California Academic and Research Libraries
California Academic and Research Libraries
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Guidelines for Submitting Material to the CARL Archives

An organization's records are systematically preserved in its archives.  A complete collection of an organization's records are valuable for a historical perspective on the philosophy and activities of that organization as well as being useful in future decision-making and problem-solving.  The CARL Archives are available to CARL and Interest Group officers and to all CARL members for general informational purposes, for use in answering questions and for the provision of sample documents.

History of the Archives

The California Academic and Research Libraries Archives contains documents produced since 1979, after the merger of the Chapter of Academic and Research Librarians, an independent chapter of the California Library Association (also known as CARL) and with Northern and Southern Chapters of ACRL.  In the past years CARL archival materials were collected and maintained by the CARL immediate past president.  In 1984 Past President Ruth Hafter maintained the archives, making some modifications in their arrangement and producing an index to the archives.  With the continued increase in level of activities of both CARL and its Interest Groups there has been a corresponding increase in archival documents to collect and a greater responsibility on the part of the archivist to oversee the operation.  In 1985 the CARL Board of Directors decided that a new position of CARL Archivist should be created, relieving CARL past presidents from this duty.  This two year appointive position was officially established May 1985.

Role of the Archivist

The CARL Archivist is responsible for collecting and collocating all CARL related documents.  He/She will fill in gapes in the collection by locating and requesting records when necessary.  The archivist will service as a resource person for CARL officers and members, retrieving information from the archives at their request.

The CARL Archivist will issue "Guidelines for Submitting Material to the CARL Archives" each January to the new CARL Board of Directors, Program Committee chairs, Interest Group chairs, CARL Newsletter Editor and other individuals that the Archivist believes are appropriate to the fulfillment of his/her functions.  The Guidelines will also be included in the CARL Administrative Manual.

Role of the Officers and Interest Group Program Chairs

In order for the archives to be as complete and as useful as possible it is vital that all CARL officers, CARL Interest Group officers an al Program Chairs be responsible for routing one copy of all documents to the CARL Archivist. The CARL Archivist should be placed on all routing lists to insure that archival material be placed in the archives in a timely and thorough manner. Every effort should be made to route documents to the archives at the time they are first issued, rather than batched and mailed at periodic intervals.

Items to be Submitted to CARL Archives

One copy of all documentation generated as a result of CARL or CARL Interest Group activities is to be sent to the CARL Archivist for inclusion in the CARL Archives. This includes, but is not limited to, documentation created by CARL officers, committees (program or special), Interest Group records, all correspondence to and/or from the aforementioned groups, as well as any publications issued by CARL or its Interest Groups. Some examples of specific categories of documents to be sent to the CARL Archives include the following:


  • Chapter annual and midyear reports to ACRL
  • Budget requests; Budgets approved
  • Continuing education
  • Other

CARL Annual Regional Meetings

  • Meeting agendas
  • Minutes
  • Reports

CARL Board of Directors

  • Bylaws and Constitution
  • Master Calendar
  • Minutes
  • Roster
  • Responsibilities of Board members
  • Documents
  • Treasure’s Reports
  • -Application for Non-Profit Status, Tax Filings, etc.
  • Other

CARL Conference Committee

  • Minutes
  • Committee rosters
  • Correspondence
  • Program budgets
  • Program summaries
  • Program flyers
  • Other

CARL Interest Groups

  • Board of Directors Roster
  • Annual reports
  • Bylaws
  • Committee rosters (Program, Special, etc.)
  • Board of Directors minutes
  • Financial statements
  • Membership list
  • Program flyers
  • Program summaries
  • Other

CARL Campus Liaison Coordinators

  • Roster
  • Activities
  • Correspondence

CARL Nominating and Elections Committee

  • Calendar
  • Correspondence
  • Guidelines
  • Nominating Committee information
  • Election results

CARL Awards Committee

  • Criteria
  • Calendar
  • Membership Roster

CARL Membership Committee and Chair

  • Directory (a copy of new run to Archives)
  • Mailings to members
  • Member Questionnaire, 1984
  • Membership application forms
  • Samples of membership advertising
  • Membership reports
  • Minutes from Committee Meetings
  • Other

CARL Committee on Organization

  • Minutes of Meetings
  • Reports
  • Roster of Members

CARL Ad hoc Committees

  • Minutes of Meetings
  • Reports
  • Roster of Members

CARL Newsletter Editor

  • 1 copy of each Newsletter
  • Documentation in relation to it (i.e. advertising issue, etc.)

Publications (CARL or Interest Groups)

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