Collaboration and Convergence as Signposts for a Different Future
Jerry Campbell
Chief Information Officer
University Librarian
Dean of the University Libraries
University of Southern California
None Available.
JERRY D. Campbell is a nationally respected authority on information systems
and technologies, and currently serves as Chief Information Officer (CIO),
University Librarian and Dean of the University Libraries at the University
of Southern California. Campbell, a leader of the revolution now occurring
in libraries and in the provision of information to university communities,
has served as University Librarian and Dean since January 1996. He was appointed
CIO in October 1996. He was previously University Librarian at Duke University,
where he held the responsibilities of the Vice Provost for Library Affairs
and the Vice Provost for Computing. He has served as President of the Association
of Research Libraries, and as a member of the Research Libraries Group,
Inc. Board of Directors, a trustee and executive committee member of the
Council on Library Resources; and a past president of the American Theological
Library Association.
has contributed chapters to several books, including the second edition
of The Academic Handbook, published by Duke University Press in 1995.
His articles on library management and on information systems and technologies
have appeared in such publications as Electronic Library, Library
Trends, and The Journal of Academic Librarianship. Campbell holds
a Master of Divinity degree summa cum laude from Duke University, a M.S.L.S.
degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Ph.D.
in American History from the University of Denver.
Library and Systems Staff: From a Rocky to Rock Solid Relationship
Taming the Hydra: Finding the Best Configuration for Library and Computing Services at Your Institution
Carl Bengston
Bengston is the new Dean of Library Services at CSU Stanislaus. Until recently,
Carl was Director of Information Services and the Library at Dominican College
of San Rafael. His responsibilities there included academic and administrative
computing, campus-wide information services and technology, media services
and the Library. In 1996, he also served as President of the Faculty Assembly.
Carl has also held positions as Head of Circulation and Technical Services
at UC Berkeley's Moffitt Undergraduate Library, OCLC Pacific Network, the
Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority, and California Institute
of Technology. Carl received his B.A. at UC Berkeley, his M.L.S. at the
University of Oregon, and an MBA at the Dominican College of San Rafael.
Carl is currently Vice-President/President-Elect of CARL.
Systems Integration: More Than Equipment
Eric Willis
Willis is the Library Systems Administrator at CSU Northridge. He is directly
responsible for all aspects of automation for the library including the
library's Web server, their Geac Advance integrated library system, the
local area network, the automated storage and retrieval system, and over
300 staff and public workstations. Before coming to CSU Northridge in 1989,
Eric worked for Geac Computers for 13 years in various programming and later
management positions. As Geac's Manager of Development, he was responsible
for much of the design and implementation of Geac's first library system.
Eric received his B.Sc. from University of Western Ontario in London, Canada.
In Search of Learning Communities: Librarians and Faculty Partnering for Change
UCSC's NetTrail: Academic Partnerships for Online Literacy
Ann Hubble
Deborah Murphy
Hubble is the Electronic Information Resources Librarian at the UC Santa
Cruz Science Library. She earned a B.A. in Biology from UCSC in 1983 and
her M.L.S. from UCLA in 1988. After graduating from UCLA, she was hired
as an Information Specialist at Syntex Corporation, a pharmaceutical company
in Palo Alto, where she later became the systems librarian. In early 1994,
the library began collaborating with the computer-systems department to
develop a company wide Internet rollout. As part of this effort, she developed
training materials to teach an "Introduction to the Internet" class offered
throughout Syntex, later becoming the library's first Webmaster. In 1996
she took her present position at UCSC. Some of her responsibilities include
Webmaster of the Science Library and coordinating access to science information
in non-print form. The current NetTrail project allows her to combine her
interests in library outreach, the Web and collaborative projects outside
of the library.
Murphy is the Instructional Services Coordinator at the McHenry Library
of the University of California, Santa Cruz. She earned a B.A. in Psychology
and a B.A. in art from UC Santa Cruz in 1976 and her M.L.S. from San Jose
State University in 1982. After graduation, she worked in many of the major
public libraries in the Bay Area as well as Stanford University's Government
Documents Library, and coordinated Database Services at Stanford's Meyer
Library for several years. While at Stanford, she assisted in bringing up
the online catalog, "Socrates," and was a member of Stanford's Faculty Software
Developers program where she authored the Macintosh-based software, "Bibliomania,"
the first library instruction software of its kind for the Macintosh. At
UC Santa Cruz since 1987, first as Coordinator for Online Services for the
Reference Unit, and most recently as Coordinator of Instructional Services
in McHenry Library, the largest library on campus. Some of her recent WWW
projects include the Library
Starter Kit (bob.ucsc.edu/library/ref/instruction/skit), the McHenry
Library Virtual Tour, and most recently the development of a campus wide
self-administered online literacy course The
UCSC Nettrail (www2.ucsc.edu/nettrail/master).
Making the First Time Count: The Fullerton First Year Collaborative Experience
Suellen Cox
Elizabeth Housewright
Cox is a reference librarian and coordinator for library instruction at
CSU Fullerton. During the past two years she has headed up the library instruction
team for the Fullerton First Year (FFY) program, co-taught the FFY Introduction
to Information Technology course, and this year is also co-teaching a FFY
Freshman seminar course. She has an M.A. in English from CSU Fullerton,
and an M.L.S. from San Jose State University.
Housewright is Co-Coordinator of the Reference section at CSU Fullerton.
During the past two years she has been actively involved with the Fullerton
First Year (FFY) project, specifically the Introduction to Information Technology
course. Elizabeth has a B.A. in Biology from Cornell University, an M.A.
in Biology from CSU Fullerton and an M.L.S. from San Jose State University.
Passion and Pressure to Plans and Partnerships: A Statewide Model
Camila Alire
Dean of Libraries
Colorado State University
CAMILA Alire's talk encompassed many aspects of collaboration and partnerships
relative to providing library services to minority groups throughout Colorado.
She shared the collaborative statewide accomplishments of the Colorado State
Library's Committee on Library Services to Ethnic Populations. Additionally,
she talked about other cooperative efforts to promote diversity within an
academic library and institution. From a broader perspective, Dr. Alire
covered some sound reasons for getting involved in academic partnerships
and some of the possible challenges one might face in a partnership.
CAMILA Alire is currently the Dean of Libraries at Colorado State University
in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Alire began serving as Dean in July of 1997.
Previously, she was Dean/Director of Libraries at the Auraria Library in
Denver for six years. Dr. Alire received her doctorate in Higher Education
Administration from the University of Northern Colorado in 1984. She also
holds an M.L.S. from the University of Denver.
research focuses on library services, specifically library services for
Latinos and other minorities. She and her colleague, Orlando Archibeque,
have completed a book, Serving Latino Communities, to be published
by Neal-Schumann Press. Her many other publications include: "The Community
College Library's Role in the Recruitment and Retention of Minority Students,"
in Colorado Libraries 17 (3) September 1991; and "Minorities and
the Symbolic Potential of the Academic Library: Reinventing Tradition,"
in College and Research Libraries 56 (6) November 1995. Dr. Alire's
contributions to library services have not gone unnoticed. At the 1997 ALA
Annual Conference, she was awarded the first ALA Elizabeth Futas Catalyst
for Change Award. Most recently, she was named by Hispanic Business Magazine
as one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the country. In 1995 she
was selected by the Colorado Library Association as the first recipient
of its Exemplary Library Services to Ethnic Populations Award.
Sharing the Wealth: Cooperative Agreements and Consortia
Academic Libraries and the Library of California: 8,000 Libraries Working Together
Barbara Will
Will, Networking Coordinator at the California State Library, is currently
responsible for planning, developing and coordinating a statewide multitype
library network linking California's 8,000 libraries of all types in a formal,
resource sharing, State-funded organization. She previously held both the
position of LSCA (Library Services & Construction Act) Coordinator and Federal
Relations Coordinator for the California State Library. She received her
M.L.S. from the State University of New York at Albany.
Sharing the Wealth in San Diego: The New Circuit
Nancy Carol Carter
Carol Carter is director of the Legal Research Center at the University
of San Diego. She has 20 years of experience as a law librarian and has
been at USD since 1987. She holds a M.S. (History), M.L.S., and J.D. She
also teaches a course in Contemporary Issues in Public Policy and lectures
in Advanced Legal Research. She is currently on the steering committee of
the San Diego Library Circuit Consortium.
Embracing Our Neighbors, Working Together for Information Competency
Gabriela Sonntag
Gloria L. Rhodes
Partnerships With Private Industry: The Wave of the Future?
Partnerships in Innovation: The University and the Private Sector
David Schetter
G. Schetter is the charter Director of the UCI Office
of Technology Alliances. His office serves as a focal point for corporate/university
interactions involved in collaborative research and technology transfer
between the University and the private sector.
Insights Into the Public/Private Partnership Plan to Support the CSUs' Telecommunications Infrastructure Initiative
Michael K. Mahoney
K. Mahoney is Associate VP for Information Technology, Academic Affairs,
CSU Long Beach. He taught in the College of Engineering with the Computer
Engineering and Computer Science Department at CSULB prior to accepting
the Associate VP for Information Technology after a national search. He
has kept the CSULB community abreast of CETI (California Education Technology
Initiative) and other technology happening on that campus.
Michael Oppenheim
Dr. Anita Coleman
Reaching Out to Faculty: Understanding Faculty Culture
Larry Hardesty
College Librarian, Austin College
Vice President/President-Elect, ACRL
faculty culture has evolved from influences of British undergraduate and
German graduate education. The result is a culture that values the development
of academic libraries but necessarily their use by undergraduates. Faculty
culture tends to emphasize research, content, specialization, professional
autonomy, and academic freedom. Faculty culture tends to de-emphasize teaching,
process, and undergraduates. Faculty culture also is characterized by a
lack of time and a resistance to change.
faculty culture does not provide an environment conducive for undergraduate
use of the library or for librarians to teach undergraduates how to use
the library. Many classroom faculty members have not given much thought
about the role of the library in undergraduate education. Many of those
who have thought the role of the academic library in teaching undergraduates
tend to think about it in traditional terms, such as the size of the collection.
Only a small segment of classroom faculty view the academic library as having
a vital role in undergraduate education. The late Ernest Boyer concluded
in College: The Undergraduate Experience in America, "We found the
library at most institutions in our study to be a neglected resource." Unfortunately,
in the more than ten years since the publication, few other writers on higher
education have even mentioned the academic library in their works.
the more effective methods of librarians in reaching out to the faculty
are personal contact with faculty members, an appreciation for their needs,
and a genuine interest in the success of students. While progress has been
and probably will continue to be slow and considerable work remains, through
a better understanding of faculty culture, librarians can be more successful
in their efforts to reach out to the classroom faculty.
LARRY Hardesty, College Librarian and Professor at Austin College in Sherman,
Texas since 1995, is the recently elected Vice-President/President-Elect
of the Association of College and Research Libraries. He holds a Ph.D. in
library and information science from Indiana University-Bloomington and
an M.L.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has other graduate
degrees in history and instructional development.
Hardesty has long had a professional interest in library instruction. He
may be best known for his work on relations between the library and the
teaching faculty. His book, Faculty and the Library: The Undergraduate
Experience, was published in 1991, and his 1995 Library Trends
article, "Faculty Culture and Bibliographic Instruction: An Exploratory
Analysis," won the ACRL Instruction Section's 1996 Publication of the Year
Award. His current projects include an edited book to be published in 1999
by ALA Editions titled Library and Computer Relations in Academic Organizations.
His ACRL activities include offices at the chapter level. In addition, Dr.
Hardesty has served as the chair of the Florida ACRL chapter and chair-elect
of the Indiana ACRL chapter.
recognizes the following vendors for their generous support of the Sixth
Annual CARL Conference:
Advanced Information Management
Affiliated Photocopier Specialist (APS)
EBSCO Information Services
Gale Research
Innovative Interfaces Inc.
Institute for Scientific Information
Library Solutions Institute & Press
Ovid Technologies, Inc.
Yankee Book Peddler
also acknowledges Yankee Book Peddler for their support in the printing
of the conference program. |