Table of Contents |
President's Musings

I’m two weeks into my term as CARL president and I have more ideas for my term than time to write them down! To say I’m excited is an understatement.
I'm pleased that the positions I held prior to becoming President have proven to be both educational and good training for the work ahead. I chaired both the Committee on Organization and the Nominations and Elections Committee. The committee on organization gave us an opportunity to leverage cloud computing and understand how to make our documents, bylaws, and standing rules more accessible.
Our work also helped clarify (for me) our by-laws and standing rules. And, on the Elections Committee, I worked with general members from across the state to drum up candidates for elected office. The outreach effort resulted in an exciting ballot, which included three contenders for president.
These experiences have raised questions for me, for example:
- What does it mean to be a good steward of CARL resources?
- How might CARL create more opportunities for general members?
- How do general members across the state benefit from CARL?
- What are the larger professional shifts under way?
- How can CARL take the lead to support members to navigate these shifts?
I look forward to addressing these questions with the membership. My intent is to be open, to listen, to learn and to help move CARL and the membership forward.
Stay tuned!
Submitted by Annette Marines, UC Santa Cruz, CARL President
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Getting to Know You is a series of interviews with CARL leadership, designed to give CARL members an opportunity to get to know the Executive Board better.
Tell us about how you got involved with CARL and how you came to your current role on the Executive Board
I got involved with CARL last Fall when Annette Marines asked me to consider being a part of the CARL organization. Being a newer California resident, I thought it would be a great way to meet other librarians in the state while contributing to the profession.
Tell us a little bit about your work at San Diego State University
I am the Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Business Data Librarian at SDSU, and that means I work closely with the students, faculty, and staff in the College of Business, the department of Economics and various business-related centers on campus. I support these groups by providing library instruction, research assistance and consultations, and by managing/developing business collections.
Describe what it's like working collaboratively with an Executive Board that is located all over California
Even though the Executive Board is spread throughout California, technology makes it easy to stay in touch and work on projects. I think it's wonderful that we have so many different voices from all over the state on the Executive Board. Each person has their own perspective and contributes something different.
What excites you the most about CARL's future?
There has been a lot of discussion recently about how CARL can support the professional development of its members. The ideas I have heard are exciting, and I am looking forward to being a part of those initiatives!
What's the best part about the next thing you're doing?
I am working on a grant-funded project to build an information literacy game targeted at undergraduate business students. I think it’s pretty amazing that I have the opportunity to work on a project like this as part of my job. Games are already great, but games that promote learning? Even better.
Which database would you take with you to a desert island?
Business Source Complete is essential! I use this database constantly, and so do my faculty and students.
What are you reading right now?
I’m a huge fan of young adult fiction. Right now I am reading a book called The Two Pearls of Wisdom.
Share a favorite quote
“The stories we love best do live in us forever.” — J.K. Rowling
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation! My entire family lives on the East Coast, so I would be able to see them more!
What is your totem/spirit animal?
I’d like to say that my spirit animal is something magical like a unicorn, but it’s probably a dog. I have two dogs, a corgi and a dachshund, and I think they are pretty awesome. Their unconditional love (especially for naps) is pretty much the best outlook you can have on life. I aspire to be as happy and carefree as they are.

But will the airfares be any lower? (Paramount/Everett Collection)
Interview conducted by Nicole Allensworth, San Francisco State, CARL Newsletter Editor |
CARL Business
CARL Executive Board Meeting
J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
December 12, 2014, 11:00am — 3:00pm
Allie Carr, Annette Marines, Melissa Browne, Annie Knight, Hesper Wilson, Gayatri Singh, Erika Montenegro, Les Kong, Pam Howard, Nicole Allensworth, Pearl Ly, Jordan Nielson, Jacqui Grallo, Lee Adams, Debi Hoffmann (notes)
Meeting Summary:
Announcements and updates were given regarding the following items: Brena Smith is the new IG Coordinator (beginning January, 2015). Emily Woolery of Mt. SAC was selected as CARL’s Member of the Quarter. Selection is underway on next quarter’s award. In 2015, the CARL Outstanding Paper will be awarded; Annette Marines, Allie Carr and Kathlene Hanson will create a group to select the Outstanding Paper Award winner.
The CARL Mentoring Committee updated the mentor web page as well as mentor/mentee surveys, and created expectations/guidelines for mentors. Future committee goals include outreach, recruitment and evaluations. To address members’ need for more professional development opportunities, CARL’s Professional Development Committee seeks to “fill in the gaps” between the Interest Groups and communicate to members what CARL is doing with their membership dollars. The Executive Board will revisit the creation of a CARL Journal in the year ahead. The Journal Exploration Group is on hold until the Scholarly Communication and Open Resources for Education (SCORE) Interest Group gets up and running. The WASC/ARC Conference will be held in Oakland this year, April 22nd to 24th.
Discussion items:
The Board reviewed and approved the 2016 Conference Planning document. The Board reviewed and approved changes and updates to the Interest Group Manual. Nicole Allensworth is stepping down as newsletter editor; a new newsletter editor is needed. Nicole will help train the new editor. Suggestions for the year ahead to increase membership include: creation of a “We’re More than Just a Conference” campaign to increase membership in non-conference years; reach out to other library groups in CA to expand membership; encourage underrepresented librarians (Technical Services librarians, non-traditional librarians, etc.) to activate an interest group. The Board may create an administrative calendar for programming/year-long agenda and may use the Regional Meeting (between conferences) to test out possible discussion topics for the next conference.
The meeting adjourned at 2:42pm. Quarterly officer reports and committee reports were attached to the full meeting minutes.
Submitted by Debi Hoffmann, CSU Channel Islands, CARL Secretary
CARL'S membership stands at 375. Of these, 35 are students or retirees, while the remaining 340 are regular members.
Interest Group Memberships, 4th quarter:
55 |
Submitted by Melissa Browne, UC Davis, CARL Membership Director
Congratulations to Khue Duong for being selected CARL Member of the Quarter!

Khue Duong (CSULB) has demonstrated remarkable leadership and innovative programming skills through his active involvement in SEAL (Science and Engineering Academic Librarians), where he has served as president (2012-2013) and program chair (2011 & 2013). He organized the SEAL IG showcase, "SEAL: Citizen Science: Collaborative Research, Community Inclusion" for the 2014 CARL Conference. This program was an interactive session on citizen science and potential roles that (academic) libraries could take in supporting citizen-science projects. One highlight for the twenty-or-so participants was trying out three different citizen science “games” that could be played on a laptop or iPad. Khue also facilitated a SEAL-S interest group lunch during the 2012 CARL Conference and chaired the SEAL-S Dive @ the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium spring program in San Pedro (April, 2011). During the 2010 CARL Conference, he co-presented the paper "Mentees at the Beach! What Do Mentees Want?" with Eileen K. Bosch and Hema Ramachandran. In addition to his active role in SEAL and participation in CARL conferences, Khue is a member of SCIL.
Khue would like to especially thank other past and current SEAL-S officers. He attributes the success of the organization, like many other CARL interest groups, to the grassroots contributions of its dedicated members.
The Member of the Quarter Award Committee would like to thank Kelly Janousek for her nomination of Khue.
For more information about the CARL Member of the Quarter Award and to nominate a colleague, please see the web site for more information.
Annie Knight, Chair, Santa Ana University
Hesper Wilson, San Francisco State University
Nicole Allensworth, San Francisco State University
Congratulations to our newly elected members of the Executive Board:
- Northern Vice President: Pearl Ly, College of Marin
- Treasurer: Jordan Neilsen, San Diego State University
- Director-at-Large, CSU: Jacqui Grallo, Cal State Monterey Bay
- Director-at-Large, UC: A. Lee Adams, UC Berkeley
Please also join me in welcoming two newly appointed members of the Executive Board:
- Newsletter Editor: Cynthia McCarthy, University of San Francisco & San José State
- Web Site Coordinator: David Drexler, Fresno State
Look for full bios on our newest board members in an upcoming issue!
Submitted by Annette Marines, UC Santa Cruz, CARL President
Feminist Library on Wheels
The Feminist Library on Wheels, founded by Jenn Witte and Dawn Finley, is part of the Women’s Center for Creative Work. Witte, Finley, and their fellow volunteers have set a goal of making their “books, artifacts and ephemera available to as wide an audience in Los Angeles as possible, by bicycle” and they’ve used recent donations to have a custom tricycle built to travel more easily with their materials. Their searchable multimedia collection is growing through donations and they have issued over 200 library cards and established two drop-off and pick-up locations for circulation. You can read more about their work and how to get involved in their recent newsletter and in the LA Times article about them from last September.
Making a Difference for Your Students and Colleagues
Dr. Eric Grollman, editor of the blog Conditionally Accepted: A Space for Scholars on the Margins of Academia, has published a list of “101 Big and Small Ways to Make a Difference in Academia.” These recommendations could give you a lift as you work to make your institution “a more equitable and humane place.” The list includes suggestions like, “Let go of the myth of meritocracy in academia once and for all. Do not perpetuate the myth by claiming or assuming that things are fair and equal. Speak openly and honestly with colleagues and students about inequality in academia.” And, “Learn more about open access and other ways of making academic research and knowledge publicly available.”
Colleges and Universities as Sites for Demonstrations
The Ferguson National Response Network website is collecting announcements about the times and locations of response actions against police brutality and racial injustice. Throughout the fall, libraries were used as gathering sites for protests and marches at universities including UCSD, CSU Monterey Bay, San Jose State, Santa Clara University, and the Claremont Colleges. Upcoming actions are being added to the website.
CSU System Does Not Renew Wiley License
The California State University Council of Library Deans announced in January that they would not continue to license “system-wide access to a collection of over 1300 electronic journals published by […] John Wiley and Company.” Because Wiley would not provide a smaller package of a few hundred core journals as the CSU library deans requested and the cost of the full collection was too expensive for many of the campus libraries to afford without canceling other licenses, the dean’s council decided that the system-wide license would violate core principles of equitable access and responsible stewardship.
In 2013, the UC Libraries made a decision to discontinue the system-wide license to Taylor & Francis journals for similar concerns about rapidly increasing costs. According to their 2014-2015 draft objectives, the California Digital Library is currently “assessing the Taylor & Francis cancellation and implication for future journal licensing strategies.”
In the July 2014, issue of the CARL Newsletter, this column highlighted ongoing concerns about journal prices at colleges and universities throughout the country.
Free Course on Library Advocacy
A free online course on advocating for libraries, called “Library Advocacy Unhushed,” begins on February 2. This course, taught by Wendy Newman of the University of Toronto, lasts 7 weeks and will cover the role of relationships in advocacy, principles of influence, and effective messages, messengers, and timing. They syllabus is available online.
Proposed $4 Million Cut from Public Library Budgets
The governor’s proposed 2015-16 budget brought good news for community colleges that would see an increase in funding that could grow capacity by 45,000 students. Unfortunately, the same budget proposal would cut $4 million from the state library budget. According to the CLA lobbyists, Mike Dillon and Christina DiCaro, these funds were made available to libraries last year to “bolster the California Library Services Act, the State Literacy Program, and so-called ‘hardship’ grants for those libraries needing to connect to the new high-speed internet backbone.” The proposed budget still provides for these programs, but significant reductions are made in each. The state budget is passed by the legislature in June.
Submitted by April Cunningham, Palomar College, CARL Advocacy Liaison
You can contact April here — please include "Advocacy Liaison" in the subject of your email
Special: On Conferencing
Over the years (19 and counting), I have given my share of conference papers, talks at conferences, and other assorted venues. Looking back, I would have enjoyed some guidance, particularly at the beginning of my career, as to How One Does These Sorts of Things. The old, time-tested, Pay-Attention-and-Model approach worked, and there is a lot to be said for attentiveness in general: noticing what works, what doesn't, what were good presentations/papers, what were not.
Yet, in the spirit of excitement for new- or early-career librarians, or even anyone who may be giving presentations in the near future, here are some general themes I shall toss out that may be of some profit to consider. Except for the first item, none are axiomatic; not lists of “must do” items, or even worse, a vast litany of “sins” to avoid, but rather concepts that if they resonate with you, might be worth some thought on your part as a presenter at a conference. Not everyone needs to be in the Great Orator category, but as librarians, we are public intellectuals whether you like it or not, and speaking our mind well is an important professional responsibility. I happen to think it is also possible to find ways to enjoy it.
Know Thyself
Socrates was right. There is no better starting point than a consideration of your own strengths and weaknesses. You did not get here by accident, or without talent and effort, and the things that you did so far are likely of aid in the future.
How do you do your best work? Are you a copious note taker? Someone whose best ideas come when bounced off of others? Need long walks and quiet to rummage through your thoughts? Whatever it is, this is the best time to pull out your arsenal of tools and habits. For me, I need a real notebook and pen, and when preparing for a talk it works best if I write out keywords and headings. Just the act of putting things down concretely in some sort of tangible format helps to focus and organize my thoughts, and I can often dispense with my notes once I have composed them.
You are allowed to experiment, although I would recommend doing this as suggested in the Practice section, rather than the day of your talk.
Whatever I can do that brings my mind into focus, and makes my ideas clear and coherent, organized and able to be followed by my audience, whoever it may be, is of the greatest good. A deep breath at appropriate times is generally a good idea.
Know Thy Audience
Who are they? What might they be wanting to hear? How much can you assume they know about your topic? Even if this is your first visit to an unfamiliar conference, the conference announcement, publicity and program of other sessions will all give you some idea of what to expect.
In general as an audience member, I am gratified when a speaker takes a moment to explain their interest, place it in context, and indicate subtly or directly why it is important. The number of folks who plunge straight into their talks in mid-chapter is astounding — and leaves the audience gasping for air, at best, confused and doubtful (or alienated), at worst. Your entry ramp needn't be prolonged, but audiences will appreciate at least a slight nod to their perspective.
Sometimes one cannot know the audience level very well (first time at a given conference perhaps) and then it is usually better to take a step back rather than assume expert knowledge. Think of your instruction sessions.
If you can test-drive your talk before an audience of colleagues before you actually deliver it, all manner of good things happen. The talk is then no longer an abstract exercise. If you are using a computer to display slides, you get to iron out technical difficulties (or some of them anyway) before performing in real-time. If your colleagues look puzzled at an assertion you make, you can be sure that that will be the case for your real audience. Ask for feedback. The number of times my colleagues have helped me is too many to count. They note redundancies, point out more useful focus areas, gently remind me when they do not have a clue what I am talking about, rein in any grandiose behaviors I may be displaying. And I think it is generally a good thing to share your interests with others.
Speaking for myself, I need at least one such session, then another couple ahead of time, speaking out loud (even in a hotel bathroom if necessary), not just in my head, so that I can “hear” myself and gauge what is working, and what is not.
Ideas — The Getting Of
Perhaps you think that everything has already been said? That you have nothing to offer? Your mind is blank?
You are a professional, and there are several ways out of this wasteland.
Surely in your own daily life there is something that could be handled better. Some bottleneck in your own library's service, a complaint you have heard over and over again. Maybe it is a big messy issue, resistant to solution. Think like your constituents: what would be good? We tend to be a problem solving species, and if your ideas have contributed to some solution somewhere, talk about it to others. What did you do? How did you approach your solution? Maybe even better, although this takes some courage: what failed dismally? Tell us about it.
Ours is a practical discipline, so there are always lots of articles about practice. Are you a Theory person? For goodnes's sake, ruminate on your philosophies and theoretical underpinnings! Then write about your ideas.
Other courses are likely the same advice you offer to your students. Do a quick literature review, and see what others have said about a particular interest of yours. Can this be approached in a novel direction? Are the right questions being asked? Besides the library literature databases (of which there are not a vast selection) you can benefit from poking through proceedings of earlier conferences (ALA, ACRL, LOEX) since a lot of these ideas never end up in peer-reviewed journals, and thus are often not easily found.
RTP Considerations
Depending on your status at your own campus, this whole business of giving papers may be either a luxury or a requirement. For CSU and other institutions, the key phrase is “peer reviewed.” Oftentimes for getting university funding to attend to present a paper, it is necessary to produce a document attesting to the review process for acceptance. If not on the conference website, you may need to specifically ask for this from a conference organiser.
If your presentation is important to your professional career, it is helpful to get someone who attends your session to provide some documentation as to its effectiveness. See if you can tap an audience member, before or after, for this sort of documentary evidence for your portfolio. If you are on a panel, the moderator may be a suitable choice.
For some reason, many organizations do not provide very clear direction to their presenters. If your intended venue lacks any sort of direction, you might cast about for other models. (Neither ALA or ACRL had generic presenter guidelines posted when I last checked, but a set just appeared for ALA's 2015 Conference in San Francisco — they must do these on a conference-by-conference
basis.) See the posting for SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing) right here — particularly useful for presenting in international venues.
This is part of the game. I have far more rejection communications than acceptances. Of course some of this has to do with your choice of venue, and if you are seeking prestigious outlets, your chances of an easy entry diminish. However, there is usually something to learn about the reasons for denial as well, so read the letters or comments on your proposal carefully, and vow to make a stronger effort next time.
Save your rejection letters. You can then look back when you retire on all the brilliant ideas you were working on that got stomped on by fussy, risk-adverse conference review panelists. (I once had a journal article submitted and it took nearly a year before the review came back: negative. And they had the nerve to tell me that my data was “stale!”)
This is a tough one. Attendees at conferences want you to succeed. They want you to be comfortable with your data, excited to talk about your research, not some flustered idiot with confusing powerpoint slides who gives neither context nor meaning to the data.
Take a deep breath. Pretend you are confident, even if evidence suggests otherwise. You can do this. This is your one-act theater piece: you have rehearsed. No, it will not be perfect, but the show must go on, so you might as well plow ahead with verve and enthusiasm, which play much better than tentative indecision.
There will often be folks in the audience who know more than you do, but your job is to educate and provoke the rest of the crowd. Inevitably, during Q and Q, you will get the Technical Question that is designed to demonstrate the questioner's vast knowledge and expertise rather than raise a real issue. Smile and answer as best you can, and say you don't know something if you don't. I will even pull out a notebook and write something down if somebody poses a good question or suggests a different source to consult or tack to take. This is all a learning experience, for everyone, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity.
For goodnes's sake, if you are heading to some place you have never been before, budget some time before or after (I always prefer after if logistically possible) to poke around, take in the sights, enjoy the food, drink, and other things that add spice to being human. Without conference presentations, I would never have gotten to Auckland, Limerick, or Trondheim.
This short list of items might be the best thing in this piece, well hidden in the underbrush.
IF you are using powerpoint (or some other presentation software — I refuse to use Microsoft unless it is absolutely required, and instead use the Open Office suite of programs), first decide if your talk will actually benefit from this wanton display of technology. I display a lot of photos, since I am generally describing old library interiors, catalogs, etc. and the picture-worth-a-thousand-words theme is apt. But if slides are not a benefit, dispense with them. Your audience may actually be pleased with this break in the “powerpoint poisoning” doses they have gotten at the conference.
IF you are using slides, and have had to put them on a thumb drive (so you can use the conference computer, for example) do yourself a favor and give them a suitable title. Not “ALA2014” or “Acrl talk”, since that is what everyone else will be doing and the computer desktop will be littered with two dozen files with the same, or nearly identical, names. Your name, initials or your topic keyword — all are better.
Permissions. Many of my photos cannot be posted or printed without permission from the library where I took them. I am generally free to show them as slides, since they cannot be duplicated or downloaded, but posting in proceedings is a different matter.
ADA and courtesy considerations. Your audience is potentially widely abled. Whatever you can do that will improve the experience of people with various hearing, sight or other impediments, is good. One instructor on my campus has found that when displaying video clips with lots of dialog, having closed captions helped not only his deaf students but everyone else too. One hard-of-hearing attendee at one of my talks noted that when my hands went in front of my mouth (stroking my beard thoughtfully, perhaps?) she couldn't “lip read” very well. Just consider the possibilities.
Bring extra business cards.
Have enough handouts.
Smile, and good luck.
Submitted by Ned Fielden, San Francisco State University |
People News
Paul Kaidy Barrows' (San Jose State University) article, "Serving the Needs of Homeless Library Patrons: Legal Issues, Ethical Concerns, and Practical Approaches" was published last month in the SJSU School of Information Student Research Journal.
Susan Boyd (Engineering Librarian at Santa Clara University) gave a presentation at the Special Libraries Association San Diego Chapter meeting on October 24, 2014, on "The Data Storm: How to Prepare, How to Survive."
Thomas Farrell (Digital Initiatives Librarian at Santa Clara University) gave a presentation on December 10, 2014 at Santa Clara University on "Unveiling the Mission Santa Clara Manuscript Collection: A Multidisciplinary Perspective." His co-presenters were Erin Louthen, University Archivist, and Deborah Oropeza, Mission Santa Clara Archivist/Manuscripts Specialist, both of Santa Clara University.
Ned Fielden, San Francisco State University, presented the paper "Religious Sectarian Pressures on Early Modern Academic Libraries" at the annual Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) conference, held at the University of Antwerp, Belgium in September. The paper explored religious, political and cultural factors that shaped early modern university library development, focusing on the 17th century Bodleian catalogs and writings by French librarian Gabriel Naudé and English Protestant ecumenicist John Dury.
Leanna Goodwater (Humanities Librarian at Santa Clara University) published a review of the Bloomsbury database, Drama Online, in the October issue of The Charleston Advisor, coauthored with Hugh Burkhart, University of San Diego, and John Redford, Biola University. (Goodwater, Leanna, Hugh Burkhart, and John Redford. "Drama Online," Charleston Advisor 16, no. 2 (2014): 24-27.)
John Hickok (CSU Fullerton) presented at two international library conferences last semester (October & November): the Rizal International Library Conference in Manila, Philippines on international best practices in library leadership, and the Philippine Library Association Conference, also in Manila, on international best practices of library innovation.
Vivian Linderman, reference / instruction librarian at Long Beach City College, had her review of The Chile Pepper Institute web site published in the January 2015 issue of College and Research Libraries News.
Anthony Raymond (Business Librarian at Santa Clara University) published a review of Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia in the "Outstanding Business Reference Resources 2014" column in the Winter 2014 issue (54 (2)) of Reference & User Services Quarterly.
With colleagues from the Biology and English departments at California State University, East Bay, Aline Soules published "Embedding Multiple Literacies into STEM Curricula" in College Teaching, vol. 62, issue 4, 2014. This article resulted from work related to a grant received from the university's Programmatic Enhancement and Innovations in Learning program. Project and paper colleagues were: Sarah Nielsen, Danika LeDuc, Caron Inouye, Jason Singley, Erica Wildy, and Jeff Seitz. Ms. Soules also presented "Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Through Writing Communitie". Colleagues from California State University, East Bay and California State University, San Marcos, included: Nancy White (CSUEB), Dawn Formo, Rong-Ji Chen, and Kendra Rivera (CSUSM). The presentation was accompanied by a poster and the peer-reviewed paper appeared in the published proceedings of Mentoring Conference 2014, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 21-24, 2014.
Places News
Paul Kaidy Barrows (San Jose State University) was appointed to the 2015 Advisory Council of the Special Libraries Association, San Francisco Bay Region Chapter.
Santa Clara University welcomes Nicole Branch as its new Assessment Coordinator and Instruction Librarian. Nicole was previously the Librarian for Research and Digitization at Holy Names University.
Amy Kautzman has accepted the position as the Sacramento State University Library Dean and will begin March 2, 2015. She currently serves as Associate University Librarian, Academic Services, University of California, Davis. Prior to her current position, she was the Associate University Librarian, Humanities and Social Services and Acting Head of Access Services at UC Davis. Before she joined the UC Davis Library, she served as Department Head for Research, Reference, and Collections at the University Library at UC Berkeley. In her nearly 25 years of university library professional experience she also held senior librarian positions at Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Cambridge and at the University Library, Northeastern College, Boston. Her strong national experience prepares her for leading the Library in accomplishing campus strategic goals for student success. She earned her BA in Literature from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus, Minneapolis; her Master of Science in Library Science from Simmons College, Boston and an MA in Literature from Northeastern University, Boston.
Santa Clara University welcomes Shannon Kealey as its new Science Librarian and Scholarly Communication Coordinator. Shannon has previously worked at Pace University, New York University, New York University Medical Center, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. She replaces Michal Strutin, who retired at the end of November, 2014, to devote herself full time to writing.
Sally Willson Weimer retired as Sociology, Global & International Studies, and Global Peace & Security Collections Librarian at UC Santa Barbara Library on December 2014. She had served as
collections, instruction and reference services librarian at the university for 38 years. She appreciated serving with her colleagues during those exciting years at the UCSB campus.
Kenneth Karmiole, a UCLA alumnus and seller of rare books, has established an endowment to create the Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Research Fellowship at the UCLA Library. The gift will support students, professors and researchers working with the rare primary-source materials in UCLA Library Special Collections. The endowment will allow scholars to spend up to three months working with UCLA’s special collections materials, a world-class collection of archives, rare books, manuscripts, photographs and other unique resources. These scholars’ discoveries and the knowledge they create will also help bring UCLA Library Special Collections items to the attention of wider audiences and will support UCLA’s educational and research missions. The endowment will be managed by UCLA Library Special Collections, and is expected to be awarded annually. It will complement several other short-term research fellowships.
California State University Northridge’s Learning Commons’ Creative Media Studio (CMS) opened in the Fall of 2014 thanks to Campus Quality Fee funding awarded to the Oviatt Library. The CMS provides students with access to specialized hardware, software and support in order to create videos, digital audio recordings, and robust multimedia projects. The CMS is fully equipped with a wide range of resources for students, with eight 27” iMac computers, a well outfitted audio recording room, and an extensive software selection including Adobe Master Collection, Final Cut Pro, and Pro Tools. This media studio provides students with a dedicated space to create multimedia, and offers educational programming and assistance in creating digital projects that look and sound professional. Like many areas of the Learning Commons, the CMS boasts highly configurable equipment and furniture, allowing students to create a workspace that is most conducive to their learning and working styles.
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CARL Special Announcement
The 29th annual Western Archives Institute will be held at Santa Clara University from July 5 – 17, 2015. The Western Archives Institute is an intensive, two-week program that provides integrated instruction in basic archival practices to individuals with a variety of backgrounds, including those whose jobs require a fundamental understanding of archival skills, but who have little or no previous archives education; those who have expanding responsibility for archival materials; those who are practicing archivists but have not received formal instruction; and those who demonstrate a commitment to an archival career.
The Institute also features site visits to historical records repositories and a diverse curriculum that includes history and development of the profession, theory and terminology, records management, appraisal, arrangement, description, manuscripts acquisition, archives and the law, photographs, preservation administration, reference and access, outreach programs, and managing archival programs and institutions.
Tuition for the Institute is $700 and includes a selection of archival publications. Other fees including program transportation, facility fees, opening dinner, and luncheon at the closing program will be available in early February. Housing and meal plans are available at additional cost. The application deadline for the 2015 Western Archives Institute is March 1, 2015. For additional program information, visit the web sites of the California State Archives or the Society of California Archivists, or inquire via email.
Submitted by Ellen Jarosz, Western Archives Institute
About the CARL Newsletter
The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed for this newsletter is available at http://www.carl-acrl.org/newsletter/feed.xml.
Deadlines for submissions: March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15.
Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to carlnewsletter@gmail.com. For corrections, questions and comments please contact the Editor, Nicole Allensworth (nallensw@sfsu.edu), J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132