Library of California Access to Environmental Information Project A pilot project by the California Digital Library (CDL) and the Library of California (LOC) to identify electronic environmental resources of interest to California citizens. |
Barbara Schader Louise Darling Biomedical Library UCLA Beverlee French California Digital Library | |
Africa Research Central: A Clearinghouse of African Primary Sources This Web site will promote international scholarly cooperation and communication and assist researchers and professionals in identifying, locating, tracking, and preserving primary source materials about Africa. |
Susan Tschabrun John M. Pfau Library CSU, San Bernardino Kathryn Green, Ph.D. History Department CSU, San Bernardino | |
Hot Topics and Information Competence Designed to support the goals of the new CSU information competancy standards, this Web site meets the information needs of first year students working on basic controversial issues. |
Monica Fusich Henry Madden Library CSU, Fresno | |
The Information Jungle A short, self-paced, plain English tutorial on using the Internet for scholarly research. This Web site is intended for people with minimal technical knowledge and skills. |
Bonnie Petry John M. Pfau Library CSU, San Bernardino | |
Success Factors for Technology Management in California Academic Libraries This project won the 1997 CARL Research Award. The poster presentation will inform the CARL membership of research progress in the last year. |
Lucy S. Wegner USC Center for Scholarly Technology Information Services Division Marianne Afifi USC Center for Scholarly Technology Information Services Division | |
Building Bridges: enVISIONING the Collaboration UCSB Humanities Librarians and faculty collaborate to recommend facilities, services, and technology for a new library proposal. |
Sylvia Y. Curtis UCSB Sylvelin Edgerton UCSB Lyn Korenic UCSB Nerea Llamas UCSB Mark Stengel UCSB | |
Obstacles to Information Literacy Based on the experiences of San Francisco State University students participating in the spring 1998 "Introduction to the Internet and Electronic Research" class, this study seeks to identify and address problems students encounter in using electronic resources for their research. |
Ned Lee Fielden J. Paul Leonard Library CSU, San Francisco | |
Developing Library Service For Distance Education CSU, Northridge is developing a Library Services Program for a statewide distance learning credential being offered by CSUN's Department of Communicative Disorders. |
Marcia Henry Oviatt Library CSU, Northridge Ann Perkins Oviatt Library CSU, Northridge J. Stephen Sinclair, Ph.D. Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences CSU, Northridge | |
Database Advisor: Project Update The Database Advisor is a Web-based front end to all science databases, both bibliographic and full text, available via remote access to UCSD students. |
Susan S. Berteaux UCSD-Scripps Christy Hightower UCSD-Science and Engineering Jennifer Reiswig UCSD-Biomed | |
Building an Effective Diversity Web Site The CSUSB University Diversity Committee seeks a campus climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes the social diversity of the San Bernardino region. One of the significant commitments to diversity was the creation of a home page in 1996. |
Xiwen Zhang John M. Pfau Library CSU, San Bernardino | |
Pool Librarian Checklist Covering all aspects of working as a reference librarian at CSU, Fullerton, the Pool Librarian Checklist serves as a convenient resource for new librarians as well as a way to standardize reference service. |
Margaret Hogarth MLIS Candidate CSU, Fullerton |