CCIG Preconference
Constructing Bridges Between Community Colleges
and the California University Systems
COMMUNITY College Interest Group-South (CCIG-S) held its very first preconference
program this year at the CARL annual conference in Newport Beach, featuring
speakers from California Community Colleges and the California State University
Before the first presentation, Dr. Anita Coleman, President of CCIG-S, opened
with a brief history of the Community College Interest Group and a description
of its goals. The northern and southern CCIGs were formed in 1996 to provide
relevant programming and networking opportunities for Community College
librarians. She stressed the need for new members so CCIG-S can continue
to grow and promote the interests of California Community College librarians
and libraries.
The first speaker, Dr. Larry Toy, President/CEO of the Foundation
for California Community Colleges (FCCC), discussed the two major initiatives
of his group: cooperative purchasing agreements and the California Virtual
University. He presented a wealth of information on various cooperative
purchase agreements that his group has negotiated, such as the recent IBM
PC Desktop/Laptop agreement that has generated over five million dollars
in orders. Examples of other major agreements include those with Sun Microsystems,
Computerland, Office Depot, Cisco Systems, and also an agreement with NETg
to provide 500 self-paced staff-development courses to train staff on the
newly acquired hardware and software.
The other major initiative in which the FCCC is involved is the California
Virtual University (CVU), a Governor's initiative that is a collaboration
of the UCs, CSUS, CCCS, and independent colleges in which the participants
are autonomous. Some of the reasons why the CVU was created are to meet
the needs of business and industry for employee training, to develop additional
revenue, to respond to the changing teaching, and learning paradigms, as
well as for the convenience of the student. The CVU does not have its own
accreditation, nor does it offer separate degrees. However, it does offer
common registration, an online catalogue of offerings, articulation coordination,
as well as other online support. Among the many issues that confront the
CVU are the planning and implementation of the technology infrastructure
necessary to support it, adequate once teaming resources, access for the
disabled, intellectual property rights of course materials, course loads,
and the role of vendors in this initiative, to name a few. Information about
the CVU and the FCCC consortium buying initiatives can be found at these
two Web sites: www.california.edu
and www.foundationccc.org.
Reader, Director of California State University Software and Electronic
Information Resources (SEIR), and Mary Ann Laun, Assistant Dean for Library
Services at Pasadena City College Library, presented information on the
cooperative purchasing program of the CSU and CCC systems. This program
has created one of the nation's largest cooperatives for the licensing of
electronic information resources, joining three organizations--SEIR, the
Community College League of California, and the CCC's Council of Chief Librarians
--and makes purchases for a combined student population of nearly 1,789,000
and 62,000 faculty. The CSU SEIR program is about ten years old and has
saved the system millions of dollars through cooperative purchase agreements.
Mr. Reader outlined the multi-step process that determines which resources
will be purchased by the consortium, and this process includes trial periods
where vendors provide their service free of charge so that librarians will
have an opportunity to evaluate the product before purchase.
Ann Laun, Pasadena City College Library, discussed some of the challenges
of such a cooperative effort in a system with such loose organizations ties
from one institution to another as with the California Community Colleges.
She also discussed a recent CCL survey of electronic information resources
held by the various community colleges. There is a vast discrepancy in the
range of electronic information resources offered, and that the prices paid
for these resources also varied widely. Community college librarians have
been attending presentations by electronic information vendors, sponsored
by SEIR, and then are encouraged to formulate recommendations about titles
to be considered for purchase by Mr. Reader's SEIR group.
Woodyard, Dean of Instructional Resources and Technology for the California
Community Colleges, Chancellor's Office, discussed many of the technology
issues facing California Community Colleges, including the implementation
of the 4CNET, a network that has data, videoconferencing, and analog and
digital satellite downlink capabilities for both the CCCs and the CSUS.
He also discussed the multi-million dollar Telecommunications and Technology
Infrastructure Program (TTIP), that provides funding for technology for
California Community Colleges. The libraries in particular will benefit
from this funding. Implicit in the purchase of electronic information re-
sources is that our students will be taught the skills necessary to use
them. Information competency is a major issue in community colleges, and
its meaning goes far beyond just the ability to find and retrieve information,
and our last two speakers addressed some issues related to that topic.
Tobin de Leon Clarke, Director of Public Services for California State
University, Dominguez Hilts (CSUDH) spoke about CSUDH's Information Competency
Project. This project's goal is to create a model list of information competency
skills for high school and community college students. In October 1997 a
workshop was held in which several CSU and community colleges participated.
Out of this workshop came a preliminary list of information competencies
to be recommended to the California University System. This April another
workshop was held to create lesson plans that address these information
competencies; it was attended by librarians from local CSUS, community colleges,
and high schools. Information on the Information Competency Project can
be found at library.csudh.edu/infocomp/.
Vinta Shumway, Orange Coast College, discussed information competency and
gave an overview of information competency issues and initiatives in California
Community Colleges. In August 1997, Gavilan College in Gilroy was awarded
a Fund for Instructional Improvement grant to develop an Information Competency
Draft plan that includes implementation, training and evaluation. To accomplish
this goal, five workshops were held, attended by 139 participants from community
colleges and CSUs across the state. Some key issues that emerged from the
discussions were: the need for a technology infrastructure, funding for
resources, personnel, equipment, maintenance, etc., and methods of assessing
information competency, to name a few. The final report of this project
was completed this July, and recommendations were presented to the Board
of Governors of the California Community Colleges in September. More details
on information competency can be found at: www.santarosa.edu/-kathy/ICC/docs.html.
The program ended with a question and answer session, and was followed by
a CCIG-S membership meeting facilitated by Jim Matthews, President of CCIG-N.
Other Web sites that may be of interest:
Patricia Burson
Santa Monica College