11th CARL Conference 2006

Beyond the Ivory Tower:
Creative Strategies for Learning & Leading

April 20-23, 2006.
     Conference News

Schedule Speakers Pre-conference Poster Sessions
Breakout Sessions Registration & Lodging Travel Options Sponsors Local Attractions

Announcement: The Poster Session Proposal Deadline has past.

Important Dates:

What is a poster session? Posters are a tried-and-true method of communicating your ideas or research to conference participants.

A poster session is like an exhibition in which librarians deliver their presentations in visual form using poster-type displays. Poster sessions can be used to present a variety of topics including: a report of a research study, an analysis of a practical problem-solving effort, a description of an innovative program, an innovative idea or library program, or a new application of technology.

An effective poster presentation highlights visually the main points or components of a topic. Posters are generally a mixture of brief narrative, pictures, tables, graphs, and/or data. Handouts are often used to supplement the display as well as to give conference participants something to take with them for future reference.

For conference participants, poster presentations provide an opportunity to quickly and easily become acquainted with a topic. During specified times, conference attendees can talk directly with presenters and ask questions. In turn, presenters polish their public speaking skills while discussing their work with viewers.

Why consider presenting a poster session? Two primary reasons.

  1. For many librarians, a poster can be a better presentation format than the traditional oral presentation, particularly for research studies. Often, conference presenters, even those who use overheads and PowerPoint, do have enough time to provide their audience with sufficient details to take in all the statistical information or other data. A poster can allow for a clearer and more reflective process of presentation, especially of statistical or visual information. The narrative of every poster, including main points and conclusions can be highlighted and therefore absorbed at each person's own pace as they view the display.
  2. Poster sessions are also a great way for a new or unseasoned librarian to begin presenting at conferences. These sessions are less formal and presenters can speak one-on-one with individuals rather than addressing a large room full of people.

How to Submit a Proposal

Proposals should be submitted electronically via e-mail and should include an attachment in .doc, .txt, or .rtf format that contains the following information:

  1. Primary contact person
  2. Poster title
  3. Names of all poster presenters in addition to primary contact person. Include the following contact information:
    1. Preferred listing of name
    2. Position Title
    3. Institution
    4. Mailing address
    5. E-mail address
  4. Brief description (2-3 sentences – 50 words)
  5. Detailed abstract (200-300 words)

Please send proposals electronically to:

Kristin Johnson ( ;), Chair, 11th CARL Conference 2006 Poster Session Committee. Kris will send an email acknowledgement after receipt of proposals.

Selection Criteria:

Poster proposals will be peer reviewed and selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Clarity and organization
  2. Potential interest to CARL attendees
  3. Overall fit within the conference theme
  4. Practicality/utility
  5. Methodology/ potential for further study (if a research study)


Proposals are due by :  Monday, January 23, 2006.
Notification of accepted proposals will begin: Monday, January 30, 2006

Poster Session Committee

Kristin Johnson, Chair. CSU, Chico
Lisa Bartle, committee member. CSU, San Bernardino
Amy Andres, committee member. CSU, Stanislaus

Feel free to contact Kris with any questions. 530-898-5686 or

CARL is an independent chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The information on this web site is wholly the responsibility of CARL and implies no endorsement by ACRL National.