Table of Contents |
President's Musings

Greetings, CARL members!
As this is my last newsletter column, I wanted to talk a little about the next few months and how we will transition to the leadership of our next president, Annette Marines, the current CARL Northern Vice President. We have a few remaining projects to wrap up at our upcoming December board meeting in San Francisco, but I'm happy to report we that 2014 has been hugely productive. This has been an exciting year and I’m thrilled with what we’ve accomplished!
Elections are coming up and we are looking for members to fill the following positions. If you are interested, or would like to nominate someone, or learn more about any of these positions, please let me know (and please see the CARL Elections article below for details).
- Northern Vice President — 3 year term
- Treasurer — 3 year term
- CSU Director at Large — 2 year term
Additionally, when Annette moves into the Presidency in January, she will be appointing a new Interest Group Coordinator. If you are interested in this position, please contact Annette directly.
I would like to officially welcome our newest interest group, Scholarly Communication and Open Resources for Education (SCORE). I’m excited to see a new interest group addressing a growing area of interest for our members. SCORE provides engagement on current issues on all matters of scholarly communications. Scholarly communication is the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use. The system includes both formal means of communication, such as publication in peer-reviewed journals, and access issues like open education resources. SCORE meets monthly on the first Thursday of every month at 11 AM. Please sign up for the listserv here and don't forget to listen to the official SCORE jingle right here!
Submitted by Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos, CARL President

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu!
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Getting to Know You is a series of interviews with CARL leadership, designed to give CARL members an opportunity to get to know the Executive Board better.
Tell us about how you got involved with CARL and how you came to your current role on the Executive Board
A fellow librarian who had been on the board heard that the sitting CARL archivist was vacating the position and they were looking for someone to take on the role. In addition, this person had the storage to hold CARL’s records. Besides working as a rare book librarian, I am also an archivist and had been interested in getting more deeply involved with CARL, so this seemed like an excellent chance to do just that.
Give us a day in life of CARL Archivist
When I first received the CARL archive I was very busy with re-organizing the records and bringing them up to modern archival standards with the eventual production of a finding aid for the material. Since that initial flurry of activity, which took a good part of a year, my routine is much more sedate. I add material to the archives as it is warranted; a large part of this material consists of the board minutes. Every so often someone, will send me something, but that hasn’t happened for almost a year.
Tell us a little bit about your work at Chapman University
I run the Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives. It is a relatively new department, just about ten years old, so our holdings are still developing. Like most academic librarians, I wear many hats: besides rare books, I am also an archivist, I give talks on the history of the book to visiting classes and I recently curated a permanent exhibit dealing with Huell Howser and his California’s Gold television program.
Who do you admire more than anyone else in librarianship?
The circulation staff who can deal with challenging patrons and still keep a smile on their faces and a professional demeanor.
Describe your dream library
The Huntington, ‘nuf said.
Which database would you take with you to a desert island?
That would be a tie between JSTOR and The Proceedings of the Old Bailey.
What are you reading right now?
I keep several going at once, but the one I am actively reading is A Slight Trick of the Mind by Mitch Cullin, a graceful novel that might not be for all fans of Sherlock Holmes, but is still very good.
Share a favorite quote
“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library” — Shelby Foote
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to throw cutlery with amazing accuracy and speed.
What is your totem/spirit animal?
The library cat.

Amazing speed and, one hopes, accuracy (photo courtesy of Helena de Barros)
Interview conducted by Nicole Allensworth, San Francisco State, CARL Newsletter Editor |
CARL Business
CARL Executive Board Meeting
GoToMeeting Conference Call
September 5, 2014, 9:00am — 10:30am
Allie Carr, Annette Marines, Brett Bodemer, Melissa Browne, Annie Knight, Billy Pashaie, April Cunningham, Shana Higgins, Hesper Wilson, Gayatri Singh (notes), Erika Montenegro, Pam Howard, Nicole Allensworth, Kathlene Hanson
Meeting Summary:
Announcements and updates were given regarding the following items: the next Board meeting will be on December 12th at San Francisco State University, likely from 10:00am — 3:00pm. Attendees who do not have travel funds through their own institutions may request travel reimbursement through CARL. Allie Carr may be able to set up a teleconferencing option.
CARL membership renewal is underway. The Mentorship Committee is working on revamping the application form, as well as creating documentation for mentors and mentees to help clarify the duties/roles. There are currently 33 mentors and 14 mentees. Hesper Wilson has agreed to “blind” Research Grant applications before the Grant Committee reviews them. Billy Pashaie will step down as Interest Group Coordinator at the end of the year. The call has gone out for CARL Newsletter content. Nicole Allensworth thanks Annie Knight, Billy Pashaie and Erika Montenegro for their outstanding content contributions and editorial work to the current newsletter.
Discussion items:
Melissa Browne drafted new options for the Membership Form (Experts Directory) for Areas of Expertise and Areas of Interest; these changes were approved by the Board. These sections will also be added to the forms for students and retired members. The Board reviewed the Journal Exploration Report (Billy Pashaie et al) and asked questions related to monetary costs, time commitment, hosting, the editorial process and publication time. Voting has been postponed to the December meeting so that the Journal Committee can address some of the above questions as well as choose a publishing platform for the journal. The Standing Rules Committee will meet separately and report to the Board in December. Current progress on the Standing Rules can be accessed here:
New Items:
There was no New Business to discuss.
The meeting adjourned at 10:04am. Quarterly officer reports and committee reports were attached to the full meeting minutes.
Submitted by Debi Hoffmann, CSU Channel Islands, CARL Secretary
It's time to renew your CARL membership (thank you to those who have already renewed)! All memberships now run September 1st through August 31st. Rates are the same as last year: $20 for students and retirees and $40 for regular members.
To Renew:
- Go to the CARL Membership page
- Select "Renew Your Membership or Become a Member Today" to log in and proceed through the brief application. Consider adding a new Interest Group to your membership!
- Pay online by credit card or by sending a check through the mail.
CARL'S membership stands at 444. Of these, 43 are students or retirees, while the remaining 401 are regular members.
Interest Group Memberships, 3rd quarter:
57 |
Submitted by Melissa Browne, UC Davis, CARL Membership Director
Congratulations to Emily Woolery for being awarded the inaugural CARL Member of the Quarter Award! Emily is a well-deserved recipient who has served CARL and many CARL interest groups in various capacities over the past several years, as outlined below in her personal statement:
“I became involved in CARL fairly early in my career as a librarian. I was introduced to CARL about fifteen years ago by two fabulous librarians, Teresa Omidsalar and Lise Snyder. Because my professional interests lie in reference and instruction, my contributions have mainly been to CARLDIG and SCIL. However, I also served on CARL Nominating & Elections Committees. With limited time, my contributions are currently focused on CARLDIG planning; however, I am open to attending any and all interest group programs.
One of my favorite memories of CARL was leading an Election Committee in Fall 2005, when I was very pregnant with my son, James. I was sending email messages to the committee and tying up loose ends just a few hours before going into labor. Thanks to amazing folks like Suellen Cox, John McGinnis, Kelly Janousek and Jean Purnell, the election process went just fine. What fun it was to plan for a CARL election while also planning for my newest family member!
I love participating in CARL because I can be surrounded by many interesting and talented librarians. I learn and grow when attending conferences, planning meetings, programs, and tours. I also enjoy connecting with librarians across our academic systems. While I strongly value the professional opportunities that CARL brings, I also find great comfort in the relationships that I have developed. My ability to participate in CARL has been up and down over the years, yet when I am able to return, I am always welcomed back with warmth.” — Emily Woolery
Emily’s involvement with CARL and CARL interest groups includes:
- Longtime, active member of SCIL (Secretary in 2005; Chaired the 2004 California Regional Immersion Committee in 2004) and CARLDIG-S (Webmaster in 2008; Chair in 2004)
- Nominating and Elections Committee for CARL (Chair in 2005; Member in 2004 and 2011)
- Presented “Collection management-related issues: Canceling our print/microform versions” at the 1999 CARL Collection Development Interest Group program
The Member of the Quarter Award Committee would like to thank Billy Pashaie for his nomination of Emily.
Annie Knight, Chair, Santa Ana University
Hesper Wilson, San Francisco State University
Nicole Allensworth, San Francisco State University
Submitted by Annie Knight, Santa Ana College, CARL Director-at-Large, Private Colleges & Universities
According to CARL Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, every member of CARL has the right to hold any office within the Association. To qualify for office, nominees must be CARL and ACRL members. With that, we open the call for nominations (including self-nominations) for the following CARL Offices:
- Northern Vice President / President Elect — 3 year term (2 years as Vice-President, followed by 1 year as President)
- Treasurer — 3 year term
- Director at Large (CSU) — 2 year term
- Director at Large (UC) — 2 year term
Officer duties are described in the CARL Bylaws. Elected officers must attend four CARL Board meetings a year, two virtual and two in person (not specified in the Bylaws). Newly elected officers will be asked to attend the in-person transitional board meeting in San Francisco, California on Friday, December 12, 2014.
CARL Elections Calendar:
- November 5 — Nominations due (as email to Annette Marines)
- November 8 — Statement of Candidacy Form due (fill out form here)
- November 10-20 — Elections
- November 20 — Candidates notified
- December 12 — Executive Board Transition Meeting
Please contact the Nominations and Elections Committee with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
2014 Nominations and Elections Committee:
Megan Kinney, Contra Costa Community College
Ben Lea, USC
Annette Marines, Vice President, North (Committee Chair), UCSC
Teresa P Omidsalar, CSU LA
Anthony R Sanchez, UCR
ALA President Calls for Advocacy
In September, Courtney L. Young (ALA president and head librarian at Pennsylvania State University, Greater Allegheny campus) challenged ALA’s members to “spend an average of just one hour a week on library advocacy” and she offered some examples:
- Advocacy is working with other colleagues who are actively involved. They’ll be happy to have you join them and will show you the ropes if you’re a newbie or simply shy.
- Advocacy is meeting with your local officials (and campus leadership) to talk about your library and its impact on and importance to local community members of all ages.
- Advocacy is taking every opportunity to speak at your local Rotary Club, church, PTA, AAUW, or any of a hundred other organizations, to tell the story of how crucial libraries are in the 21st century.
- Advocacy is proactively inviting members of Congress, state representatives, and local officials to your library for a simple visit, town meeting, or even a hosted debate to help build personal relationships and invest in them a full sense of libraries’ value that will be critical when, for example, difficult funding and other policy decisions are being made.
Check out ALA’s Advocacy University site if you want to get inspired and get started.
Net Neutrality
ALA and ACRL have joined with other educational associations to call on the FCC to create “enforceable policies and rules to protect and promote the open Internet” from Internet access providers who “currently have the opportunity and financial incentive to block, degrade or discriminate against certain content, services, and applications.” These comments were submitted during the open public comment period for the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet.” The comment period ended on September 15, 2014.
The issue is whether and how the FCC will explicitly prohibit Internet access providers from implementing “paid prioritization” strategies. Opponents of paid prioritization, including ALA, ACRL, Mozilla, and Netflix, raise concerns that Internet access providers could create a “fast-lane” and “slow-lane” by selling "faster or prioritized transmission to certain entities, or they could degrade Internet applications that compete with the ISPs’ own services. Libraries and higher education institutions that cannot afford to pay extra fees could be relegated to the ‘slow lane’” (p. 12).
Two additional Open Internet Roundtable Discussions about the FCC’s open Internet proposals were held earlier this month; the archived videos can be seen here and here.
Here are some easy ways to contact the FCC and members of Congress and tell them to take the necessary steps to protect net neutrality and all Internet users and developers.
Knight Foundation News Challenge
The Knight Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports journalism, media innovation, community engagement, and the arts. In September it launched a “News Challenge” seeking proposals that answer the question “How might we leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities?” Winning projects will be announced on January 30, 2015. Previous News Challenges have funded projects to promote open government and health data.
Advocacy Updates
On August 22, the state senate confirmed Greg Lucas’ appointment as California’s State Librarian.
In the April 2014 CARL Newsletter, the advocacy report included information about the proposed 2015 federal budget that would have eliminated funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). A continuing resolution was passed on September 18, which will keep all federal funding at 2014 levels until an omnibus spending bill is passed, possibly in early 2015.
Submitted by April Cunningham, Palomar College, CARL Advocacy Liaison
You can contact April here — please include "Advocacy Liaison" in the subject of your email
The poem in the July newsletter could best be produced when processed through a machine. But is art in the product or the process? I present you with "[at]tribute” — a process that is itself a poem.
#import "biblio.gn.ost"
public class fantasy
private string desire ( )
scale factor=max value ( );
echo "[res]";
continue desire ( );
void fantasy ( );
// at[tribute]
// billy pashaie |
Submitted by Billy Pashaie, Cypress College, Interest Group Coordinator
Interest Group News
When: Friday, December 5, 2014
Where: Mt. San Antonio College, 1100 N Grand Ave, Walnut, CA 91789
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (tentative)
On Friday, December 5th, CARLDIG-S and the Library at Mt. San Antonio College will co-host a half-day workshop, “Hacking Reference: Engaging the 'Whole' Student" at the Mt. SAC Library. Workshop attendees will hear from different presenters about how academic libraries are engaging students through spaces, programming, service learning, marketing, and outreach. Registration form and more information is available right here.
For more information, please contact Suzanne Im here. We hope to see you there!

On Friday, July 18th, twenty librarians joined CARLDIG-S on a fieldtrip to Homeboy Industries for a tour of the facilities, a discussion about their library project, and lunch at the Homegirl Café next door.
Our tour was led by two members of Homeboy Industries, Janet Contreras and Sal Chacon. The tour started off in the Homeboy garden, where members grow fresh produce to be used in the eclectic menu at the Homegirl Café. There, Sal Chacon recounted the harrowing tale of how he became involved with gang; his father was a drug dealer, so his path was slanted in that direction from birth. He and his brother were taken into foster care after their parents were jailed for drug possession. After years of running with a gang and spending time in and out of jail, he finally made the decision to join Homeboy Industries after experiencing betrayal by a fellow gang member. Homeboy’s educational services have put him on the path to becoming a social worker. His experience in the foster system as a child has fueled his desire to advocate for foster children through this career path.
Janet Contreras walked us through the café and facilities and provided an overview of Homeboy’s programs and social enterprises. It is nearly impossible for ex-gang members to find employment due to their criminal history, so Homeboy Industries hires them to work. Homegirl Café is but one part of a multi-pronged effort to employ those who go through their program. Homeboy Industries’ ventures expand into catering, selling at the farmer’s market and grocery stores, and even operating a food truck. Homeboys may also work for their silkscreen and embroidery service. Aside from employment services, Homeboy Industries offers legal services, free tattoo removal, and mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence services. The facility was bursting with activity; it was an inspiring and enlightening sight to behold.
Lizette Guerra, Archivist and Librarian at the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, spoke about the development of the Homeboy Industries Library following the tour. Lizette explained that the original idea was to populate the library with academic texts in order to bring university level education to this urban population. However, after obtaining feedback from Homeboy Industries members, they now want the library to include popular interest reading material to encourage lifelong learning among Homeboys and Homegirls. Volunteers have even started up a book club at Homeboy Industries.
A follow-up CARLDIG-S field trip to Homeboy Industries to view the finished library will be scheduled in 2015. Look out for the announcement!
If you would like to volunteer with Homeboy Industries Library, or make a donation, please contact Lizette Guerra.
Submitted by Suzanne Im, UC Santa Barbara |
People News
Vivian Linderman, Citrus College and CSUDH, facilitated a discussion along with Jennifer Paris, Mira Costa College, and Mary McMillan, El Camino College, on “Library Value: Assessing and Measuring What Matters” at the California Community College Library Unconference held at Santa Barbara City College in early May. Vivian also led a session entitled “Values Driven Services: What Are Your Library's Core Values?” for the ACRL-ULS division at the ALA Annual Conference held in Las Vegas in June.
Places News
Marianne Afifi has retired as the Associate Dean of the Oviatt Library at California State University Northridge as of August 2014. However, she will continue to work there part time, participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) as a project librarian.
Mark Bilby started as the Reference Librarian at Claremont School of Theology on June 9, 2014.
The Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is happy to announce the hiring of new librarian Chris Bulock. Bulock holds an MLIS from the University of California, Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science with an emphasis in Psychology from Occidental College. He worked as an Electronic Resources Librarian at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, from 2009 to 2014. Bulock began his new position at CSUN as Electronic Resources Librarian in the Oviatt Library’s Collection Access and Management Services Department on August 18, 2014.

Gabriel J. Gardner |
Gabriel J. Gardner is the new librarian for Romance, German, Russian Languages & Literatures and Linguistics at California State University, Long Beach. Previously, he served as the Criminology, Sociology, and Foreign Languages & Literatures librarian at University of Minnesota Duluth. Gabriel holds a B.A. in Spanish from Elmhurst College and an M.L.S. from Indiana University Bloomington. |
California State University, Channel Islands is excited to welcome Colleen Harris-Keith. Colleen comes to CSU Channel Islands from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, where she served as Reference and Instruction Librarian with collection development and liaison responsibilities to Creative Writing and Political Science. There she helped to develop online tutorials for both residential and distance students, taught information literacy sessions in both the graduate and undergraduate curriculum, and assisted faculty with integrating information literacy standards into assignments. Prior to that, she served as UTC’s Head of Access Services, where she helped to evaluate the ILL unit before the library’s recent re-structuring, assisted with planning the service points and layout of UTC’s new high-tech $48 million library slated to open in January 2015, and participated in Faculty Senate activities which led to the library being a required signatory for new academic program proposals.
Annie Knight began her new position as a reference and instruction librarian at Santa Ana College’s Nealley Library this past August.
Dr. Pearl Ly has joined College of Marin Libraries as the Director of Library Services. Pearl holds a MLIS as well as a MA in Latin American Studies from UCLA. She recently completed a Joint Doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCSD/CSU San Marcos and her dissertation was titled Chief librarians: The leadership and administration of community college libraries. Pearl is also the Northwest representative for the California Community Colleges Council of Chief Librarians executive board. Pearl is enjoying exploring San Francisco and the Bay Area.
Caitlin Plovnick joined Sonoma State University Library Faculty as First-Year Instruction and Outreach Librarian, where she is working closely with first-year students and serving as a liaison to the School of Science and Technology. Caitlin comes to SSU from the University of California Irvine, where she was a Reference and Instruction Librarian.

Adam Mann |
The Leonard Library at San Francisco State University welcomes Adam Mann, who started October 1st in Research & Instructional Services. Adam comes to SF State after working a little more than a year at Innovative Interfaces in Emeryville. He is a 2013 MLIS graduate from the Library Information Science program at the University of Illinois where he also completed his undergrad degree. |
Mellanie Reeve joined the Reference Team at Chaffey College Library as the newest full-time faculty member based at the Rancho campus. She received her MLIS from San Jose State University and has previously worked at Cerritos College, Rio Hondo College, and Los Angeles Southwest College before accepting the tenure-track librarian position with Chaffey College. Prior to pursuing a career in librarianship, Mellanie worked in web and graphic design and since becoming a librarian has redesigned several library websites. She currently chairs the Technology Interest Group and the Awards Committee with the California Library Association and looks forward to becoming more involved at Chaffey College.
Karen Tercho
Cid Tenpas returned to Moreno Valley College as a full time Public Services Librarian. As of July 1, 2014, the Dean of the Library position at the Moreno Valley College, one of the three colleges in the Riverside Community College District, has been eliminated. The library is now under the direction of the Dean of Instruction office. While not intending to end her career as a library administrator, the Moreno Valley College Library is extremely happy Ms. Tenpas has chosen to take her retreat rights and serve as a Public Services Librarian.
Karen Tercho was recently hired as Public Services Librarian at Sacramento City College. |
Irene Truong recently joined Rio Hondo College's library faculty. She graduated from UCLA with a MLIS degree and has worked previously at East Los Angeles College, Pasadena City College, 20th Century Fox Research Library, and most recently at Marymount California University’s library.
Andrew Tweet |
Andrew Tweet has been promoted to Associate University Librarian for William Jessup University. In his new role, he will oversee library public services, collections, technical services, electronic resources, and of course "other duties as assigned by the University Librarian."
The Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge is happy to announce the appointment of new Online Instructional Design and Education Librarian Felicia Vertrees. Vertrees received her B.A. from Eastern Illinois University and her M.L.I.S. from San Jose State University. She previously worked as a librarian at Alliant International University, Multnomah County Library, and Culver City Julian Dixon Library. Vertrees also has extensive experience as an editor and her chapter on “Google+ for Networking and Research” recently was accepted for publication in a book titled Google in Libraries: Uses for Patron, Student and Staff, to be published by Scarecrow Press. |
Ya Wang and Jeff Rosen have been appointed Division Heads and Library Co-Chairs at the Leonard Library, San Francisco State University. Ya Wang is Division Head for Collection Management Services and Jeff Rosen is Division Head for Research & Instructional Services and Special Collections.
The Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is happy to welcome new faculty member Delphia Williams. Williams began work at the Oviatt in 1982 as an undergraduate student assistant shelving books in Library Circulation. In 1985 she was hired into a part-time staff position in the Library’s Reserve Book Room. Starting in 1994, Williams began work in Library Acquisitions at the Oviatt and for the past six years she served as Acquisitions Supervisor. Williams holds an MLIS from San Jose State University, a Bachelor of Arts from CSUN in Sociology with an emphasis in Social Work, and a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in English Literature, also from CSUN. Williams officially began as an Acquisitions Librarian in the Oviatt Library’s Collection Access and Management Services Department on July 31, 2014.
Mary Woods has been appointed Digital Services Librarian at The Oviatt Library at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), working in the Library’s Collection Access and Management Services Department. Woods has worked at the Oviatt since 2013 as a Digital Materials Cataloging Assistant. She earned her MLIS from San Jose State University and her Bachelor of Arts in Film & Television (Art History minor) from Chapman University. Woods began her new assignment on July 31, 2014.
Hank Lacayo Papers at CSU Channel Islands
The John Spoor Broome Library at California State University Channel Islands is pleased to announce the donation of the Hank Lacayo Papers. Henry L. “Hank” Lacayo has had a distinguished career as an executive representing the United Auto Workers of America (UAW) and as a recognized national labor leader in the American political scene. He began his career in labor in 1953, and soon was elected President of UAW Local 887, representing more than 30,000 workers at North American Aviation, later Rockwell International. He has been and continues to be involved in the electoral process of U.S. Representatives, Senators, Governors and other state legislators, and national advocacy organizations in the U.S. and in other countries. He is active in public advocacy, labor, minority rights, politics and legislation at the state and federal level, and formed H.L. & Associates, a consulting firm representing interests in labor and management issues, government issues, community relations, senior citizen issues and international affairs. The collection includes his papers, photographs, audio, video, manuscripts, and ephemera and will be digitized so that it can be made available to researchers around the world.
Submitted by Amy Wallace, CSU Channel Islands
Lynn Woolsey Congressional Papers at Sonoma State University
Lynn C. Woolsey, retired representative for California's 6th congressional district, has donated her public papers to the Sonoma State University Library in the Jean & Charles Schulz Information Center. During her tenure in the House of Representatives (1993-2013), Congresswoman Woolsey had a strong pro-education voting record and championed causes related to the environment, women, children, diversity, and peace.
The Lynn Woolsey Congressional papers consist of ninety-seven boxes of legislative papers, including introduced bills, speeches, awards, manuscripts, and visual media documenting her many years of dedicated service to the counties of Sonoma and Marin.
The Special Collections Department of the University Library, with the assistance of student interns, is conducting a comprehensive inventory in order to create a detailed online finding aid. Access to the papers is by appointment. For additional information, contact the University Library’s Special Collections Department.
World War I Tanner Letters at Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University Library Special Collections Department was delighted when student employees Sara Dinari and Gracie Lock took a special interest in a project to digitize the Library’s collection of World War I Tanner letters. With assistance from librarian Lynn Prime, the students authored a piece just published in the Society of American Archivists’ Archival Outlook newsletter on their digitization efforts, and their detective work to discover the history of the Tanner family in Santa Rosa.
The Tanner letters document the wartime experiences of a Santa Rosa, California soldier and his sister, a nurse. Although all letters written by soldiers and nurses during the war were at the mercy of government censors, Edward and Eliza Tanner managed to include in their letters home – among veiled mentions of their wartime experiences in 1917 and 1918 – an abundance of references to popular culture of the time, descriptions of their time stationed in France, and a blatant disgust for, of all things, the French weather.
The letters are fascinating reading, and the hunt to discover information about the Tanner family is equally so. You can read the student-authored article “Finding Edward: Discovering the Character and Fate of a World War I Veteran” online at the SAA website. And you can read some of the Tanner Letters yourself in our North Bay Digital Collections. For more information contact the SSU Library’s Special Collections Department.
Submitted by Paula Hammet, Sonoma State University
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About the CARL Newsletter
A special thank you to Annie Knight for assisting with editorial duties on this issue of the CARL Newsletter!
The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly. The RSS feed for this newsletter is available at http://www.carl-acrl.org/newsletter/feed.xml.
Deadlines for submissions: March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15.
Newsletter submissions, including creative contributions, People News and Places News should be sent to carlnewsletter@gmail.com. For corrections, questions and comments please contact the Editor, Nicole Allensworth (nallensw@sfsu.edu), J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132