go easy on ourselves. He calmly reminds me that my faculty colleagues have their own miracles to work and probably aren’t even expecting Anne Sullivan. “Think of the big picture,” he’ll say. He’ll remind me with brutal honesty that students probably won’t remember 90% of everything I go over anyway. “If we’re lucky, they’ll remember how to get to one database out of the many we want them to know about.” At first that seemed pretty bleak to me, but I now see the freedom it gives me. While I beat myself up about what I didn’t do, he’s happy the students got some hands-on experience and know that friendly, knowledgeable people work at the library. “Keep it simple. Keep it real,” he says. “You’re a dork, but I see your point,” I reply.
I’m proud to say that creatively collaborating with faculty is one of my strong suits, but I’m still plagued with the belief that professors expect librarians to work miracles. We often place higher expectations on ourselves than faculty do. We introduce students to at least five databases, strive to teach them how to access the catalog and understand subject headings, not to mention make them proficient in MLA, APA, and Chicago Style, all in the blink of an eye! Hey, lofty goals are great, but let’s also take some time to give ourselves kudos for the small victories. Every once in while I do get unreasonable requests to teach the history of research in under an hour, and for those situations I say, “Don’t hate the professor. Hate the game.” The attitude that research skills are something that can be learned in a one-shot workshop still exists and librarians continue working with faculty to debunk this. From my experience, though, I see that faculty have their own classroom battles and generally have realistic expectations about what we can do. The main thing being married to an English professor has helped me understand is that “I’ve got 99 Problems, but a professor’s expectation ain’t one.”

The bow-tie and glasses say it all —
we are the Bey and Jay of Dorks.
Submitted by Erika Montenegro, East Los Angeles College, Commuity Colleges Director-at-Large
With “imitation of estlin” in the April 2014 newsletter, I chose e e cummings' iconoclastic style as a gateway drug, hoping to edge you toward harder stuff. Like cummings’ use of the typewriter to playfully defamiliarize the poetic experience, my own poetry has become an experimentation in using machines to reframe the machinery of language. The aesthetic effects that characterize the subject, tone and mood of this poesy tend to exceed the constraints of text on a page.
The QR code below will give you access to “Discrete Infinity.” The idea for this poem comes from one of my recursive dreams, and its conceptual form mirrors the recursive nature of the dream. The self-referential aspect of the poem is further extended though the “false awakening” characteristic of the dream, metaphorically represented by the machine. It exists in a liminal state of between and betwixt, abortively attempting to awaken from its own unconsciousness – supplanting corporeality – using an autopoietic loop.

You need a QR reader on a smart device to view this poem. One suggested reader is NeoReader, a free download in iTunes, Google Play, or BlackBerry World. Alternatively, you can save the QR image and upload it to an online barcode reader. Once uploaded, click “send file” and follow the link to view the poem.
Submitted by Billy Pashaie, Cypress College, Interest Group Coordinator
Interest Group News
When: Friday, December 5, 2014
Where: Mt. San Antonio College, 1100 N Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (tentative)
On Friday, December 5th, CARLDIG-S and the Library at Mt. San Antonio College will co-host a half-day workshop, “Hacking Reference: Engaging the 'Whole' Student" at the Mt. SAC Library. Workshop attendees will hear from different presenters about how academic libraries are engaging students through spaces, programming, service learning, marketing, and outreach. Have you implemented a pop-up makerspace in your library to support student learning during finals? Or, have you embarked on a marketing campaign to increase the use of reference services at your library? We want to hear from you! A call for presenters will go out later in the summer, so watch for them in your inbox.
For more information, please contact Suzanne Im here. We hope to see you there!
People News
Lisa Burgert, University of San Diego, and Angela Boyd, UC Santa Barbara, will present a paper titled, "California's Changing Landscape: Lifelong Information Literacy's Survey of IL" at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Information Literacy Satellite Meeting held at the Limerick Institute of Technology in Limerick, Republic of Ireland, August 14-15, 2014. The purpose of the presentation is to disseminate the results of surveys administered in 2006 and 2013, by Lifelong Information Literacy, which identified common content taught and gaps in IL instruction across all types of libraries in California.
Aline Soules (CSU East Bay) published a book of poetry: Soules, A. (2014). Evening sun: A widow's journey. Orinda, CA: Andrew Benzie Books. Soules also co-authored an article published in the Journal of LIbrary Administration: Soules, A., Golomb, L., Kelly, J. R., & Chen, B. (2014). Navigating the MLA bibliography — redux: Performance across vendor platforms and discovery tools. Journal of Library Administration, 54(2), 107-126. |
Diana Wakimoto (CSU East Bay) recently co-authored an article: Wakimoto, D. K., & Lewis, R. E. (2014). Graduate student perceptions of eportfolios: Uses for reflection, development, and assessment. The Internet and Higher Education, 21, 53-58.
Places News
Stephanie Alexander (CSU East Bay), formerly of the College of San Mateo, will join the CSUEB library faculty as the Social Sciences/Assessment Librarian in August. |
Tina E. Chrzastowski is the new Head, Access & Delivery Services, at Santa Clara University Library. She was formerly Head of the Chemistry Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she also served as Division Coordinator of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Libraries. She has held previous positions at the University of Delaware and the University of Washington (Seattle). Her research interests center around library assessment, particularly the use of collections and how the library meets user needs. She was a member of the IMLS-funded LibValue team, specifically examining the use of ebooks by broad discipline (with co-authors Lynn Wiley and Jean-Louise Zancanella). She has also published research on journal use, consortial use of shared collections, SFX as a collection assessment tool, statewide ILL use in Illinois, and the migration of science libraries from print to e formats.
Tabzeera Dosu, former Dean of the Sacramento State Library, resigned from her position in late May. Professor Janet Hecsh, College of Education and former Faculty Senate Chair, will be the Administrator in Charge. A Sacramento State librarian will be appointed as an interim half time associate university librarian. A national search for a new dean will begin in September 2014.
Carolyn Caffrey Gardner (USC) has been appointed as an Information Literacy & Education Technology Librarian. Prior to joining USC Libraries, she was an Assistant Professor and Instruction Librarian at University of Wisconsin – Superior. Carolyn holds a BA in Feminist Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz and an MLS from Indiana University, Bloomington.
Jessica Harris is the new Electronic Resources Librarian at Santa Clara University Library. Previously, she served as the Digital Services Librarian at the University of Texas at Brownsville. In this role, she managed the lifecycle of all library electronic resources, as well as the Library’s web and social media presence. She received her B.A. in English from Oakland University in Rochester, MI, and an M.S. in Library Science from Pratt Institute in New York. Her research interests include the assessment of electronic resources, emerging technologies in libraries, and the effective management of serials workflows.

Elizabeth Galoozis
Elizabeth Galoozis and Carolyn Caffrey Gardner have joined USC as Information Literacy and Educational Technology Librarians. Elizabeth has an MLS from Simmons College, and was most recently Reference Librarian and Research Instruction Coordinator at Bentley University in Waltham, MA. Carolyn has an MLS from Indiana University, and was most recently Assistant Professor of Library Science and Reference & Instruction Librarian at University of Wisconsin, Superior. They are both looking forward to active membership in both CARL and SCIL. |
Tiffany Moxham was appointed Coordinator of Medical Library Programs at UC Riverside on July 1, 2014. Moxham has a Bachelor of Arts (Summa Cum Laude) from Florida Atlantic University, and a Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida. She has become a strong leader implementing, adapting, and growing the curriculum, administration, research support, and services in medical library programs in both the United States and England. Currently as Department Head and Associate University Librarian at Florida Atlantic University, she manages all Medical and Health Sciences collections and user services including creation of policies, and coordination of all College of Medicine library programs. Jiannan Wang (CSU East Bay) has been awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Librarian.
Glee Willis, long-time CARL member, retired from the University of Nevada, Reno, on June 30th. |
On May 17, 2014, Azusa Pacific University Libraries celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Special Collections with an anniversary fundraising dinner in the Felix Event Center with David Zeidberg, Avery Director of the Huntington Library, keynote speaker.
The evening began earlier with a reception in the Hugh and Hazel Darling Library and featured an exhibit that included among many other items, APU's five Dead Sea Scroll fragments.
The 40th anniversary celebration honored the 20 founders of Special Collections which was established at Azusa Pacific University in the 1970s, including Glen W. Adams, Joe S. Andersen, Thomas F. Andrews, Azusa Foothill Citrus Company, Glen Dawson, Linda Di Biase, Clifford M. Drury, George and Isabel Fullerton, Sheldon G. Jackson, Klaus Kleber, Gloria R. Lothrop, the Macneil Family, Mary Maxson, Jerry Dixon, Doyce B. Nunis Jr., Edward Peterman, Paul E. Sago, Odo and Marie Stade, Irving and Jean Stone, Msgr. Francis J. Weber.
The evening program and dinner was presided over by Paul Gray, Dean of the university libraries, David Weeks, Dean of the new Honors College, David Bixby, Executive Vice President, and Jon R. Wallace, President. (Photo: Keynote speaker for the evening, David Zeidberg, Avery Director of the Huntington Library, San Marino, California).
With over $4 million in rare books, manuscripts, photographs, etchings, prints, coins, and other historic artifacts currently housed in Special Collections, Paul Gray and the Special Collections team now turns to the preservation of the materials and the scholarship or use of the collections for research and publication. (Photo: Dr. Thomas F. Andrews, Research Historian for Special Collections with Dr. Paul Gray, Dean of the Libraries, APU, Azusa, California)
Submitted by Luba V. Zakharov and Thomas F. Andrews, Azusa Pacific University
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About the CARL Newsletter
A special thank you to Annie Knight for assisting with editorial duties on this issue of the CARL Newsletter!
The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed for this newsletter is available at http://www.carl-acrl.org/newsletter/feed.xml.
Deadlines for submissions: February 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15.
Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to carlnewsletter@gmail.com. For corrections, questions and comments please contact the Editor, Nicole Allensworth (nallensw@sfsu.edu), J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132